< Isaiah 24 >

1 Watch out! The Lord is going to destroy the earth, to make it totally devastated. He's going to rip up the surface of the earth and scatter its inhabitants.
Tarirai, Jehovha ari kuzoparadza nyika achiiparadza zvachose; achanyangadza kutarisika kwayo uye achaparadzira vanogaramo,
2 It will happen the same for everybody—whether people or priests, servants or their masters, maids or their mistresses, buyers or sellers, lenders or borrowers, creditors or debtors.
zvichangofanana, zvinoitirwa muprista nezvinoitirwa vanhu, zvinoitirwa vatenzi nezvinoitirwa muranda, zvinoitirwa vahosi nezvinoitirwa mushandiri, zvinoitirwa mutengesi nezvinoitirwa mutengi, zvinoitirwa anokwereta nezvinoitirwa akweretwa, zvinoitirwa anoripa mhindu nezvinoitirwa anoreva mhindu.
3 The earth will be completely laid waste and looted. This is what the Lord has said.
Nyika ichaparadzwa zvachose uye ichatorerwa zvayo zvose. Jehovha ataura shoko irori.
4 The earth dries up and withers away; the world shrivels up and withers away, the high and mighty people shrivel up along with the earth.
Nyika inooma uye inosvava, pasi pose panorwadziwa uye panounyana, vanokudzwa venyika vanopera simba uye vanorwadziwa.
5 The earth is polluted by its people; they have flouted God's laws, violated his regulations, and broken the eternal agreement with him.
Nyika inosvibiswa navanhu vayo; havana kuteerera mirayiro, vakapandukira mitemo uye vakaputsa sungano isingaperi.
6 That is why a curse is destroying the earth. The people suffer because of their guilt. The inhabitants of the earth are burned up and only a few survive.
Naizvozvo chituko chinoparadza nyika, vanhu vayo vanofanira kuzvitakurira mhosva dzavo. Naizvozvo vagari vomunyika vapiswa, uye vashoma ndivo vasara.
7 The new wine dries up, and the vine withers. All the people celebrating groan.
Waini itsva inopera uye muzambiringa unosvava; vose vanoda mafaro vanogomera.
8 The happy sound of tambourines is over; the noise of the party-goers has stopped; the delightful harp music has finished,
Kufadza kwamakandira kwanyaradzwa, kupembera kwavapururudzi kwapera, rudimbwa rwomufaro rwanyaradzwa.
9 People don't sing any more as they drink wine, and the beer tastes bitter.
Havangazonwi waini vachiimba rwiyo; doro rava kuvava kuvanwi varo.
10 The chaotic city is falling apart; every house is barred shut to keep others out.
Guta rakoromorwa rava dongo; mukova wokupinda mudzimba dzose wapfigwa.
11 Crowds on the street are shouting, demanding to have wine. Joy turns into darkness. There's no happiness left on earth.
Vochemera waini mumigwagwa; mufaro wose washanduka wava kusuwa, mupururu wabviswa panyika.
12 The city is in a horrible state of ruin; its gates have been broken down.
Guta rasara rava dongo, masuo aro aputswa-putswa.
13 This is the way it's going to be all throughout the earth among the nations—only a few olives are left after the tree is shaken, only a few grapes are left to be gleaned after the harvest.
Ndizvo zvazvichaita munyika napakati pendudzi, zvichafanana nokuzunzwa kwomuorivhi, kana sezvinosara pakunongwa shure kwegohwo ramazambiringa.
14 These survivors shout aloud and sing for joy. From the west they praise the Lord's majesty.
Vanosimudza manzwi avo, vanopururudza nomufaro; kubva kumavirira vanoparidza zvoukuru hwaJehovha.
15 From the east they glorify the Lord; from the sea shores they praise the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
Naizvozvo kumabvazuva, mbiri kuna Jehovha; kudzai zita raJehovha Mwari waIsraeri pazviwi zvegungwa.
16 We hear songs coming from the ends of the earth, singing, “Glory to the God who does right.” But I'm miserable, miserable. Pity me! Deceitful people go on betraying, again and again.
Kubva kumigumo yenyika tinonzwa kuimba kunoti: “Ngaakudzwe iye Akarurama.” Asi ini ndakati, “Ndiri kupera muviri, ndiri kupera muviri! Ndine nhamo! Vanyengeri vakaita zvinhu nokunyengera! Vanyengeri vakaita zvinhu nokunyengera kukuru!”
17 Terrors and pit-traps and snares are waiting for you, people of the earth.
Kutya negomba zvakakumirirai, imi vanhu vapanyika.
18 Those who run away in terror will fall into a pit-trap, and those who escape from the pit-trap will be caught in a snare. Heaven's windows are opened; earth's foundations shake.
Ani naani anotiza kutinhira kunotyisa, achawira mugomba; ani naani anokwira achibuda mugomba achabatwa mumusungo. Nokuti mawindo okudenga azaruka, uye nheyo dzapanyika dzozungunuka.
19 The earth is completely broken up; the earth is ripped apart, the earth is violently shaken.
Nyika yaputswa-putswa, nyika yakamurwa napakati, nyika yozungunuswa chose.
20 The earth staggers to and fro like a drunk, and sways this way and that like a shelter. The guilt of its rebelliousness weighs heavily on it, and it collapses—it won't rise again.
Nyika yodzedzereka sechidhakwa, inozengaira semba iri mumhepo; kudarika nokumukira kwayo kwairemera kwazvo, zvokuti inowa, ikasazomukazve.
21 At that time the Lord will punish all the high heavenly beings and the kings of the earth.
Pazuva iro Jehovha acharanga masimba omuchadenga kumusoro, uye namadzimambo ari pamusoro penyika pasi.
22 They will be brought together, prisoners in a pit. They will be imprisoned, and eventually they will be punished.
Vachaunganidzwa pamwe chete kufanana navasungwa vakasungwa mugomba; vachapfigirwa mutorongo vagozorangwa kwamazuva mazhinji.
23 The moon will be embarrassed and the sun will be ashamed, for the Lord Almighty will reign in glory on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem in the presence of its leaders.
Mwedzi uchanyadziswa, zuva richanyara; nokuti Jehovha Wamasimba Ose achatonga pamusoro peGomo reZioni nomuJerusarema, napamberi pavakuru varo, nokubwinya kukuru.

< Isaiah 24 >