< Isaiah 51 >

1 Listen to me, those of you who follow what is right, and who worship the Lord. Think about the rock from which you were cut, and to the quarry from which you were chiseled.
“Nisikilizeni, ninyi mnaofuatia haki na mnaomtafuta Bwana: Tazameni mwamba ambako mlichongwa, na mahali pa kuvunjia mawe ambako mlichimbwa;
2 Look back at Abraham your father, and Sarah who gave birth to you. When I called him, he was only one man, but then I blessed him and he had many descendants.
mwangalieni Abrahamu, baba yenu, na Sara, ambaye aliwazaa. Wakati nilipomwita alikuwa mmoja tu, nami nikambariki na kumfanya kuwa wengi.
3 The Lord will care for Zion and feel sorry about all her ruined places. He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert areas like the garden of the Lord. People there will have joy and happiness, giving thanks and singing sweet songs.
Hakika Bwana ataifariji Sayuni, naye atayaangalia kwa huruma magofu yake yote; atayafanya majangwa yake yawe kama Edeni, nazo sehemu zake zisizolimika ziwe kama bustani ya Bwana. Shangwe na furaha zitakuwako ndani yake, shukrani na sauti za kuimba.
4 Pay attention to me, my people; listen to me, my nation: I will send out my law, and my justice will be a light to the nations.
“Nisikilizeni, watu wangu; nisikieni, taifa langu: Sheria itatoka kwangu; haki yangu itakuwa nuru kwa mataifa.
5 My rule of right will arrive soon. My salvation is coming. My power will bring judgment to the nations. The distant lands are waiting for me and my power.
Haki yangu inakaribia mbio, wokovu wangu unakuja, nao mkono wangu utaleta hukumu kwa mataifa. Visiwa vitanitegemea na kungojea mkono wangu kwa matumaini.
6 Look up at the heavens, and look down at the earth beneath. The heavens will disappear like smoke, the earth will wear out like old clothes. The people living there will die like flies, but my salvation will last forever, and my way of goodness and right will never be destroyed.
Inueni macho yenu mbinguni, mkaitazame dunia chini; mbingu zitatoweka kama moshi, dunia itachakaa kama vazi, na wakazi wake kufa kama mainzi. Bali wokovu wangu utadumu milele, haki yangu haitakoma kamwe.
7 Listen to me, you who know what's right, and who have really accepted my teachings. Don't be afraid of people's insults—they're just human—or be terrified by their abusive language.
“Nisikieni, ninyi mnaojua lililo sawa, ninyi watu ambao mna sheria yangu mioyoni mwenu: Msiogope mashutumu ya wanadamu wala msitiwe hofu na matukano yao.
8 Moths will eat them up like clothing; bugs will chew through them like wool. But my goodness will last forever, my salvation will endure for all generations.
Kwa maana nondo atawala kama vazi, nao funza atawatafuna kama sufu. Lakini haki yangu itadumu milele, wokovu wangu kwa vizazi vyote.”
9 Please wake up, wake up! Use your strength, powerful Lord! Act as you used to in olden days, in former generations. Weren't you the one who cut Rahab to pieces, who killed that sea monster?
Amka, Amka! Jivike nguvu, ewe mkono wa Bwana, Amka, kama siku zilizopita, kama vile vizazi vya zamani. Si ni wewe uliyemkata Rahabu vipande vipande, uliyemchoma yule joka?
10 Weren't you the one who dried up the sea, making a way through the deep waters for the redeemed to cross over?
Si ni wewe uliyekausha bahari, maji ya kilindi kikuu, uliyefanya barabara katika vilindi vya bahari ili waliokombolewa wapate kuvuka?
11 Those the Lord has set free will return, singing as they enter Jerusalem, wearing crowns of everlasting joy. They are overcome with thankfulness and happiness; sorrow and sadness simply disappear.
Wale waliolipiwa fidia na Bwana watarudi. Wataingia Sayuni wakiimba; furaha ya milele itakuwa taji juu ya vichwa vyao. Furaha na shangwe zitawapata, huzuni na kulia kwa uchungu kutatoweka.
12 It's me, yes, I am the one who comforts you. Why should you be afraid of mortals who die just like grass?
“Mimi, naam mimi, ndimi niwafarijie ninyi. Ninyi ni nani hata kuwaogopa wanadamu wanaokufa, wanadamu ambao ni majani tu,
13 You have forgotten the Lord, your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and who laid the foundations of the earth! That's why you shake with fear all day long, because you're threatened by the anger of those who oppress you, wanting to destroy you. But where are your oppressors and their anger now?
kwamba mnamsahau Bwana Muumba wenu, aliyezitanda mbingu na kuiweka misingi ya dunia, kwamba mnaishi katika hofu siku zote kwa sababu ya ghadhabu ya mdhalimu, ambaye nia yake ni kuangamiza? Iko wapi basi ghadhabu ya mdhalimu?
14 The prisoners that are bowed down will soon be set free. They're not going to die; they won't go on being hungry.
Wafungwa waliojikunyata kwa hofu watawekwa huru karibuni; hawatafia kwenye gereza lao, wala hawatakosa chakula.
15 For I am the Lord your God who whips up the sea so its waves roar. The Lord Almighty is his name.
Kwa maana Mimi ndimi Bwana, Mungu wako, ambaye huisukasuka bahari ili mawimbi yake yangurume: Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote ndilo jina lake.
16 I have told you what to say, and I have protected you with my hand. I created the heavens and founded the earth, and told Zion, “You are my people.”
Nimeweka maneno yangu kinywani mwako na kukufunika kwa uvuli wa mkono wangu: Mimi niliyeweka mbingu mahali pake, niliyeweka misingi ya dunia, niwaambiaye Sayuni, ‘Ninyi ni watu wangu.’”
17 Wake up, wake up! Get up, Jerusalem! You have drunk from the cup of the Lord's anger he handed to you. You have drained it down to the bottom of the cup, the drink that makes people stagger around.
Amka, amka! Simama, ee Yerusalemu, wewe uliyekunywa kutoka mkono wa Bwana kikombe cha ghadhabu yake, wewe uliyekunywa mpaka kufikia machujo yake, kikombe kile cha kunywea kiwafanyacho watu kuyumbayumba.
18 Of all your children you had, there's not one left to guide you. Of all the children you raised, there's not one to take you by the hand.
Kati ya wana wote aliowazaa hakuwepo hata mmoja wa kumwongoza, kati ya wana wote aliowalea hakuwepo hata mmoja wa kumshika mkono.
19 Two tragedies have struck you: devastation caused by famine, and destruction caused by war. Who is going to sympathize with you? Who is going to comfort you?
Majanga haya mawili yamekuja juu yako: ni nani awezaye kukufariji? Maangamizi, uharibifu, njaa na upanga: ni nani awezaye kukutuliza?
20 Your children have collapsed, lying in every street like antelopes caught in a trap. They experienced the full anger of the Lord, the condemnation of your God.
Wana wako wamezimia, wamelala kwenye mwanzo wa kila barabara, kama swala aliyenaswa kwenye wavu. Wamejazwa na ghadhabu ya Bwana na makaripio ya Mungu wako.
21 So please listen to this, you poor people, sitting there in a drunken state, but not from drinking wine.
Kwa hiyo sikiliza hili, wewe uliyeteswa, uliyelewa, lakini si kwa mvinyo.
22 This is what your Lord God says, your God, who defends his people's cause: Look! I have taken away from you the cup that made you stagger around. You will never again have to drink from that cup, the cup of my anger.
Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana Mwenyezi wako, Mungu wako, yeye ambaye huwatetea watu wake: “Tazama, nimeondoa mkononi mwako kikombe kilichokufanya uyumbayumbe; kutoka kikombe hicho, kikombe cha kunywa cha ghadhabu yangu, kamwe hutakunywa tena.
23 Instead I will give that cup to the people who tormented you, to those who said to you, “Lie face down so we can walk all over you.” You had to make your backs like the ground, like a street to be walked on.
Nitakiweka mikononi mwa watesi wako, wale waliokuambia, ‘Anguka kifudifudi ili tuweze kutembea juu yako.’ Ukaufanya mgongo wako kama ardhi, kama njia yao ya kupita.”

< Isaiah 51 >