< Isaiah 33 >

1 Tragedy is coming to you, you destroyer who has not experienced destruction yourself, you deceiver who has not experienced deception yourself! When you have finished with your destroying, you will be destroyed yourself. Then you are finished with your deceiving, you will be deceived yourselves.
Ahụhụ dịrị gị, onye mbibi, onye bibiri ihe niile dị gị gburugburu, ma ọ dịbeghị mbibi rutere gị aka. Ahụhụ dịrị gị, onye nrafu, onye na-enwebeghị ndị rafuru gị. Mgbe ị kwụsịrị ibibi ihe ka a ga-ebibi gị, mgbe ị kwụsịkwara nrafu ka a ga-arafu gị.
2 Lord, please be kind to us; we put our confidence in you. Be the strength we rely on every morning; be our salvation in times of trouble.
Biko, Onyenwe anyị, nwee obi ebere nʼebe anyị nọ, nʼihi na ọ bụ gị ka anyị na-ele anya. Bụụrụ anyị ike nʼụtụtụ ụbọchị niile, bụrụkwara anyị onye nzọpụta mgbe niile anyị nọ na mkpa.
3 When you roar, the peoples run away; when you prepare for action, the nations scatter!
Ndị iro na-agba ọsọ mgbe ha nụrụ olu gị. Mgbe ị guzoro ọtọ, mba niile na-agbalaga.
4 You plunder defeated enemy armies like caterpillars eating up plants; like an attack of swarming locusts.
Dịka igurube si atachapụ ihe dị nʼubi, otu a ka a ga-esi kwakọrọ ihe niile unu nwere nʼagha, unu mba dị iche iche.
5 The Lord is praised for he lives in highest heaven; he has filled Zion with justice and right.
Onyenwe anyị dị elu, nʼihi na o bi nʼebe dị elu. Ọ ga-eji ikpe ya ziri ezi, na ezi omume mejupụta Zayọn.
6 He will be your constant support throughout your lives an abundant source of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. Reverence for the Lord is what makes Zion rich.
Ọ ga-abụ ntọala guzosiri ike nke oge unu niile, ụlọakụ dị ukwu nke nzọpụta, na amamihe na ihe ọmụma; egwu Onyenwe anyị bụ igodo nke akụ a.
7 But look! Even your bravest soldiers are crying loudly in the street; the messengers you sent to ask for peace are weeping bitterly.
Lee ndị ha dị ike ka ha na-eti mkpu akwa nʼokporoụzọ niile; ndị na-anọchite anya ha, ndị bịara ikwu otu udo ga-esi dịrị na-akwa akwa.
8 Your highways are deserted; nobody's traveling on your roads anymore. He breaks the treaty; he despises the witnesses; he doesn't care about anybody.
Ọ dịkwaghị onye a na-ahụ anya nʼokporoụzọ ọbụla. E meela ka ọgbụgba ndụ niile ghara ịdịkwa ire. A na-elelị ndị e sitere nʼakaebe ha mee ka ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ guzosie ike. Ọ dịkwaghị onye a na-asọpụrụ.
9 Israel is in mourning and fades away; Lebanon withers in shame; the fields of Sharon have become a desert; the forests of Bashan and Carmel have shed their leaves.
Ala ahụ niile na-eru ụjụ. Ọ tọgbọkwara nʼefu. Oke ọhịa Lebanọn akpọnwụọla bụrụ ihe ihere. Sharọn aghọkwaala ọzara; osisi dị na Bashan na nʼelu ugwu Kamel na-agbụchakwa akwụkwọ ha.
10 “But now I'm going to intervene!” says the Lord. “I'm prepared to act! I will show myself to be above all others!
Ma Onyenwe anyị na-asị, “Ugbu a, m ga-ebili.” “Ugbu a, ka a ga-eme ka m dị elu; ugbu a, ka a ga-ebuli m elu.
11 All you give birth to is only dry grass, all you deliver is just stubble. Your breath is a fire that will burn you up.
Unu na-atụ ime ahịhịa kpọrọ nkụ, unu na-amụpụta ahịhịa, nkuume unu na-ekupụta bụ ọkụ ga-erepịa unu.
12 You people will be burned to ashes like thorns that are cut down and thrown into the fire.
Ndị gị ga-ere ọkụ, dịka osisi ogwu e gbuturu egbutu tụnye nʼọkụ; ha ga-ere ọkụ dịka avụvụ nkwụ.”
13 Those of you who are far away, recognize what I have accomplished; those of you who are nearby, recognize how powerful I am.”
Geenụ ntị nụrụ ihe m mere, unu mba niile dị nʼebe dị anya! Unu ndị nọ nso, kwerenụ nʼezie na m siri ike!
14 The sinners who live in Zion tremble with fear; those who are irreligious are overcome with terror. They ask, “Who can live with this fire that consumes everything? Who can live among such everlasting burning?”
Ndị mmehie na ndị ajọ omume nọ na Zayọn na-ama jijiji nʼegwu, ha na-akwa akwa na-asị, “Onye nʼime anyị pụrụ ibi nʼebe a, nʼetiti onye a bụ ọkụ na-erepịa erepịa, ọkụ nke na-ere ruo mgbe ebighị ebi?”
15 Those who live right and speak the truth, those who refuse to profit from extortion and refuse to take bribes, who don't listen to plots to kill people, who close their eyes rather than look at evil.
Ndị na-ejegharị nʼezi omume na-ekwu ihe ziri ezi, ndị na-ajụ uru sitere nʼụzọ nʼezighị ezi, ndị na-ewezuga aka ha site na ịnata ngarị dị iche iche, ndị na-emechi ntị megide izu ịkwafu ọbara, na-amụchi anya ha abụọ ka ha ghara ịtụgharị uche nʼihe ọjọọ.
16 They will live on high; they will be protected by the mountain fortresses; they will always be provided with food and will always have water.
Ha bụ ndị ahụ ga-ebi nʼebe dị elu, ndị ebe mgbaba ha ga-abụ ebe e wusiri ike nke ugwu. A ga-enye ha nri, mmiri a gaghị akọkwa ha.
17 You will see the king in his wonderful appearance, and you will view a land that stretches into the distance.
Anya unu ga-ahụ eze nʼebube ya; unu ga-ahụkwa alaeze ya nke nsọtụ oke ya dị nʼebe dị anya.
18 In your mind you will think about the terrifying things that were expected, and then ask yourself, “Where are the enemy officials—the scribes who were to record events, the treasurers who were to weigh the looted money, the surveyors who were to count and destroy the towers?”
Nʼime echiche obi unu, unu ga na-atule ihe oke egwu nke oge ndị ahụ gara aga. “Olee ebe onyeisi ọchịchị ahụ nọ ugbu a? Ebee ka onye na-anakọta ụtụ ahụ nọ? Ebeekwa ka onyeisi ahụ nke ụlọ elu nche niile dị nʼaka ya nọ?”
19 You won't see these offensive people anymore with their barbaric language that sounds like someone stammering and is impossible to understand.
Nʼoge ahụ, unu agaghị ahụkwa ndị nganga ahụ ọzọ, bụ ndị ahụ na-asụ asụsụ nke unu na-amaghị, nke unu na-adịghị aghọtakwa.
20 On the contrary, you'll see Zion as a festival city. You will view Jerusalem as a quiet and peaceful place. It will be like a tent that's never taken down, whose tent-pegs are never pulled up, whose guy ropes never snap.
Lekwasịnụ Zayọn anya, obodo anyị na-anọ eme mmemme anyị niile; anya unu ga-ahụkwa Jerusalem, ụlọ obibi dị jụụ, ụlọ ikwu nke a na-apụghị ibupụ ebupụ; apụghịkwa iholite ǹtu jidere ya, maọbụ dọbie nke ọbụla nʼime ụdọ ji ya.
21 Right here our majestic Lord will be like a place of broad rivers and waters that no enemy ship with oars can cross—no great ship can pass.
Ebe ahụ ka Onyenwe anyị ga-abụrụ anyị Onye dị ike. Ọ ga-adịkwara anyị ka osimiri na iyi dị obosara. Ọ dịghị ụgbọ amara maọbụ ụgbọ ukwu ga-abịa na mmiri ahụ.
22 For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king. He is the one who will save us.
Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị bụ onye ikpe anyị. Onyenwe anyị bụ onye na-enye anyị iwu. Onyenwe anyị bụ eze anyị, ọ bụ ya na-azọpụta anyị.
23 The rigging on your ship hangs loose so the mast isn't secure and the sail can't be spread. Then all the looted treasure you're carrying will be divided among the victors—even those who are lame will have their share.
A tọsaala ụdọ niile: Ha adịghị ejidesikwa ọkọlọtọ gị ike, a gbasaghịkwa akwa igbochi ifufe. Mgbe ahụ, a ga-ekesa ụba ihe a kwatara nʼagha ọ bụladị ndị ngwụrọ ga-ebute ihe nkwata nʼagha.
24 Nobody in Israel will say, “I'm sick,” and those who live there will have their guilt removed.
Ọ dịkwaghị onye bi na Zayọn ga-asị, “Ahụ esighị m ike,” nʼihi na a ga-agbaghara ndị bi nʼime ya mmehie ha niile.

< Isaiah 33 >