< Isaiah 45 >

1 This is what the Lord says to Cyrus, the one he has anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to direct him to defeat nations and to make kings weak, to open doors before him and gates that will not be shut.
Amah kah a koelh Cyrus te BOEIPA loh, “Namtom rhoek te a mikhmuh ah hnaa hamla a bantang kut te ka moem pah. A mikhmuh ah thohkhaih rhoek te ong hamla manghai rhoek cinghen khaw ka hlam pah ni. Te vaengah vongka te kalh uh mahpawh.
2 I will go ahead of you and level the mountains. I will break down bronze gates and cut through iron bars.
Kamah he na mikhmuh ah ka pongpa vetih ngoem te ka nolh rhoe ka nolh ni. Rhohum thohkhaih te ka thuk vetih thi thohkalh ka tloek ni.
3 I will give you hidden treasure, treasure concealed in secret places, so that you can know for sure that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.
Hmaisuep khuikah thakvoh neh a huephael kah kawn te nang taengah kam paek bitni. Te daengah ni BOEIPA kamah he na ming neh aka khue Israel Pathen la na ming eh.
4 I call you by name and I have given you a title of honor, for the sake of Jacob my servant, and Israel the one I chose, even though you don't know me.
Ka sal Jakob neh ka coelh Israel ham nang te na ming nen ni kang khue. Kai nan ming pawt cakhaw nang kan mingkhaep coeng.
5 I am the Lord, there is no God apart from me. Apart from me there is no God. I will make you strong, even though you don't know me,
Kai he Yahovah ni. Kai kah a voelah a tloe a om moenih, pathen tloe khaw a om moenih. Nang te kam poeh mai cakhaw kai nan ming hae moenih.
6 so that everyone, from the east to the west, will know that there is no God apart from me, that I am the Lord, and there is none apart from me.
Kai Yahovah kamah pawt atah a tloe om pawt tih a tloe a om pawt te khocuk khomik taeng lamloh khotlak duela ming uh saeh.
7 I create light, and I make darkness, I bring peace and I bring about disaster. I am the Lord and I do all this.
Vangnah aka hlinsai tih a hmuep aka suen. Rhoepnah aka saii tih boethae aka suen. Te rhoek boeih aka saii khaw BOEIPA kamah ni.
8 Let the rain fall from the sky above, let goodness fall from the clouds, let the earth open up to receive goodness and salvation so they can grow together. I, the Lord, created them.
Vaan khaw a so lamkah ha pha lamtah khomong khaw duengnah ha sih saeh. Diklai te ong uh saeh lamtah daemnah loh thaihsu saeh. Duengnah khaw cuen laeh saeh. Te te kai Yahovah long ni ka suen.
9 What trouble people face when they fight with their Creator—they're just pots among all the other pots on earth! Does the clay tell the potter who is shaping it, “What are you doing?” or “What you're making is so bad it's like you have no hands!”
Anunae, diklai paikaek lakli kah paikaek pakhat loh amah aka hlinsai te a oelh mai. Amlai loh amah aka picai te, “Nang kah bisai khaw banim na saii dae, a kut khaw om pawt nim?” a ti nah cop a?
10 How bad it would be if you said to your father, “Why did you have me?” or to your mother, “Why was I ever born?”!
Anunae, a napa la, “Balae tih nan sak,” a manu te, “Balae tih nan yom?” aka ti mai.
11 This is what the Lord says, the Holy One of Israel, your Creator: You can ask me about things to come. But are you going to lecture me about my children and what I do?
Israel kah Yahovah cim neh anih aka hlinsai loh, “Aka thoeng ham te kamah n'dawt lah. Ka ca rhoek ham neh ka kut dongkah bisai ham te kai nan uen mai.
12 I'm the one who made the earth, and I created human beings to live there. It was my hands that stretched out the heavens, and I ordered all the stars to come into being.
Kai loh diklai khaw diklai hman kah hlang khaw ka saii. Kai loh ka suen tangtae vaan ke khaw kamah kut loh a dih tih a caempuei rhoek khaw boeih ka uen.
13 Because I do what's right, I will encourage him and smooth out all the roads he takes. He will rebuild my city and will set my exiles free without being paid or bribed to do so, says the Lord Almighty.
Anih te duengnah dongah ka haeng vetih a longpuei te boeih ka dueng pah ni. Anih loh kai kah khopuei te a khoeng vetih ka hlangsol la a tueih ni. A phu khaw thui mahpawh, kapbaih khaw hoe mahpawh,” a ti he caempuei BOEIPA long ni a thui.
14 This is what the Lord says: “The productive Egyptians and the Ethiopian traders, as well as the tall Sabean people, will come over to you and will belong to you. They will walk behind you in chains and bow down to you, pleading with you, saying, ‘God is certainly with you, and there is no other God besides him.’”
BOEIPA loh Egypt kah thaphu khaw, Kusah neh hlang sang Sabean kah a thenpom loh nang te m'paan uh vetih namah taengah om uh ni. Nang hnukah hmaipom neh pongpa uh ni. Nang taengla ha pawk uh vaengah khaw bakop uh ni. Nang taengah te, “Nang taengah Pathen rhep om pai tih hlang tloe a om moenih, pathen tloe a om moenih,” tila thangthui uh ni.
15 Yet you are a God who hides himself, God of Israel, Savior.
Namah tah Israel Pathen, khangkung neh muei aka thuh Pathen pai ni.
16 Everyone who makes idols are ashamed and humiliated, all of them are disgraced.
Amih te thikat la boeih yak uh vetih a hmaithae uh bal ni. Muei saii kutthai rhoek te mingthae neh van uh ni.
17 But Israel will be saved by the Lord with a salvation that lasts forever. You will never be ashamed or disgraced for all eternity.
Israel te BOEIPA loh kumhal loeihnah dongah a khang ni. Kumhal ah a yoeyah la na yak voel pawt vetih na hmaithae voel mahpawh.
18 For this is what the Lord says, the God who created the heavens, who formed and made the earth, he founded it. He didn't make it to be left empty, but formed it to be inhabited. He is the one who says, I am the Lord, and there is no God apart from me.
He khaw vaan aka suen BOEIPA long ni a thui. Pathen amah loh diklai a hlom tih a saii. Diklai he a hinghong pawt ham a soepsoei phoeiah khosa rhoek ham a suen tih a hlinsai pah. BOEIPA kamah phoeiah a tloe a om moenih.
19 I haven't been talking in secret in an obscure place. I didn't tell the descendants of Jacob: Look for me in a place where no one can be found. I, the Lord, tell the truth—I say what's right.
A huephael neh diklai hmaisuep hmuen ah ka thui moenih. Jakob tiingan taengah hinghong la kai n'tlap ka ti nah moenih. Duengnah aka thui BOEIPA kamah loh vanat la ka puen.
20 Gather yourselves together, and come, come close, you refugees of the nations. Aren't they stupid, these people who carry around their wooden idols, and who pray to a god that can't save them?
Namtom hlangyong rhoek te coi uh thae lamtah ha kun uh laeh. Thikat la ha mop uh laeh. Amamih kah mueithuk thing a phueih nawn khaw ming uh pawt tih aka khang thai pawh pathen taengah thangthui uh.
21 Discuss this together, and then speak up, present your case. Who predicted this long ago? Who said what would happen in the future back in the past? Wasn't that me, the Lord? There is no other God except me, no other God who does what is right, and who saves. There is no God apart from me.
Puen uh lamtah ha mop uh lah. Tun ah khaw uen uh thae saeh. Hlamat lamloh aka yaak sak tih daengrhae daengkhoi la aka puen te unim? BOEIPA kamah moenih a? Duengnah Pathen kamah pawt atah Pathen tloe om pawh. Kai phoeiah he khangkung a om moenih.
22 Everyone on earth, come to me and be saved, for I am God and there is no God apart from me.
Diklai khobawt boeih loh kai taengla ha mael uh lamtah khang la om uh lah. Kai Pathen phoeiah Pathen koep a om moenih.
23 I have sworn by my own self, I have spoken what is right, and I won't ever go back on it. Everyone shall bow before me; everyone shall acknowledge me.
Kamah loh ka toemngam coeng dongah ka ka lamloh aka thoeng duengnah ol tah balkhong voel mahpawh. Kai taengah khuklu boeih a cungkueng vetih ol boeih a caeng ni.
24 They will say about me, “Salvation and strength can only be found in the Lord.” Everyone who has fought against him will come to him and will be ashamed.
Kai BOEIPA bueng dongah ni duengnah neh a sarhi la a thui eh. Amah taengah aka lungoe rhoek khaw a taengla ha pawk uh vetih boeih yak uh ni.
25 But in the Lord all the descendants of Israel will be made right, and they will glory in him.
Israel kah tiingan boeih tah BOEIPA rhangneh tang uh vetih a thangthen uh ni.

< Isaiah 45 >