< Isaiah 31 >
1 Tragedy is coming to those who appeal to Egypt for help, depending on their horses and trusting in all their chariots and charioteers! They don't look to the Holy One of Israel for help; they don't ask the Lord for advice.
Aue te mate mo te hunga e haere ana ki raro, ki Ihipa ki te tiki whakauru, e okioki ana ki te hoiho; e whakawhirinaki ana ki te hariata, no te mea he maha, ki te kaieke hoiho ano, no te mea he nui te kaha; kahore ia e titiro ki te Mea Tapu o Ihar aira, kahore hoki e rapu tikanga ki a Ihowa!
2 Yet he's also wise! He will bring disaster and won't withdraw his orders. He will take action against this wicked nation and the evil people who help them.
Otiia he whakaaro nui ano ia, ka takina mai ano te kino e ia, e kore ano ana kupu e unuhia e ia: engari ka whakatika ia ki te whare o nga kaimahi i te kino, ki nga whakauru o nga kaimahi i te he.
3 The Egyptians are only human beings—they're not God! Their horses are only physical, not spiritual. When the Lord lifts up his hand to attack, those who came to help will stumble, and those who are helped will fall. They will all die together.
Na he tangata nei nga Ihipiana, ehara hoki i te Atua; he kikokiko ano hoki o ratou hoiho, ehara i te wairua. Te whakamarokanga mai o to Ihowa ringa, ka hinga te kaiawhina, taka tonu atu te tangata e awhinatia ana, a ka he ngatahi ratou.
4 This is what the Lord told me: It's like a young lion growling as it stands over its prey. Even though a lot of shepherds come to protest, it's not frightened off by their shouting or intimidated by all their noise. In the same way the Lord Almighty will come down to fight on Mount Zion.
Ko ta Ihowa kupu hoki tenei ki ahau, Ka rite ki te raiona, ki te kuao raiona e hamama ana ki tana tupapaku, i te mea ka karangarangatia nga hepara tokomaha ki a ia, kahore ona wehi ki to ratou reo, e kore ano ia e whakaririka ki to ratou ngangau; ka pera ano te haerenga iho o Ihowa o nga mano ki te whawhai ki runga ki Maunga Hiona me to reira pukepuke.
5 Like birds that hover above, so the Lord Almighty will take care of Jerusalem. He will protect it and save it; he will pass over it and rescue it.
Ka rite ki nga manu e rere ana ta Ihowa o nga mano tiaki i Hiruharama, ka tiakina, ka whakaorangia, ka tika atu ia na runga, ka araaraia e ia.
6 Come back, Israelites, to the one you so blatantly rebelled against.
Tahuri ki a ia, kua hohonu rawa nei ta koutou tutu ki a ia, e nga tama a Iharaira.
7 For at that time every one of you will throw away all the idols of silver and gold made by your own sinful hands.
A taua ra hoki ka whakahawea te tangata ki ana whakapakoko hiriwa, ki ana whakapakoko koura, i hanga e o koutou ringa ma koutou hei hara.
8 The Assyrians will be killed by the sword of one who is not a man. They will destroyed by the sword of one who is not mortal. They will run away at the sight of the sword, and the young Assyrian men will be taken away as slave laborers.
Hei reira te Ahiriana ka hinga i te hoari, ehara na te tangata; a ka pau ia i te hoari, ehara i te tangata: a ka rere atu ia i te hoari, ka meinga hoki ana taitamariki kia utu takoha.
9 Their “rock” will be scared to death, and their officers will be terrified and in panic at the sight of the battle flag, declares the Lord, who has his fire in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.
A ka memeha tona kamaka, he wehi hoki, a ka mataku ona rangatira i te kara, e ai ta Ihowa, kei Maunga Hiona nei tana ahi, kei Hiruharama tana oumu.