< Isaiah 29 >

1 Tragedy is coming to you Ariel, Ariel the city where David lived! Year after year you have your festivals.
Aue te mate mo Ariere, mo Ariere, mo te pa i noho ai a Rawiri! tapiritia iho tetahi tau ki tetahi tau; mahia nga hakari i nga wa e rite ai:
2 But I'm going to cause trouble for Ariel; the city will cry and mourn, it will be like an altar hearth to me.
Hei reira raru ai i ahau a Ariere, a ka pouri; ka tangi: a ka rite ia ki ahau ano ko Ariere.
3 I will surround you, I will besiege you with towers and build ramps to attack you.
Ka nohoia atu ano koe e ahau, a karapoi noa; ka whakapaea koe ki te parepare, ka ara ano i ahau he taiepa hei tatau ki a koe.
4 You will be brought down, you will speak from where you're lying on the ground, mumbling in the dust. Your words will come like a ghost from the grave; your voice will be a whisper from the dust.
A ka whakahokia iho koe, ka korero ake i te whenua; ka iti ano tau kupu i roto i te puehu; ka rite tou reo ki to te tangata i te atua maori, he mea puta ake i te whenua, ka kohimu ake tau kupu i roto i te puehu.
5 But then all your enemies will become like fine dust; all your cruel oppressors like chaff that's blown away. Then suddenly, in no time at all,
Ko te huihuinga ia o ou hoariri ka rite ki te puehu ririki, a koe te huihuinga o te hunga nanakia ki te papapa e rere atu ana: ae ra, ka hemorere tonu.
6 the Lord Almighty will arrive with thunder, earthquake, and tremendous noise, with whirlwind, storm, and flames of fire that burn everything up.
Ka pa ta Ihowa o nga mano ki a ia, he whatitiri, he ru, he reo nui, he tukauati, he tupuhi, he mura ahi e ka ana.
7 The nations besieging Ariel, attacking its fortifications and tormenting the people, they will all disappear as if it was a dream!
A ka rite ki te moe, ki te rekanga kanohi o te po nga iwi maha katoa e whawhai ana ki Ariere, ara te hunga katoa e ngangare ana ki a ia, ki tona pa kaha, e whakatupu kino ana hoki i a ia.
8 It will be like someone hungry dreaming that they're eating but who wakes up still hungry. It will be like someone thirsty dreaming of drinking but who wakes up still weak and thirsty. This is what it will be like for all your enemies, the ones attacking Mount Zion.
Ka rite ano ki te tangata matekai e moe ana, na kei te kai ia; heoi, kei te ohonga ake, e takoto kau ana tona wairua: ka rite hoki ki te tangata matewai e moe ana, na kei te inu ia; te ohonga ake, kahore he kaha, kei te hiahia ano tona wairua: ko te rite tera o te hui o nga iwi katoa e whawhai ana ki Maunga Hiona.
9 Be shocked and amazed! Make yourselves blind so you can't see! Get drunk, but not from wine! Stagger around, but not from beer!
E tu koutou, e miharo; e hari, a ka matapo: e haurangi ana ratou, ehara ia i te waina; e hurori ana, engari ehara i te wai kaha.
10 For the Lord has made you very sleepy, and he has shut the eyes and covered the heads of those who speak for God and see visions.
No te mea kua ringihia e Ihowa te wairua o te moe au tonu ki runga ki a koutou, kua oti ano i a ia te whakamoe o koutou kanohi, nga poropiti; ko o koutou rangatira, ko nga matakite, kua taupokina e ia.
11 This entire vision is like words in a scroll that is sealed shut. If you give it to someone who knows how to read and say, “Please read it,” they'll say, “I can't read it because it's sealed shut.”
A ka rite ki a koutou te kitenga katoa ki nga kupu o tetahi pukapuka i hiritia, e hoatu ana e nga tangata ki tetahi tangata matua ki te korero pukapuka, ka mea atu, Tena, korerotia tenei: a ka mea mai ia, E kore e taea e ahau, e hiri na hoki.
12 If you give it to someone who doesn't know how to read and say, “Please read it,” they'll say, “I don't know how to read.”
Na ka hoatu taua pukapuka ki te mea kahore nei e matau ki te korero pukapuka; na ko te kianga atu, Tena, korerotia tenei: ano ra ko ia, Kahore ahau e matau ki te korero.
13 The Lord says, “These people come and praise me with their words, and honor me with lip service, but their thoughts are miles away. Their worship of me only consists of them following rules people have taught them.
Na ka mea te Ariki, I te mea e whakatata ana mai te iwi nei ki ahau, a e whakahonore ana i ahau ki to ratou mangai, ki o ratou ngutu, otiia e matara noa atu ana i ahau o ratou ngakau, a ko to ratou wehi ki ahau he mea whakaako e ta te tangata to hutohu:
14 So once again I will surprise these people with miracle upon miracle. The wisdom of the wise will die, and the insight of the insightful will disappear.”
Na, ka tahuri ahau ki te mahi i tetahi mahi whakamiharo ki waenganui i tenei iwi, he mahi whakamiharo rawa, he miharo whakaharahara: ka whakamotitia hoki nga whakaaro o o ratou mea whakaaro nui, ka ngaro te matauranga o o ratou mea mohio.
15 Tragedy is coming to people who take such trouble to hide their plans from the Lord. They work in the dark and say to themselves, “Nobody can see us, can they? Nobody will know, will they?”
Aue te mate mo te hunga e whai ana i te wahi hohonu, kia ngaro ai to ratou whakaaro i a Ihowa; a kei te pouri a ratou mahi, e mea ana hoki, Ko wai e kite ana i a tatou? ko wai e matau ana ki a tatou?
16 How perverse you are! It's as if the clay was thought of as making the potter! Should something made say to its maker, “You didn't make me”? Can the pot tell the potter, “You don't understand anything”?
Ta koutou whakaputa ke! E kiia ranei te kaihanga rihi he rite ki te paru? e ki ake ranei te mea i hanga ki tona kaihanga, Kihai ahau i hanga e ia? e mea ake ranei te mea i mahia ki tona kaimahi, Kahore ona matauranga?
17 It won't be long and the forests of Lebanon will be turned into a productive field, and a productive field will seem like a forest.
He teka ranei he iti rawa nei te takiwa, a ka puta ke a Repanona hei mara whai hua, a ka kiia te mara whai hua hei ngahere?
18 At that time the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and the eyes of the blind will see through the gloomy darkness what's written there.
I taua ra ka rongo nga turi i nga kupu o te pukapuka, ka kite ano nga kanohi o nga matapo i roto i te kakarauri, i te pouri.
19 The humble will be even happier in the Lord, and the poor will find their joy in the Holy One of Israel.
Ka neke ake ano te hari o te hunga mahaki ki a Ihowa, ka koa ano nga tangata rawakore ki te Mea Tapu o Iharaira.
20 Cruel people will no longer exist, the scornful will vanish, and those looking to do evil will be destroyed—
Kua moti hoki te tangata nanakia; a ko te tangata whakahi, kua poto; kua hatepea atu ano te hunga katoa i whanga ki te kino:
21 those who say things to trick others into sin, those who trap people by legal arguments in court, those who lie to mislead the innocent.
E whakatau he nei ki te tangata e korero ana, e whakatakoto rore nei mo te kairiri o te he i te kuwaha; a kahore he rawa i whakapeaua ketia ai e ratou te tangata tika.
22 So this is what the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, says to the descendants of Jacob: “You don't need to be ashamed anymore; your faces won't grow pale with fright any longer.
Na ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, nana nei a Aperahama i hoko, mo te whare o Hakopa, E kore a Hakopa e whakama aianei, e kore ano e koma tona mata aianei.
23 When you see all your children and everything I've done for you, then you will regard my character as holy, and you will respect the Holy One of Jacob. You will have reverence for the God of Israel.
Engari kia kite ia i ana tamariki, i te mahi a oku ringa, i roto i a ia, ka whakatapua e ratou toku ingoa; ae ra, ka whakatapua ano e ratou te Mea Tapu o Hakopa, a ka wehi ki te Atua o Iharaira.
24 Those who've gone astray will understand their mistakes; those who grumble will learn how to receive instruction.”
Ka mohiotia ano te matauranga e nga wairua kotiti ke, a ka ako te hunga amuamu ki te kupu mohio.

< Isaiah 29 >