< Isaiah 14 >

1 But the Lord will be merciful to the descendants of Jacob. Once again he will choose Israel and he will bring them back to live once more in their own land. Foreigners will come and join them there, and they will unite with the descendants of Jacob.
Thi HERREN forbarmer sig over Jakob og udvælger atter Israel. Han lader dem fæste Bo i deres eget Land, og fremmede skal slutte sig til dem og føjes til Jakobs Hus.
2 Nations will go with them and escort them to their own land. The foreigners who stay in the Lord's land will serve the Israelites. In this way the captors become their captives, and they rule over their former oppressors.
Folkeslag skal tage dem og bringe dem hjem igen; og Israels Hus skal i HERRENs Land tage Folkeslagene i Eje som Trælle og Trælkvinder; de skal gøre dem til Fanger, hvis Fanger de var, og herske over deres Bødler.
3 At that time the Lord will give you relief from your pain and trouble, and from the hard labor you were forced to do.
På den Dag HERREN giver dig Hvile for din Møje og Uro og for den hårde Trældom, der lagdes på dig,
4 You will mock the king of Babylon, saying, “How your oppressive rule has been ended, and your insolence stopped!
skal du istemme denne Spottevise om Babels Konge: Hvor er dog Bødlen stille, Tvangshuset tyst!
5 The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked, the rulers' scepter.
HERREN har brudt de gudløses Stok, Herskernes Kæp,
6 You kept on furiously hitting foreign peoples without stopping, and aggressively ruled nations with unrestrained persecution.
som slog i Vrede Folkeslag, Slag i Slag, og tvang i Harme Folk med skånselsløs Tvang.
7 Now the whole earth rests peacefully, and everyone starts celebrating!
Al Jorden har Fred og Ro, bryder ud i Jubel;
8 The cypress and cedar trees are glad you're gone. They sing, ‘Since you were cut down no woodcutters are coming to cut us down!’
selv Cypresserne glæder sig over dig, Libanons Cedre: "Siden dit Fald kommer ingen op for at fælde os!"
9 Those in the grave beneath are keen to meet you when you arrive. It wakes the spirits of the dead to welcome you, those of all the rulers of the earth. All the kings of the nations stand up from their thrones. (Sheol h7585)
Dødsriget nedentil stormer dig heftigt i Møde, vækker for din Skyld Dødninger, al Jordens store, jager alle Folkenes Konger op fra Tronen; (Sheol h7585)
10 They will all speak up and tell you, ‘So you too are as weak as we are—you've become just like us!
de tager alle til Orde og siger til dig: "Også du blev kraftløs som vi, du blev vor Lige!"
11 Your pride is now buried with you in the grave, along with the harp music you loved. Maggots are the bed you lie on, and worms are your blanket.’ (Sheol h7585)
Til Dødsriget sendtes din Højhed, dine Harpers Brus, dit Leje er redt med Råddenskab, dit Tæppe er Orme. (Sheol h7585)
12 Morning star, son of the dawn, how you have fallen from heaven! Destroyer of nations, you have been cut down to the ground!
Nej, at du faldt fra Himlen; du strålende Morgenstjerne, fældet og kastet til Jorden, du Folkebetvinger!
13 You said to yourself: ‘I will ascend to heaven. I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit enthroned on the mountain of meeting, the summit of the northern mountain.
Du, som sagde. i Hjertet: "Jeg stormer Himlen, rejser min, Trone deroppe over Guds Stjerner, tager Sæde på Stævnets Bjerg i yderste Nord,
14 I will ascend to the high places above the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’
stiger op over Skyernes Højder, den Højeste lig" -
15 But you are dragged down to the grave, into the depths of the pit. (Sheol h7585)
ja, ned i Dødsriget styrtes du, nederst i Hulen! (Sheol h7585)
16 Those who see you will stare at you, examining you closely, asking, ‘Is this the man who shook the earth, who made kingdoms tremble?
Ser man dig, stirrer man på dig med undrende Blikke: "Er det ham, som fik Jorden til at bæve, Riger til at skælve,
17 Is this the one who turned the world into a desert, destroyed cities, and never let his prisoners return home?’
ham, som gjorde Verden til Ørk og jævnede Byer, ikke gav Fangerne fri til at drage mod Hjemmet?"
18 All the other kings of the nations lie in splendor in their great mausoleums.
Folkenes Konger hviler med Ære hver i sit Hus,
19 But you are thrown out of your grave like a branch nobody wants, buried underneath the bodies of those killed by the sword. You are like a corpse trodden underfoot. You are tossed into a pit full of rocks—
men du er slængt hen uden Grav som et usseligt Foster, dækket af faldne, slagne med Sværd og kastet i Stenbruddets Hul som et nedtrådt Ådsel.
20 you will not be buried like those other kings because you destroyed your own land and killed your own people. The descendants of those who do evil will never survive.
I Graven samles du ikke med dine Fædre, fordi du ødte dit Land og dræbte dit Folk. Ugerningsmændenes Afkom skal aldrig nævnes.
21 Get ready to execute his sons because of their fathers' sins. Don't let them take over the earth; don't let them fill the whole world with their cities.
Bered hans Sønner et Blodbad for Faderens Brøde! De skal ikke stå op og indtage Jorden og fylde Verden med Sfæder.
22 I will come and attack them, declares the Lord Almighty. I will destroy everything: their reputation, those who remain, their children, and their descendants, says the Lord.
Jeg står op imod dem, lyder det fra Hærskarers HERRE, og udrydder af Babel Navn og Rest, Skud og Spire, lyder det fra HERREN;
23 I will make Babylon into a place for water birds and into marshland. I will sweep her away with the broom of destruction, declares the Lord Almighty.”
jeg gør det til Rørdrummers Eje og til side Sumpe; jeg fejer det bort med Undergangens Kost, lyder det fra Hærskarers HERRE.
24 The Lord Almighty has sworn an oath: It will be as I have planned. It will happen as I have decided.
Hærskarers HERRE har svoret således: Visselig, som jeg har tænkt det, så skal det ske, og som jeg satte mig for, så står det fast:
25 I will smash the Assyrians when they are in my country Israel; I will trample them underfoot on my mountains. I will remove their yoke from my people, and take away the burdens they place on my people's shoulders.
Jeg knuser Assur i mit Land, ned tramper ham på mine Bjerge, hans Åg skal vige fra dem, hans Byrde skal vige fra dets Skuldre.
26 This is the plan I have made regarding the whole earth; my hand stretches out to control all the nations.
Det er, hvad jeg satte mig for imod al Jorden, det er den Hånd, som er udrakt mod alle Folk.
27 The Lord Almighty has made his plan, and who will block it? His hand stretches out, and who will push back against it?
Thi Hærskarers HERREs Råd, hvo kuldkaster det? Hans udrakte Hånd, hvo tvinger vel den tilbage?
28 The following message came in the year King Ahaz died.
I Kong Akaz's Dødsår kom dette Udsagn:
29 All you Philistines, don't celebrate the fact that the rod that was hitting you is broken, because from the root of that snake will grow up a viper, its fruit will be a flying serpent.
Glæd dig ej, hele Filisterland, at kæppen, der slog dig, er brudt! Thi af Slangerod kommer en Øgle, dens frugt er en flyvende Drage.
30 The poor will have food, and the needy will live in safety, but you Philistines will die in a famine, and I will kill those who survive.
På min Vang skal de ringe græsse de fattige lejre sig trygt; men jeg dræber dit Afkom ved Sult; hvad der levnes, slår jeg ihjel.
31 Howl, gates! Weep, town! Melt away in feat, all you Philistines! For a cloud of smoke is approaching from the north—an army with no soldier hanging back.
Hyl, Port, skrig, By, Angst gribe dig, hele Filisterland! Thi nordenfra kommer Røg, i Fjendeskaren nøler ingen.
32 What will be the answer given to the messengers from that nation? “The Lord was the one who laid the foundations of Zion, and that's where his suffering people will be kept safe.”
Og hvad skal der svares Folkets Sendebud? At HERREN har grundfæstet Zion, og de arme i hans Folk søger Tilflugt der.

< Isaiah 14 >