< Isaiah 10 >
1 Tragedy is coming to those who pass evil decrees and who write laws to harm people.
2 They pervert the legal rights of the needy, and rob justice from the poor of my people. They steal from widows and cheat orphans.
かれらは乏きものの訴をうけず わが民のなかの貧しきものの權利をはぎ寡婦の資產をうばひ孤兒のものを掠む
3 What are you going to do on the day you're punished, when disaster falls on you from far away? Who are you going to run to so you can get help? Where are you going to leave all your wealth?
なんぢら懲しめらるる日きたらば何をなさんとするか 敗壞とほきより來らんとき何をなさんとするか なんぢら逃れゆきて誰にすくひを求めんとするか また何處になんぢらの榮をのこさんとするか
4 All you'll be able to do is to bow down as prisoners, or lie among the dead! In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
ただ縛められたるものの下にかがみ 殺されたるもののしたに伏仆れんのみ 然はあれどヱホバのいかり止ずして尚ほその手をのばしたまふ
5 Tragedy is coming to the Assyrians, even though the rod they use represents my anger and the stick they hold in their hands represents my fury!
咄アツスリヤ人 なんぢはわが怒の杖なり その手の笞はわが忿恚なり
6 I am sending the Assyrians against a nation that has given up on its God, against a people that make me angry. I order the Assyrians to loot them, to take their possessions, and to trample them down like mud in the street.
われ彼をつかはして邪曲なる國をせめ我かれに命じて我がいかれる民をせめてその所有をかすめその財寶をうばはしめ かれらを街の泥のごとくに蹂躪らしめん
7 But this isn't what is behind the thinking of the king of Assyria. This isn't the plan he has in mind. What he wants to do is to destroy and eliminate many nations.
されどアツスリヤ人のこころざしは斯のごとくならず その心の念もまた斯のごとくならず そのこころは敗壞をこのみ あまたの國をほろぼし絶ん
8 He says: “All my commanders are kings!
かれ云 わが諸侯はみな王にあらずや
9 We conquered Calno like we did Carchemish; Hamath like Arpad; Samaria like Damascus.
カルノはカルケミシの如く ハマテはアルパデの如く サマリヤはダマスコの如きにあらずや
10 I was the one who conquered these kingdoms along with the idols of their gods. These kingdoms had images of their gods that were better than those of Jerusalem and Samaria.
わが手は偶像につかふる國々を得たり その彫たる像はヱルサレムおよびサマリヤのものに勝れたり
11 Why shouldn't I do to Jerusalem and her idols just what I did to Samaria and her idols?”
12 Once the Lord has finished all his work against Mount Zion and Jerusalem, he will punish the king of Assyria for his terrible arrogance and for the conceited look in his eyes.
このゆゑに主いひたまふ 我シオンの山とヱルサレムとに爲んとする事をことごとく遂をはらんとき 我アツスリヤ王のおごれる心の實とその高ぶり仰ぎたる眼とを罰すべし
13 For the king of Assyria says: “I have done this in my own strength. It was through my wisdom, because I'm clever. I have wiped out the boundaries of nations and looted their treasures. Like a bull I knocked their rulers off their thrones.
そは彼いへらく われ手の力と智慧とによりて之をなせり 我はかしこし 國々の境をのぞき その獲たるものをうばひ 又われは丈夫にしてかの位に坐するものを下したり
14 Like robbing a bird's nest, I took the wealth of the nations. Like collecting abandoned eggs, I collected the whole the earth. There wasn't a fluttering wing or an open beak, not even a chirp!”
わが手もろもろの民のたからを得たりしは巣をとるが如く また天が下を取收めたりしは遺しすてたる卵をとりあつむるが如くなりき あるひは翼をうごかし あるひは口をひらき あるひは喃々する者もなかりしなりと
15 Does an ax say it's more important than the person swinging it? Does a saw boast that it's greater than the person sawing with it? It would be as if a rod waved the person holding it, or a walking stick lifted up a person—who certainly wasn't wood!
斧はこれをもちゐて伐ものにむかひて己みづから誇ることをせんや 鋸は これを動かす者にむかひて己みづから高ぶることをせんや 此はあだかも笞がおのれを擧るものを動かし杖みづから木にあらざるものを擧んとするにひとし
16 So the Lord, the Lord Almighty, will send a disease on the king of Assyria's strong warriors that will make them waste away; a flaming fire will be set under everything he's so proud of.
このゆゑに主萬軍のヱホバは肥たるものを瘠しめ 且その榮光のしたに火のもゆるが如き火焰をおこし給はん
17 Israel's light will become a fire, and his Holy One will become a flame. It will burn up his thorns and brambles in just one day.
イスラエルの光は火のごとく その聖者はほのほの如くならん 斯て一日のうちに荊とおどろとを燒ほろぼし
18 It will totally destroy its splendid forests and orchards. Assyria will waste away, staggering off like someone sick.
又かの林と土肥たる田圃の榮をうせしめ 靈魂をも身をもうせしめて病るものの衰へたるが如くなさん
19 The trees left in its forests will be so few that a child could count them.
20 At that time those who are left in Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no longer trust in those who turn on them, but they will truly trust in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.
21 A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will come back to the Mighty God.
22 Israel, even though your people are as numerous as sand on the seashore, only a remnant will return. The Lord has rightly decided to destroy his people.
ああイスラエルよ なんぢの民は海の沙のごとしといへども遺りて歸りきたる者はただ僅少ならん そは敗壞すでにさだまり義にて溢るべければなり
23 The Lord God Almighty has rightly decided to bring destruction throughout the whole country.
24 So this is what the Lord, the Lord Almighty, says, My people living in Zion, don't be afraid of the Assyrians who beat you with rods and hit you with clubs, just like the Egyptians did.
このゆゑに主萬軍のヱホバいひたまはく シオンに住るわが民よアツスリヤ人エジプトの例にならひ笞をもて汝をうち杖をあげて汝をせむるとも懼るるなかれ
25 Very shortly I will stop being angry with you. Then I will turn my anger on them and I will destroy them.
ただ頃刻にして忿恚はやまん 我がいかりは彼等をほろぼして息ん
26 The Lord Almighty will lash them with a whip, just as he did when he attacked the Midianites at the rock of Oreb. He will hold up his rod over the sea, just as he did in Egypt.
萬軍のヱホバむかしミデアン人をオレブの巖のあたりにて撃たまひしごとくに禍害をおこして之をせめ 又その杖を海のうへに伸しエジプトの例にしたがひてこれを擧たまはん
27 At that time he will remove the burden from your shoulders and the yoke from your neck. The yoke will be broken because of the anointing with oil.
その日かれの重荷はなんぢの肩より下 かれの軛はなんぢの頸よりはなれ その軛はあぶらの故をもて壞れん
28 The Assyrians came to Aiath, passed through Migron, and stored their supplies at Michmash.
29 They cross the pass, saying, “We'll stay overnight at Geba.” The people of Ramah tremble in fear; the inhabitants of Gibeah of Saul run away.
渡口をすぎてゲバに宿る ここに於てラマはをののきサウルギべア人は逃れはしれり
30 Shout out a warning, people of Gallim! Pay attention, those living in Laishah! You poor people of Anathoth!
ガリムの女よなんぢ聲をあげて叫べ ライシよ耳をかたぶけて聽け アナトテよなんぢも聲をあげよ
31 The people of Madmenah, are all running away. The inhabitants of Gebim are looking for somewhere safe.
32 Today the invaders stop at Nob, shaking their fists at the mountain of the Daughter of Zion, at the hill of Jerusalem.
この日かれノブに立とどまり シオンのむすめの山ヱルサレムの岡にむかひて手をふりたり
33 Look how the Lord Almighty is going to chop off the branches with great force. The tall trees will be cut down, the proud trees will be brought crashing down.
主ばんぐんのヱホバは雄々しくたけびてその枝を斷たまはん 丈高きものは伐おとされ聳えたる者はひくくせらるべし
34 He will cut down the thick forest with an ax, and Lebanon will fall at the hand of the Mighty One.
また銕をもて茂りあふ林をきり給はん レバノンは能力あるものに倒さるべし