< Isaiah 34 >

1 Come close, you nations, and listen! You peoples, pay attention! Hear these words everyone who lives on earth, and all that comes from it!
Whakatata mai, e nga iwi, kia rongo ai, kia whai taringa mai, e nga iwi: kia rongo te whenua, me nga mea e hua ana i runga, te ao, me nga mea katoa e puta ana i roto i a ia.
2 The Lord's anger is against all the nations and his fury is against all their armies. He will completely destroy them; he will have them slaughtered.
Kei runga hoki i nga iwi katoa te riri o Ihowa, tona weriweri kei runga i o ratou ope katoa: ngaro rawa i a ia, tukua ana kia patua.
3 Those who are killed won't be buried; the stink of their bodies will rise; mountains will be washed away with their blood.
Ka akiritia atu ano o ratou tupapaku i patua, ka puta ake hoki te piro o o ratou tinana, a ka rewa nga maunga i o ratou toto.
4 The sun, moon, and stars of heaven will fade away, and the skies will be rolled up like a scroll. All the stars will fall like dried-up leaves from a vine, like dried-up figs from a fig tree.
Na ka memeha nga ope katoa o te rangi, ko nga rangi, koia ano kei te pukapuka i pokaia; ko o ratou ope katoa ka whakangaro haere, koia ano kei te rau waina ka marere nei, kei te rau piki e marere ana i runga i te rakau piki.
5 After my sword has finished what it has to do in the heavens, it will come down on Edom, on the people I have doomed for destruction.
Kua inu hoki taku hoari, makona ana, i te rangi: nana, ka tae iho ki a Eroma, ki te iwi i kanga e ahau, ki te whakarite whakawa.
6 The sword of the Lord is coated in blood and covered with fat—the blood of lambs and goats, and the fat of rams' kidneys. For there is a sacrifice for Lord happening in Bozrah, a great slaughter in the land of Edom.
Ki tonu te hoari a Ihowa i te toto; kua momona i te ngako, i te toto o nga reme, o nga koati, i te ngako o nga whatukuhu o nga hipi toa; he patunga tapu hoki ta Ihowa i Potora, he parekura nui i te whenua o Eroma.
7 Wild ox will fall with them, the young bulls along with the mature ones. Their land will be soaked with blood, and their soil soaked with fat.
A ka haere tahi mai i roto i a ratou nga kau maka, nga kau okiha ratou ko nga puru; a ka haurangi to ratou whenua i te toto, ka momona to ratou puehu i te ngako.
8 For the Lord has a day of punishment, a year of retribution, for the trouble caused to Zion.
Ko te ra hoki ia o ta Ihowa rapu utu, ko te tau whakautu mo ta Hiona totohe.
9 Edom's streams will be turned into tar, its soil into sulfur, and her land will become burning tar!
A ka puta ke ona awa hei kapia, ko tona puehu hei whanariki; na, ko tona whenua, he kapia e ka ana!
10 The fire will burn day and night, and will never go out, its smoke will rise forever. From one generation to the next it will remain desolate—people won't ever go there again.
E kore e tineia i te po, i te ao; ka kake tona paowa ake ake: i tera whakatupuranga, i tera whakatupuranga ka takoto he ururua kau; e kore tetahi tangata e tika na reira a ake tonu atu.
11 The desert owl and screech owl will take it over, and the eagle owl and raven will live there. The Lord will stretch out over Edom a measuring line of destruction and a plumb line of desolation.
Ka riro ano a reira hei kainga mo te kawau, mo te matuku; ka noho ano te ruru raua ko te raweni ki reira, ka whakamarokia ano hoki e ia te taura o te pororaru ki runga, me te kohatu whakatika o te kore noa iho.
12 Its nobles won't have anything to call a kingdom; all its princes will be gone.
Ka karangatia ona rangatira kia whakakingitia, kahore tetahi e tae mai; a ka kore noa iho ona rangatira katoa.
13 Thorns will grow over its palaces; weeds and thistles will take over its fortresses. It will be a place where jackals live, a home for owls.
A ka tupu te tataramoa ki ona whare kingi, he ongaonga, he tumatakuru ki ona pa kaha, a ka waiho hei nohoanga mo te kirehe mohoao, hei marae mo te oteriti.
14 It will be a meeting place for desert animals and hyenas, and wild goats will call to each other there. Night animals will settle there and find a place to rest.
Ko nga kuri mohoao o te koraha ka tutaki ki nga wuruhi, ka karanga te mea ahua koati ki tona hoa; ka takoto ano te ngarara haere po ki reira, ka kitea he okiokinga mona ki reira.
15 There the owl will build its nest, lay and hatch its eggs, and raise its chicks in the shade of its wings. It has become a roost for birds of prey, each one with its mate.
Ka hanga ano e te ruru nui tona kohanga ki reira, whanau iho, pao iho nga hua, whakamine ano ki raro i tona taumarumarunga iho: ka huihui ano ki reira nga whatura, ratou ko tana tane, ko tana tane.
16 Look in the scroll of the Lord and read what it says: Not a single one of these will be missing its mate, for the Lord has ordered this to happen, and his Spirit has gathered them together.
Rapua i roto i ta Ihowa pukapuka, korerotia hoki; e kore tetahi o enei e ngaro, e kore tetahi o enei e hapa i te tane mana; na toku mangai nei hoki te whakahau, ko tona wairua ano to ratou kaiwhakamine.
17 He assigns them their territories, he divides up the land for them using a measuring line. These birds and animals will own it forever, from one generation to the next.
Nana hoki i maka te rota mo ta ratou, na tona ringa ano i wehewehe taua wahi mo ratou, mea rawa ki te aho: hei kainga a reira mo ratou a ake ake, ka nohoia a reira e ratou i tena whakatupuranga, i tena whakatupuranga.

< Isaiah 34 >