< Isaiah 24 >
1 Watch out! The Lord is going to destroy the earth, to make it totally devastated. He's going to rip up the surface of the earth and scatter its inhabitants.
Neuru Jehova Nyasaye biro ketho piny, mi odongʼ nono, obiro loko kit piny kendo keyo jogo modakie.
2 It will happen the same for everybody—whether people or priests, servants or their masters, maids or their mistresses, buyers or sellers, lenders or borrowers, creditors or debtors.
Notime machalre ne jodolo kata ne joma moko, misumba kata ne ruodhe, ne dhako man-gi jatich kata ne nyako matiyone, ne jahono kata ne jangʼiewo, ne ngʼat ma holo ji, kata ne ngʼat ma holo, ne ngʼat man-gi gowi kata ngʼat ma holo ji.
3 The earth will be completely laid waste and looted. This is what the Lord has said.
Piny nodongʼ gunda kendo nokethre chuth. Jehova Nyasaye ema osewacho wechegi.
4 The earth dries up and withers away; the world shrivels up and withers away, the high and mighty people shrivel up along with the earth.
Piny notwo kendo noner, piny nojwangʼ miner, kendo polo gi piny nojwangʼ.
5 The earth is polluted by its people; they have flouted God's laws, violated his regulations, and broken the eternal agreement with him.
Piny osedwany gi jok modakie, giseketho chike, gisetamore rito buchene, kendo giseketho winjruok manyaka nene.
6 That is why a curse is destroying the earth. The people suffer because of their guilt. The inhabitants of the earth are burned up and only a few survive.
Kuom mano kwongʼ osetieko piny kendo joma odakie nyaka yud kum kuom richogi. Omiyo joma odak e piny osewangʼ mi manok ema odongʼ.
7 The new wine dries up, and the vine withers. All the people celebrating groan.
Divai mobi manyien notuwo kendo mzabibu biro ner, ji duto mamiyo ji mor nobed gi chuny lit.
8 The happy sound of tambourines is over; the noise of the party-goers has stopped; the delightful harp music has finished,
Mor mar nyiduonge norum, koko mar joma nigi mor kod ilo nolal, kendo mor mar thum ok nowinji.
9 People don't sing any more as they drink wine, and the beer tastes bitter.
Ok ginichak gimadh divai ka giwer, nikech kongʼo osebedo marach ne jomath.
10 The chaotic city is falling apart; every house is barred shut to keep others out.
Dala maduongʼ okethore modongʼ gunda, kendo dhoudi duto olor.
11 Crowds on the street are shouting, demanding to have wine. Joy turns into darkness. There's no happiness left on earth.
Ji ywagore e wangʼ yore nikech divai onge, mor duto olokore kuyo, piny duto odongʼ gi lit.
12 The city is in a horrible state of ruin; its gates have been broken down.
Dala maduongʼ odongʼ ka oruombore piny kendo dhorangeye mage otur matindo tindo.
13 This is the way it's going to be all throughout the earth among the nations—only a few olives are left after the tree is shaken, only a few grapes are left to be gleaned after the harvest.
Ma notimre e piny ngima e kind ogendini mana kaka ipono olemb zeituni e yath kata mana kaka olemo manok, mag mzabibu dongʼne johulo e yath kosepon.
14 These survivors shout aloud and sing for joy. From the west they praise the Lord's majesty.
Gitingʼo dwondgi malo, ka gigoyo koko gimor koa yo podho chiengʼ, kendo ka gihulo teko mar Jehova Nyasaye.
15 From the east they glorify the Lord; from the sea shores they praise the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
Omiyo miuru Jehova Nyasaye duongʼ un joma odak e chula mag nam man yo wuok chiengʼ; tingʼuru nying Jehova Nyasaye malo, ma en Nyasach Israel,
16 We hear songs coming from the ends of the earth, singing, “Glory to the God who does right.” But I'm miserable, miserable. Pity me! Deceitful people go on betraying, again and again.
koa e tungʼ piny duto wawinjo wer mawer niya: “Duongʼ odongʼ ne Jal Makare.” To an ne awacho niya, “Aserumo chuth, aserumo chuth! Mano kaka aneno malit! Jandhoko ndhogo ji! Kuom timbe mag andhoga osendhogo ji!”
17 Terrors and pit-traps and snares are waiting for you, people of the earth.
Masira rita, osekunyna bugo kendo obadho osechikna, yaye un oganda modak e piny.
18 Those who run away in terror will fall into a pit-trap, and those who escape from the pit-trap will be caught in a snare. Heaven's windows are opened; earth's foundations shake.
Ngʼama notem ringo kowinjo mahu mar masira nolwar e bur, kendo ngʼama notem wuok e burno nolwar e obadho. Dhorangeye mag polo noyawre, kendo mise mag piny noyiengni.
19 The earth is completely broken up; the earth is ripped apart, the earth is violently shaken.
Piny osebarore, piny oselal nono, kendo piny yiengni malich.
20 The earth staggers to and fro like a drunk, and sways this way and that like a shelter. The guilt of its rebelliousness weighs heavily on it, and it collapses—it won't rise again.
Piny thembo ka jakongʼo, kendo ohukni ka kiru ma yamo yiengo, kethruok kod timbene mamono omiyo opodho ma ok nochak oa malo.
21 At that time the Lord will punish all the high heavenly beings and the kings of the earth.
E kindeno Jehova Nyasaye nokum teko duto manie polo malo, kaachiel gi ruodhi duto manie piny.
22 They will be brought together, prisoners in a pit. They will be imprisoned, and eventually they will be punished.
Nochokgi kaachiel kendo nolornegi mana kaka jo-jela molornegi e od twech kendo nolornegi e od twech, mi giyud kum kuom kinde mangʼeny.
23 The moon will be embarrassed and the sun will be ashamed, for the Lord Almighty will reign in glory on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem in the presence of its leaders.
Dwe norieny matip-tip kendo wangʼ chiengʼ noimre nikech Jehova Nyasaye Maratego, nogur lochne kod duongʼne e Got Sayun kod Jerusalem e nyim jodongo.