< Isaiah 22 >

1 A message about the Valley of Vision (Jerusalem). What's happening? Why has everyone gone up onto the rooftops?
論異象谷的默示: 有甚麼事使你這滿城的人都上房頂呢?
2 There are shouts and commotion all over the city with people celebrating. Your dead weren't killed by the sword or in battle.
你這滿處吶喊、大有喧嘩的城, 歡樂的邑啊, 你中間被殺的並不是被刀殺, 也不是因打仗死亡。
3 All your leaders ran away together; they were captured without resistance. All your people trying to escape were captured together, even though they had run a long way away.
你所有的官長一同逃跑, 都為弓箭手所捆綁。 你中間一切被找到的都一同被捆綁; 他們本是逃往遠方的。
4 That's why I said, “Go away! Let me mourn in peace. Don't insist on comforting me as the daughter of my people is ruined.”
所以我說:你們轉眼不看我, 我要痛哭。 不要因我眾民的毀滅, 就竭力安慰我。
5 For the Lord has a day of defeat, of panic and confusion in the Valley of Vision, a day of tearing down walls and crying for help to the mountains.
因為主-萬軍之耶和華使「異象谷」 有潰亂、踐踏、煩擾的日子。 城被攻破, 哀聲達到山間。
6 The Elamites pick up their quivers full of arrows, and prepare their chariots and horsemen, while the people of Kir uncover their shields ready for battle.
以攔帶着箭袋, 還有坐戰車的和馬兵; 吉珥揭開盾牌。
7 Your most productive valleys are now full of enemy chariots; and their cavalry are at your gates!
你嘉美的谷遍滿戰車, 也有馬兵在城門前排列。
8 Judah's defenses have been stripped away and so at that time you went looking for weapons in the Palace of the Forest.
他去掉猶大的遮蓋。 那日,你就仰望林庫內的軍器。
9 You examined the breaks in the walls of the City of David and found there were many. You had water collect in the lower pool.
10 Your reviewed the number of houses in the city and demolished some to provide stone to repair the walls.
11 You built a reservoir inside the walls for the waters from the old pool, but you did not respect its Maker or think about the One who planned it long ago.
12 At that time the Lord, the Lord Almighty, was calling you to weep and mourn, to shave your heads and wear sackcloth.
當那日,主-萬軍之耶和華叫人哭泣哀號, 頭上光禿,身披麻布。
13 Instead, you go on happily partying! You slaughter cattle and sheep so you can have your feasts, eating meat and drinking wine, saying, “Let's eat and drink, because we're going to die tomorrow!”
誰知,人倒歡喜快樂, 宰牛殺羊,吃肉喝酒,說: 我們吃喝吧!因為明天要死了。
14 The Lord Almighty has made this clear to me: “I will not forgive this sin till your dying day, says the Lord, the Lord Almighty.”
萬軍之耶和華親自默示我說: 這罪孽直到你們死,斷不得赦免! 這是主-萬軍之耶和華說的。
15 This is what the Lord, the Lord Almighty, told me to do. “Go to Shebna, the palace manager, and give him this message:
16 ‘What are you doing here? Who do you think you are, cutting out a tomb for yourself high up on a hill, carving out for yourself a place to rest?
17 Watch out, you “great man”! The Lord is about to grab you and violently toss you aside.
18 He's going to roll you up into a ball, and throw you far away into a vast country. You will die there, and that's where the chariots you were so proud of will remain. You're a disgrace to your lord's royal family.
19 I will push you out of office, I will strip you of your position.
20 After that I will call for my servant, Eliakim, son of Hilkiah.
21 I will put your robe and place your sash around him, and I will give your authority to him. He will be a father to the people living in Jerusalem and Judah.
22 I will give him the key to the house of David. What he opens, nobody can shut; what he shuts, nobody can open.
23 I will drive him like a nail hammered securely into a wall. He will bring honor to his family.
24 The heavy burden of his father's family will hang on him—all the descendants and the inlaws—all the little containers, bowls and all kinds of jars.
25 So the time will come, declares the Lord Almighty, when the nail will come out of the wall, even though it was hammered in securely. It will break off and fall down, and everything hanging on it will fall down too. The Lord has spoken.

< Isaiah 22 >