< Isaiah 30 >

1 Tragedy is coming to my defiant children, declares the Lord. You make plans that don't come from me; you make alliances against my wishes, adding sin to sin.
Bwana asema, “Ole kwa watoto wakaidi, kwa wale wanaotimiza mipango ambayo si yangu, wakifanya makubaliano, lakini si kwa Roho wangu, wakilundika dhambi juu ya dhambi,
2 You go to Egypt without asking me, looking to Pharaoh for protection, hoping to find safety hiding behind Egypt.
wale washukao kwenda Misri bila kutaka shauri langu, wanaotafuta msaada wa ulinzi wa Farao, watafutao kivuli cha Misri kwa ajili ya kimbilio.
3 But the protection of Pharaoh will be an embarrassment to you; hiding behind Egypt will only bring you humiliation.
Lakini ulinzi wa Farao utakuwa kwa aibu yenu, kivuli cha Misri kitawaletea fedheha.
4 Even though he has officials at Zoan and his messengers reach Hanes,
Ingawa wana maafisa katika Soani na wajumbe wamewasili katika Hanesi,
5 the Egyptians will offend everyone because they are useless—they're no help and good for nothing, except for causing shame and bringing disgrace.
kila mmoja ataaibishwa kwa sababu ya taifa lisilowafaa kitu, ambalo haliwaletei msaada wala faida, bali aibu tu na fedheha.”
6 A message about the animals of the Negev. The messengers travel through a harsh and hostile land where lions and lionesses live, vipers and vicious snakes too. Their donkeys are burdened down with valuable gifts, their camels are loaded with treasure, to give to a worthless people that can't help.
Neno kuhusu wanyama wa Negebu: Katika nchi ya taabu na shida, ya simba za dume na jike, ya nyoka mwenye sumu kali na nyoka warukao, wajumbe huchukua utajiri wao juu ya migongo ya punda, hazina zao juu ya nundu za ngamia, kwa lile taifa lisilokuwa na faida,
7 Egypt's support is an empty breath of wind. That's why I call her Pride Sitting Down.
kuvipeleka Misri, ambaye msaada wake haufai kabisa. Kwa hiyo nimemwita “Rahabu Asiyefanya Chochote.”
8 Now go and write all this down on a tablet and on a scroll so that it will last forever and ever.
Nenda sasa, liandike neno hili juu ya kibao kwa ajili yao, liandike kwenye kitabu, ili liweze kuwa shahidi milele kwa ajili ya siku zijazo.
9 For they are a rebellious people, deceitful children, who refuse to listen to the Lord's instructions.
Hawa ni watu waasi, watoto wadanganyifu, watoto ambao hawataki kusikiliza mafundisho ya Bwana.
10 They tell people who see visions, “Stop seeing visions!” and to the prophets, “Don't give us prophecies about doing right—just tell us pleasant things and give us fake prophecies.
Wanawaambia waonaji, “Msione maono tena!” Nako kwa manabii wanasema, “Msiendelee kutupatia maono ambayo ni ya kweli! Tuambieni mambo ya kupendeza, tabirini mambo ya uongo.
11 Stop telling us straight; go a different direction! We don't want to hear any more about the Holy One of Israel.”
Acheni njia hii, ondokeni katika mapito haya, nanyi acheni kutukabili pamoja na yeye Aliye Mtakatifu wa Israeli!”
12 So this is how the Holy One of Israel replies, Since you have rejected this message, and since you trust in oppression and believe in dishonesty,
Kwa hiyo, hili ndilo asemalo yeye Aliye Mtakatifu wa Israeli: “Kwa sababu mmekataa ujumbe huu, mkategemea uonevu na kutumainia udanganyifu,
13 your punishment will suddenly fall on you, like a high wall that bulges out and collapses in an instant.
dhambi hii itakuwa kwenu kama ukuta mrefu, wenye ufa na wenye kubetuka, ambao unaanguka ghafula, mara moja.
14 You will be smashed like a clay pot, broken into such tiny pieces that there won't be a big enough piece to pick up coals from a hearth or a little bit of water from a well.
Utavunjika vipande vipande kama chombo cha udongo ukipasuka pasipo huruma ambapo katika vipande vyake hakuna kipande kitakachopatikana kwa kuukulia makaa kutoka jikoni au kuchotea maji kisimani.”
15 This is what the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, said, If you repent and patiently trust in me, you would be saved; you would be strong if you had such calm confidence. But you refused to do it.
Hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi, yeye Aliye Mtakatifu wa Israeli, asemalo: “Katika kutubu na kupumzika ndio wokovu wenu, katika kutulia na kutumaini ndizo nguvu zenu, lakini hamkutaka.
16 You replied, “No! We'll escape on horseback! We'll get away on fast horses!” But the fast ones will be the ones chasing you!
Mlisema, ‘Hapana, tutakimbia kwa farasi.’ Kwa hiyo mtakimbia! Mlisema, ‘Tutakimbia kwa farasi waendao kasi.’ Kwa hiyo wanaowafukuza watakwenda kasi!
17 Just one of them will chase after a thousand of you. Just five of them will make you all run away. All that will be left of you will look like a flag fluttering on the top of a mountain, a banner waving on a hill.
Watu 1,000 watakimbia kwa ajili ya kitisho cha mtu mmoja, kwa vitishio vya watu watano wote mtakimbia, hadi mtakapoachwa kama mlingoti wa bendera juu ya kilele cha mlima, kama bendera juu ya kilima.”
18 So the Lord waits, wanting to be kind to you, ready to act to show you mercy, for the Lord is a God who does what is right. All who wait for him are blessed.
Hata hivyo Bwana anatamani kutupatia neema, anainuka ili kuwaonyesha huruma. Kwa kuwa Bwana ni Mungu wa haki. Wamebarikiwa wote wanaomngojea yeye!
19 People of Zion, you who live in Jerusalem, you won't have to weep any more. When you cry for help he will be kind to you. He will answer you immediately he hears you.
Enyi watu wa Sayuni, mnaoishi Yerusalemu, hamtalia tena. Tazameni jinsi atakavyokuwa na huruma mtakapolia kwa kumwomba msaada! Mara asikiapo, atawajibu.
20 Even though the Lord will give you the bread of hardship to eat and the water of suffering to drink, your teacher will no longer hide himself from you—you will see him with your own eyes.
Ingawa Bwana huwapa chakula cha shida na maji ya taabu, walimu wenu hawatafichwa tena, kwa macho yenu wenyewe mtawaona.
21 When you walk to the right or to the left, you will hear this command coming from behind you: “This is the way to follow.”
Mkigeuka kuume au kushoto, masikio yenu yatasikia sauti nyuma yenu ikisema, “Hii ndiyo njia, ifuateni.”
22 You will defile your silver-coated idols coated with silver and your gold-covered images. You will throw them away like a dirty cloth used for periods, and say to them, “out of here!”
Kisha mtanajisi sanamu zenu zilizofunikwa kwa fedha, na vinyago vyenu vilivyofunikwa kwa dhahabu. Mtazitupilia mbali kama vitambaa vya wakati wa hedhi na kuziambia, “Haya, tokeni hapa!”
23 He will send rain when you sow, and the land will produce great harvests. At that time your cattle will feed in rich pastures.
Pia atawapa mvua kwa ajili ya mbegu mnazootesha ardhini, chakula kinachotoka ardhini kitakuwa kizuri sana, tena tele. Katika siku ile, ngʼombe wenu watalisha katika shamba pana la majani.
24 The oxen and donkeys that help cultivate the earth will eat good greens and grain, spread with fork and shovel.
Maksai na punda walimao watakula majani makavu na vyakula vilivyotengenezwa, vinavyotandazwa kwa uma na sepeto.
25 At that time when your enemies are killed and the fortresses fall, streams of water will flow down every mountain and hill.
Katika siku ile ya mauaji makuu, wakati minara itakapoanguka, vijito vya maji vitatiririka juu ya kila mlima mrefu na kila kilima kilichoinuka sana.
26 The moon will shine as bright as the sun, and the sun will shine seven times brighter, like having seven days light in one. This is the way it will be when the Lord bandages the injuries of his people and heals the wounds he caused them.
Mwezi utaangaza kama jua, nao mwanga wa jua utangʼaa mara saba zaidi, kama nuru ya siku saba, wakati Bwana atakapoyafunga majeraha ya watu wake na kuwaponya vidonda alivyowatia.
27 Look how the Lord arrives from far away, burning with anger and accompanied by thick clouds of smoke! What he says shows his anger—it's like a fire that burns everything up.
Tazama, Jina la Bwana linakuja kutoka mbali, likiwa na hasira kali inayowaka pamoja na wingu zito la moshi, midomo yake imejaa ghadhabu na ulimi wake ni moto ulao.
28 His breath rushes out like a flood that comes up to the neck. He shakes the nations in a sieve that destroys them; he puts bridles in the mouths of the different peoples to lead them away.
Pumzi yake ni kama mkondo wa maji yaendayo kasi, yakipanda hadi shingoni. Hutikisa mataifa katika chekecheke ya uharibifu, huweka lijamu katika mataya ya mataifa ambayo huwaongoza upotevuni.
29 But you will have a song to sing like you do on the night of a holy festival. You will celebrate in happiness like those who play pipes as they go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel.
Nanyi mtaimba kama usiku ule mnaadhimisha sikukuu takatifu. Mioyo yenu itashangilia kama vile watu wanapokwea na filimbi kwenye mlima wa Bwana, kwa Mwamba wa Israeli.
30 The Lord will shout so everyone hears him he will reveal his great power. He will hit out in his anger and fury, with a fire that burns everything up, and with torrential rain, storm, and hail.
Bwana atawasababisha watu waisikie sauti yake ya utukufu, naye atawafanya wauone mkono wake ukishuka pamoja na hasira yake kali na moto ulao, kukiwa na tufani ya mvua, ngurumo za radi na mvua ya mawe.
31 At the Lord's command the Assyrians will be shattered, knocked down by his scepter.
Sauti ya Bwana itaivunjavunja Ashuru, kwa fimbo yake ya utawala atawapiga.
32 Every time the Lord hits them with his rod of punishment it will be accompanied by the music of tambourines and harps as he fights them, swinging into them in battle.
Kila pigo Bwana atakaloliweka juu yao kwa fimbo yake ya kuadhibu, litakuwa kwa wimbo wa matari na vinubi, anapopigana nao katika vita kwa mapigo ya mkono wake.
33 The place of burning has been prepared a long time ago, ready for the king. Its funeral pyre is deep and wide, and has plenty of fire and wood. The breath of the Lord, like a flood of burning sulfur, sets it on fire.
Tofethi imeandaliwa toka zamani, imewekwa tayari kwa ajili ya mfalme. Shimo lake la moto limetengenezwa kwa kina kirefu na kwa upana mkubwa, likiwa na moto na kuni tele; pumzi ya Bwana, kama kijito cha kiberiti, huuwasha moto.

< Isaiah 30 >