< Isaiah 2 >
1 This is the vision that Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw about Judah and Jerusalem.
Viđenje Izaije, sina Amosova, o Judeji i Jeruzalemu:
2 In the last days the mountain where the Lord's Temple stands will be recognized as the highest of all mountains, rising above other hills. Many from the other nations will travel to it.
Dogodit će se na kraju dana: Gora Doma Jahvina bit će postavljena vrh svih gora, uzvišena iznad svih bregova. K njoj će se stjecati svi narodi,
3 People will come and say, “Let's go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the Temple of the God of Jacob. There God will teach us his ways and we will follow his directions. God's teachings will spread out from Zion, his word from Jerusalem.”
nagrnut će mnoga plemena i reći: “Hajde, uziđimo na Goru Jahvinu, pođimo u Dom Boga Jakovljeva! On će nas naučiti svojim putovima, hodit ćemo stazama njegovim. Jer će iz Siona Zakon doći, iz Jeruzalema riječ Jahvina.”
4 The Lord will decide the cases of the nations; he will settle arguments between nations. They will hammer their swords and turn them into plough blades, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nations will not fight against each other anymore; they will no longer learn methods of warfare.
On će biti sudac narodima, mnogim će sudit' plemenima, koji će mačeve prekovati u plugove, a koplja u srpove. Neće više narod dizat' mača protiv naroda nit' se više učit' ratovanju.
5 Come, you Israelites, let's walk in the Lord's light.
Hajde, dome Jakovljev, u Jahvinoj hodimo svjetlosti!
6 For you, Lord, have given up on your people the Israelites, because they have adopted pagan practices from the East, they use spells like the Philistines, and make friends with foreigners.
Da, ti si svoj odbacio narod, dom Jakovljev, jer je pun vračeva s istoka i gatara kao Filistejci, bratime se s tuđincima.
7 Their country is full of silver and gold, and endless wealth. Their land is full of horses; and they have an endless amount of chariots.
Zemlja mu je puna srebra i zlata i blagu mu kraja nema; zemlja mu je puna konja, kolima mu broja nema.
8 Their country is full of idols; they bow down and worship what they have made themselves—produced by their own hands!
Zemlja mu je prepuna kumira i oni se klanjaju pred djelom ruku svojih, pred onim što njihovi načiniše prsti.
9 These people will be brought down and humiliated—Lord, don't forgive them!
Smrtnik će se poviti, čovjek sniziti; ne praštaj im.
10 Run away into rock caves, hide underground from the terrifying presence of the Lord, from the glory of his majesty.
Uđi među pećine, skrij se u prašinu, pred užasom Jahvinim, pred sjajem veličanstva njegova, kad ustane da potrese zemlju.
11 Those who look with arrogance will be brought low; those who are proud will be humbled. On that day only the Lord will be lifted high.
Ohol pogled bit će skršen i bahatost ljudska ponižena. Jahve će se uzvisiti, on jedini - u dan onaj.
12 The Lord has set aside a day when he will deal with the proud and arrogant. He will end all self-glorification, bringing it down.
Da, bit će to dan Jahve nad Vojskama, protiv svih oholih i bahatih, protiv sviju što se uzvisiše, da ih obori;
13 He will cut down the cedars of Lebanon, tall and high, and all the great oaks of Bashan,
protiv svih cedrova libanonskih i svih hrastova bašanskih;
14 He will bring down the tall mountains and the high hills.
protiv svih gora uznositih i svih bregova uzdignutih;
15 He will tear down every high tower and every defensive wall.
protiv svake visoke tvrđe i svih tvrdih zidina;
16 He will wipe out all the commercial ships of Tarshish as well as the pleasure vessels.
protiv sveg brodovlja taršiškog i svih brodova raskošnih.
17 The arrogant will be humbled; the proud will be brought low. On that day only the Lord will be lifted high.
Oholost ljudska skršit će se i bahatost ljudska poniziti. Jahve će se uzvisiti, on jedini - u dan onaj,
18 Idols will completely vanish away.
i kumiri će netragom nestati.
19 People will run away into rock caves and holes in the ground to try and hide from the terrifying presence of the Lord, from the glory of his majesty, when he arrives to shake the earth.
Uđite u rupe među pećinama i u spilje zemaljske pred užasom Jahvinim, pred sjajem veličanstva njegova, kad ustane da potrese zemlju.
20 On that day the people will take the idols of silver and gold that they made to worship and throw them away to the rats and the bats.
U dan onaj: bacit će svaki svoje srebro i zlatne kumire koje sebi načini da im se klanja,
21 They will run to cracks in the rocks and gaps on the cliffs to try and hide from the terrifying presence of the Lord, from the glory of his majesty, when he arrives to shake the earth.
kad uteče u šupljine pećina i u raspukline stijena pred užasom Jahvinim, pred sjajem veličanstva njegova, kad ustane da potrese zemlju.
22 Don't bother trusting human beings who only live for a while. How much do they count?
Čuvajte se, dakle, čovjeka koji ima samo jedan dah u nosnicama: jer što vrijedi?