< Isaiah 5 >
1 Let me sing a song for my love, about his vineyard. My love owned a vineyard on a productive hill.
Ndichaimbira mudiwa wangu rwiyo pamusoro pomunda wake wemizambiringa: Mudiwa wangu akanga ane munda wake wemizambiringa, pachikomo chakaorera.
2 He dug it over, cleared the ground of stones, and planted it with the very best vines. In the middle of it he built a watchtower, and he also cut out a winepress from the rock. Then he waited for a good harvest of grapes, but it only produced wild, sour grapes.
Akautimbira akabvisa mabwe akasimamo mazambiringa akaisvonaka. Akavaka shongwe mukati mawo uye akauchererawo chisviniro chewaini. Ipapo akatarisa kuti awane zvibereko zvamazambiringa akanaka, asi iwo wakangobereka muchero wakaipa chete.
3 “Now, you people who live in Jerusalem and Judah, please judge between me and my vineyard.
“Zvino imi vagari vomuJerusarema nemi varume veJudha, chitongai pakati pangu nomunda wemizambiringa wangu.
4 What more could I have done for my vineyard than I've already done? When I looked for sweet grapes, why did it only produce sour ones?
Chiiko chimwezve chaifanira kuitirwa munda wangu wemizambiringa chandisina kuuitira? Pandakatsvaka mazambiringa akanaka, wakagoberekerei akaipa oga?
5 So let me tell you what I'm going to do to my vineyard. I'll remove its hedge, and it will be destroyed. I'll tear down its wall, and it will be trampled underfoot.
Zvino ndichakuudzai zvandichaitira munda wangu wemizambiringa: Ndichabvisa ruzhowa rwawo, ugoparadzwa; ndichaputsa rusvingo rwawo, ugochatsikwa-tsikwa.
6 I'll turn it into a wasteland. It won't be pruned or weeded—it will be overgrown with brambles and thorns. I'll order the clouds not to rain on it.”
Ndichauita nzvimbo yamarara, hauzochekererwi kana kusakurirwa, uye minzwa norukato zvichakuramo. Ndicharayira makore kuti arege kunayisa mvura pamusoro pawo.”
7 Israel is the vineyard of the Lord Almighty, and the people of Judah are the plants in his garden that made him happy. Yet while he hoped for justice, he only saw injustice; he hoped people would live right, but he only heard the cries of those who were suffering.
Munda womuzambiringa waJehovha Wamasimba Ose ndiwo imba yaIsraeri, uye varume veJudha ndivo bindu rake rinomufadza. Zvino akatarisira kururamisira asi akaona kuteuka kweropa; akatsvaka kururuma, asi akanzwa kuchema kwokutambudzika.
8 Tragedy is coming to you who buy house upon house and field upon field, joining them all together until no one else has anywhere to live and you live alone in the land.
Mune nhamo imi munowedzera dzimba nedzimba uye munobatanidza munda nomunda, kusvikira pasisina nzvimbo yasara, mugogara moga munyika.
9 I heard the Lord Almighty declare: You can be sure that many houses are destined to become ruins, and beautiful mansions destined to become uninhabited.
Jehovha Wamasimba Ose akataura ndichinzwa akati, “Zvirokwazvo dzimba zhinji dzichava matongo, dzimba huru dzakanaka dzichashaya vanogaramo.
10 Ten acres of vineyard will only produce a six gallons of wine, and a measure of seed only a tenth of that in grain.
Maeka gumi omunda wemizambiringa achabereka bhati rimwe chete rewaini, uye homeri rembeu richabereka efa imwe chete rezviyo.”
11 Tragedy is coming to you who get up early in the morning wanting a drink, and who stay up late drinking wine until you're drunk.
Vane nhamo avo vanomuka mangwanani kuti vatsvake doro rinodhaka, vanogara kusvikira usiku, kusvikira vapengeswa newaini.
12 At their feasts you have lyres and harps, tambourines and flutes, and wine, but you don't ever consider what the Lord is doing, and you don't recognize his help.
Vanenge vane rudimbwa, nemitengeranwa pamabiko avo, namatambureni, nenyere newaini, asi havana hanya namabasa aJehovha, havana rukudzo nebasa ramaoko ake.
13 As a result my people will be exiled for their lack of understanding. Their honored leaders will starve, and the crowds will be dying of thirst.
Naizvozvo vanhu vangu vachapinda muutapwa, nokuda kwokushayiwa zivo; vanokudzwa vavo vachafa nenzara, uye vazhinji vavo vachafa nenyota.
14 The grave's appetite increases, its mouth opens wide, and Jerusalem's nobility and the masses will go down into it, along with the rowdy, drunken mobs. (Sheol )
Naizvozvo gehena rakawedzera kukara kwaro, uye rakazarura muromo waro zvinodarika mwero; mariri muchaburukira vanokudzwa vavo nevoruzhinji, navose vanokakavara vavo navanofara vavo. (Sheol )
15 Everyone will be brought down, everyone will be humbled; the proud will lower their eyes in humiliation.
Naizvozvo munhuwo zvake achadzikiswa, marudzi avanhu achaninipiswa, nameso avanozvikudza achaninipiswa.
16 But the Lord Almighty will be vindicated because he does what is right; the holy God will be shown to be holy because of his goodness.
Asi Jehovha Wamasimba Ose achakudzwa, nokuda kwokururamisira kwake, uye Mwari, mutsvene achazviratidza pachake kuti mutsvene, mukururama kwake.
17 Lambs will graze as in their own pasture; fattened livestock and goats will feed among the ruins of the rich.
Ipapo makwai achafura saari mumafuro awo; makwayana achadya pakati pamatongo avapfumi.
18 Tragedy is coming to you who pull along your sins behind you with iniquity with cords made of lies, and pulling with ropes a cartful of wickedness.
Vane nhamo avo vanokweva chivi nerwodzi rwokunyengera, uye zvakaipa sezvinenge mabote engoro,
19 You are among the people who say, “God should hurry up! Why doesn't God get a move on with what he's doing so we can see it? Why doesn't the Holy One of Israel execute his plan? Let's see it happen so we can understand what it is!”
uye nevanoti, “Mwari ngaakurumidze, ngaachimbidzike nebasa rake kuti tirione. Ngarisvike, urongwa hwoMutsvene waIsraeri ngahuuye, kuti tihuzive.”
20 Tragedy is coming to you who say evil is good, and good is evil; who turn darkness into light and light into darkness; who make bitter sweet, and sweet bitter.
Vane nhamo avo vanoti zvakaipa ndizvo zvakanaka, uye zvakanaka ndizvo zvakaipa, vanoisa rima panzvimbo yechiedza nechiedza panzvimbo yerima, vanoisa zvinovava panzvimbo yezvinotapira, nezvinotapira panzvimbo yezvinovava.
21 Tragedy is coming to you who are wise in your own eyes and think you're so clever.
Vane nhamo avo vanoti vakachenjera pameso avo, uye vakangwara pakuona kwavo.
22 Tragedy is coming to you who are wine-drinking champions, and experts at mixing alcoholic drinks;
Vane nhamo avo vanova mhare pakunwa waini, uye shasha pakuvhenganisa zvokunwa zvinodhaka,
23 you who set the guilty free for a bribe, and yet deny justice to the innocent.
vanopembedza ane mhosva nokuda kwefufuro, asi vanoramba kururamisira vasina mhosva.
24 In the same way fire burns up stubble and dry grass falls down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers disintegrate into dust. For they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty, and have treated with contempt what the Holy One of Israel has said.
Naizvozvo, samarimi omoto anonanzva mashanga, uye souswa hwakaoma hunomedzwa nemirazvo yemoto, naizvozvo midzi yavo ichaora uye maruva avo achapeperetswa seguruva; nokuti vakaramba murayiro waJehovha Wamasimba Ose, uye vakazvidza shoko roMutsvene waIsraeri.
25 That's why the Lord burns with anger against his people. He has lifted up his hand and hit them, shaking the mountains, and leaving their corpses lying like refuse in the streets. Despite all this, his anger is not finished, and his hand is still lifted up.
Naizvozvo kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwopfuta pamusoro pavanhu vake; ruoko rwake rwasimudzwa uye anovarovera pasi. Makomo anozungunuka, uye mitumbi yavakafa yaita samarara mumigwagwa. Kunyange zvakadaro nokuda kwezvose izvi, kutsamwa kwake hakuna kudzorwa, ruoko rwake rwaramba rwakasimudzwa.
26 He will send a signal to the distant nations, and will whistle for those living at the ends of the earth. See how quickly they respond, how speedily they come!
Anosimudzira ndudzi dziri kure mureza, anoridzira muridzo kuna avo vari kumigumo yenyika. Havo vouya, nokukurumidza uye nokuchimbidzika!
27 None of them gets tired or stumbles; none of them rests or sleeps. No belt comes loose, and no sandal strap breaks.
Hapana kana mumwe wavo anoneta kana kugumburwa, hapana kana mumwe wavo achakotsira kana kuvata; hapana kana bhanhire richasunungurwa pachiuno, hapana kana rukanda rweshangu ruchadambuka.
28 Their arrows are already sharpened, and all their bows have been strung. The hooves of their horses are hard as flint; their chariot wheels spin like a whirlwind.
Miseve yavo inopinza, uta hwavo hwose hwakakungwa; mahwanda amabhiza avo anenge omusarasara, mavhiri engoro dzavo akaita sechamupupuri.
29 They roar like lions, like young lions. They growl, and pounce on their prey. They drag it off so it can't be rescued.
Kuomba kwavo kwakaita sokweshumba, vanoomba kufanana neshumba diki; vanodzvova pavanobata mhuka yavo vagoitakura pasina kana angairwira.
30 At that time they will roar over their prey like the roaring of the sea. Anyone who looks out over the land will see only darkness and distress—even the sunlight will be darkened by clouds.
Pazuva iro vachaomba pamusoro payo, sokutinhira kwegungwa. Uye kana mumwe akatarisa panyika, achaona rima nokutambudzika; kunyange chiedza chichasvibiswa namakore.