< Isaiah 55 >

1 Come, everyone of you who's thirsty, come and drink the water! You who don't have money, come—you can buy and eat! Come and buy wine and milk—you don't need money; there's no cost!
“Uyai imi mose mune nyota, uyai kumvura zhinji; nemi musina mari, uyai, mutenge uye mudye! Uyai mutenge waini nomukaka pasina mari uye pasina mutengo.
2 Why are you spending money on what isn't food, and why work for something that doesn't satisfy you? Listen carefully to me: eat what is good, and you'll enjoy the very best food.
Ko, munopedzerei mari pazvinhu zvisati zviri zvokudya, nesimba renyu pazvinhu zvisingagutsi? Teererai, nditeererei mugodya zvakanaka, uye mweya yenyu ichafarira zvakakora zvezvakanaka.
3 Come here, and pay attention, so you can truly live. I'm going to make an agreement with you that will last forever, based on the trustworthy love I showed to David.
Rerekai nzeve yenyu muuye kwandiri; ndinzwei kuti mweya yenyu irarame. Ndichaita sungano isingaperi nemi, iko kutendeka kworudo rwangu rwakavimbiswa kuna Dhavhidhi.
4 See how I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander for them.
Tarirai, ndakamuita chapupu kumarudzi, mutungamiri nomukuru wamarudzi.
5 You will call nations you don't even know, and nations who don't know you will come running to you. For the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, I made you glorious.
Zvirokwazvo uchakoka ndudzi dzausina kumboziva, uye ndudzi dzisingakuzive dzichamhanyira kwauri, nokuda kwaJehovha Mwari wako, Mutsvene waIsraeri, nokuti iye akakufukidza nokubwinya.”
6 Look for the Lord while you can still find him; call out to him while he's nearby.
Tsvakai Jehovha achawanikwa: danai kwaari achiri pedyo.
7 Wicked people should change their ways and get rid of even the thought of doing something wrong. They should turn to the Lord so he can be merciful to them. Come back to our God, because he's generous with his forgiveness.
Akashata ngaasiye nzira yake, nomunhu akaipa mirangariro yake. Ngaadzokere kuna Jehovha, uye iye achamunzwira ngoni, nokuna Mwari wedu, nokuti achakanganwirwa zvikuru.
8 For your thoughts are not my thoughts; and your ways are not my ways, declares the Lord.
“Nokuti ndangariro dzangu hadzizi ndangariro dzenyu, uye nzira dzenyu hadzizi nzira dzangu,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
9 In the same way the heavens are higher than the earth, my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
“Sokukwirira kwakaita matenga kupfuura nyika, saizvozvo nzira dzangu dzakakwirira kupinda dzenyu, nendangariro dzangu kupfuura ndangariro dzenyu.
10 It's like the rain and snow that fall from heaven. They don't go back there until they've watered the earth, making plants grow and flower, providing seeds for the sower and food to eat.
Sezvinoita mvura nechando zvinoburuka kubva kudenga, zvisingadzokeriko zvisina kudiridza nyika nokuita kuti ibukire uye ibereke zvakawanda, kuitira kuti iberekere mudyari wembeu, uye ipe chingwa kune anodya,
11 In the same way the words I say don't come back to me unfulfilled, they accomplish what I want—they successfully achieve my purpose.
saizvozvo neshoko rangu rinobuda mumuromo mangu: Haringadzokeri kwandiri risina chinhu, asi richaita zvinondifadza, uye richaita zvandakarituma.
12 You will live happily, taught the ways of peace. Mountains and hills will celebrate, singing beside you; and all the trees will clap their hands!
Muchabuda nomufaro, uye muchafambiswa murugare; makomo nezvikomo zvichapururudza uye zvichaimba rwiyo pamberi penyu, uye miti yose yeminda ichauchira maoko ayo.
13 Cypress trees will grow instead of thorn bushes; myrtle trees will grow instead of brambles. This is to confirm the Lord's reputation—an everlasting sign, never to be destroyed.
Pachinzvimbo chomunzwa pachamera muti womupaini, pachinzvimbo chorukato pachamera mumite. Izvi zvichava mukurumbira waJehovha, nechiratidzo chokusingaperi, chisingazoparadzwi.”

< Isaiah 55 >