< Hosea 5 >

1 Hear this, you priests! Pay attention, house of Israel! Listen, members of the royal family!
“Nụrụnụ nke a, unu ndị nchụaja! Geenụ ntị, unu ụlọ Izrel! Geenụ ntị, unu ndị ezinaụlọ eze. Nʼihi na ọ bụ unu ka ikpe ahụ gbasara. Nʼihi na unu abụrụla ihe ị maa nʼọnya na Mizpa, na ụgbụ agbasara nʼelu Taboa.
2 Judgment belongs with you because you have been a snare set at Mizpah and a net spread out on Tabor. You dug a deep trap in Shittim, but I will punish you for all these things you have done.
Ndị nnupu isi ahụ abamiela ime nʼigbu mmadụ, aga m ata ha niile ahụhụ.
3 I know Ephraim very well, and Israel cannot hide from me, for now Ephraim is a prostitute and Israel is defiled.
Amaara m ihe niile gbasara Ifrem, ọ dịkwaghị ihe zoro ezo banyere Izrel nʼebe m nọ. Gị Ifrem, ugbu a ị gbawala akwụna; gị Izrel, emerụọkwala gị.
4 Your actions stop you from coming back to your God for a spirit of prostitution is within you and you do not know the Lord.
“Omume ha agaghị ekwe ka ha laghachikwute Chineke ha, nʼihi na mmụọ nke ịkwa iko ewerela ute biri nʼime ha, ha amaghịkwa Onyenwe anyị.
5 Israel's pride speaks against them, right in the face. Israel and Ephraim will stumble because of their guilt, and Judah will stumble along with them.
Mpako niile nke Izrel na-agba ama megide ha, Ọ bụladị Izrel na Ifrem na-asọ ngọngọ nʼime mmehie ha, Juda, nʼonwe ya, soo ha na-asọ ngọngọ.
6 They will go to seek the Lord with their herds and flocks, but they will not find him, for he has given up on them.
Mgbe ha ga-eji igwe ewu na atụrụ ha na igwe ehi ha, gaa ịchọ Onyenwe anyị, ha agaghị achọta ya. Nʼihi na o sitela nʼebe ha nọ wezuga onwe ya.
7 They have been unfaithful to the Lord and have had children that are not his. Now the New Moon will destroy them along with their fields.
Ha bụ ndị na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi nye Onyenwe anyị. Ha mụrụ ụmụ a kwatara nʼiko. Ugbu a, mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ ha ga-eripịa ha na ala ubi ha.
8 Blow the horn in Gibeah! Sound the trumpet in Ramah! Shout an alarm in Beth-aven! Lead the way, Benjamin!
“Fụọ opi ike na Gibea, fụkwaa mpi anụ na Rema. Tie mkpu agha na Bet-Aven. Lee anya nʼazụ gị, Benjamin.
9 Ephraim will be left desolate on the day of punishment. Among the tribes of Israel I will reveal what is the real truth.
A ga-ebibi Ifrem kpamkpam nʼụbọchị ahụ m ga-ata ha ahụhụ. Nʼetiti ebo nke Izrel niile, ka m na-ekwusa ka amara na ọ bụ okwu kwesiri ntụkwasị obi.
10 The rulers of Judah have become thieves like those who illegally move boundaries. I will pour out my anger like water upon them.
Ndị ndu Juda adịla ka ndị ahụ na-ewezuga oke ala, aga m awụkwasị ha iwe m dịka uju mmiri ozuzo.
11 The people of Ephraim are crushed, smashed to pieces in judgment because they were determined to follow human commands.
Ifrem bụ onye a na-emegbu emegbu, onye e ji ike na-azọpịa, nʼihi na ọ kpacha anya na-achụso ihe efu.
12 I am like a maggot to Ephraim, and like something rotten to the people of Judah.
Adị m ka nla nye Ifrem, dịkwa ka ihe na-eweta ire ure dịịrị ndị Juda.
13 When Ephraim saw how sick they were, and Judah saw how wounded they were, Ephraim turned to the great king of Assyria for help, but he could not heal them or cure their wounds.
“Mgbe Ifrem hụrụ ụdị ọrịa ọ na-arịa, Juda ahụkwa ọnya dị ya nʼahụ, mgbe ahụ Ifrem gakwuru ndị Asịrịa, ma zigakwara eze ukwu ahụ ozi. Ma ọ pụghị ịgwọ gị, maọbụ gwọọ ọnya gị niile.
14 For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a fierce lion to the people of Judah. I will come and tear them to pieces, and carry them off, and no one will be able to rescue them.
Nʼihi na-aga m adị ka ọdụm nye Ifrem dịkwa ka nwa ọdụm nye Juda. Aga m adọkasị anụ ahụ ha ma hapụ ha pụọ. Aga m ebupụ ha pụọ, na-enweghị onye ga-abịa ịzọpụta ha.
15 Then I will leave and return to where I came from until they acknowledge their wrongs, and in their distress they will seek my face and beg for my help.”
Aga m alaghachi azụ nʼọnọdụ m, ruo mgbe ha kweere na ikpe mara ha, ma chọọ ihu m; nʼọnọdụ mmekpa ahụ ha, ha ga-achọsi m ike.”

< Hosea 5 >