< Isaiah 3 >

1 Take a look! The Lord, the Lord Almighty, is going to take away from Jerusalem and from Judah everything they rely on—all their stocks of food and all means of supplying water,
Ecce enim Dominator, Dominus exercituum, auferet a Jerusalem et a Juda validum et fortem, omne robur panis, et omne robor aquæ;
2 their strong fighters and soldiers, leaders and prophets, fortune-tellers and elders,
fortem, et virum bellatorem, judicem, et prophetam, et ariolum, et senem;
3 army captains, state officials, counselors, craftsmen, masters of magic, and experts in the occult.
principem super quinquaginta, et honorabilem vultu et consiliarium, et sapientem de architectis, et prudentem eloquii mystici.
4 I will give them boys as their leaders who will rule over them in childish ways.
Et dabo pueros principes eorum, et effeminati dominabuntur eis;
5 People will mistreat one another, person against person, neighbor against neighbor; the young will assault the old, and the dregs of society will attack those who are reputable.
et irruet populus, vir ad virum, et unusquisque ad proximum suum; tumultuabitur puer contra senem, et ignobilis contra nobilem.
6 A man will grab hold of one of his brothers in their father's house, and tell him, “You've got a coat, you can be our leader! Take over the running of this pile of ruins!”
Apprehendet enim vir fratrem suum, domesticum patris sui: Vestimentum tibi est, princeps esto noster, ruina autem hæc sub manu tua.
7 But immediately his brother will shout back, “No, not me! I can't take care of this family's problems. In my house I don't have food or clothes. Don't put me in charge as your leader!”
Respondebit in die illa, dicens: Non sum medicus, et in domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum: nolite constituere me principem populi.
8 For Jerusalem has collapsed and Judah has fallen because of what they said and did in opposition to the Lord, rebelling right in front of him.
Ruit enim Jerusalem, et Judas concidit, quia lingua eorum et adinventiones eorum contra Dominum, ut provocarent oculos majestatis ejus.
9 The look on their faces proves what they've done, proclaiming their sin just like Sodom—they don't even bother to try and hide it! Tragedy is coming to them! They have brought disaster down upon themselves.
Agnitio vultus eorum respondit eis; et peccatum suum quasi Sodoma prædicaverunt, nec absconderunt. Væ animæ eorum, quoniam reddita sunt eis mala!
10 Tell those who live right that they will be fine, for they will be happy to receive the reward for what they have done.
Dicite justo quoniam bene, quoniam fructum adinventionum suarum comedet.
11 But tragedy comes to the wicked, for what they did will be done to them.
Væ impio in malum! retributio enim manuum ejus fiet ei.
12 Leaders who act in childish ways mistreat my people; women rule over them. My people, your leaders are misleading you, confusing you about which way to go.
Populum meum exactores sui spoliaverunt, et mulieres dominatæ sunt eis. Popule meus, qui te beatum dicunt, ipsi te decipiunt, et viam gressuum tuorum dissipant.
13 The Lord stands up to prosecute his case. The Lord stands up to judge the people.
Stat ad judicandum Dominus, et stat ad judicandos populos.
14 The Lord comes to give his judgment against the elders and leaders of his people: You are the ones who have destroyed my vineyard; your houses are full with everything you've stolen from the poor.
Dominus ad judicium veniet cum senibus populi sui, et principibus ejus; vos enim depasti estis vineam, et rapina pauperis in domo vestra.
15 Why have you crushed my people? Why have you ground the faces of the poor into the dirt? the Lord Almighty demands to know.
Quare atteritis populum meum, et facies pauperum commolitis? dicit Dominus Deus exercituum.
16 The Lord says, The women of Zion are so conceited, walking with their heads held high, giving flirty glances, tripping along with their ankle bracelets jingling.
Et dixit Dominus: Pro eo quod elevatæ sunt filiæ Sion, et ambulaverunt extento collo, et nutibus oculorum ibant, et plaudebant, ambulabant pedibus suis, et composito gradu incedebant;
17 So the Lord will make their heads full of scabs, and the Lord will expose their private parts.
decalvabit Dominus verticem filiarum Sion, et Dominus crinem earum nudabit.
18 At that time the Lord will remove their fine ornaments: ankle bracelets, headbands, crescent necklaces,
In die illa auferet Dominus ornamentum calceamentum,
19 pendant earrings, bracelets, veils,
et lunulas, et torques, et monilia, et armillas, et mitras,
20 headdresses, bangles, sashes, perfume holders, lucky charms,
et discriminalia, et periscelidas, et murenulas, et olfactoriola, et inaures,
21 rings, nose rings,
et annulos, et gemmas in fronte pendentes,
22 festival clothes, gowns, cloaks, handbags,
et mutatoria, et palliola, et linteamina, et acus,
23 hand mirrors, fine linen underwear, head wraps, and shawls.
et specula, et sindones, et vittas, et theristra.
24 What will happen is that instead of smelling of perfume, she will stink. Instead of a wearing a sash, she will be tied with a rope. Instead of styled hair, she will be bald. Instead of fine clothes, she will wear sackcloth. Instead of looking beautiful, she will be shamed.
Et erit pro suavi odore fœtor, et pro zona funiculus, et pro crispanti crine calvitium, et pro fascia pectorali cilicium.
25 Your men will be killed by the sword; your soldiers will die in battle.
Pulcherrimi quoque viri tui gladio cadent, et fortes tui in prælio.
26 The gates of Zion will cry and mourn. The city will be like a banished woman sitting on the ground.
Et mœrebunt atque lugebunt portæ ejus, et desolata in terra sedebit.

< Isaiah 3 >