< Hosea 2 >

1 “On that day you will call your brothers Ammi, and you will call your sisters Ruhamah.
“Gwa ụmụnne gị ndị nwoke Ami, ‘nke pụtara ndị m,’ gwakwa ụmụnne gị nwanyị Ruhama, nke pụtara, ‘Unu ndị m hụrụ nʼanya.’
2 Condemn your mother, condemn her because she is not my wife and I am not her husband. Tell her to stop looking like a prostitute—get rid of the makeup and the provocative clothing.
“Unu guzogidenụ nne unu, rịọọnụ ya, nʼihi na ọ bụghị nwunye m, mụ onwe m abụkwaghị di ya. Gwanụ ya ka o wezuga ịkwa iko site nʼihu ya, ya wezugakwa ịgba akwụna nke dị nʼetiti ara ya abụọ.
3 Otherwise I will strip her naked as the day she was born, and make her like a desert, a barren land, and let her die of thirst.
Ma ọ bụghị otu a, aga m eyipụ ya uwe ya mee ka ọ gbara ọtọ, aga m eme ka o gbara ọtọ dị ka nʼụbọchị ahụ a mụrụ ya. Aga m eme ya ka ọ dị ka ọzara, ka ọ ghọọ nʼala kpọrọ nkụ, were akpịrị ịkpọ nkụ mee ka ọ nwụọ.
4 I will have no pity on her children because they are children of prostitution.
Agaghị m egosi ụmụ ya ebere m, nʼihi na ha bụ ụmụ a kwatara nʼiko.
5 For their mother was a prostitute who conceived them in a shameful way. She said, ‘I'll run after my lovers who give me my food and water, my wool and flax and olive oil, and my drink.’
Nʼihi na nne ha bụ onye na-akwa iko, ọ tụrụ ime ha nʼọnọdụ ihere. Site nʼikwu sị, ‘Aghaghị m ịgbakwuru ndị enyi nwoke hụrụ m nʼanya, ndị na-enye m nri na mmiri, ajị anụ m na akwa ọcha m, mmanụ oliv m na ihe ọṅụṅụ m.’
6 That is why I am going to block her path with thorn bushes, and build a stone wall to stop her so she won't find her way.
Nʼihi nke a, aga m eji ogwu na uke gbachie ya gburugburu; aga m agbachi ụzọ ya, mee ya ka ọ ghara ịma ebe ọ na-eje.
7 When she runs after her lovers she won't catch up with them; she'll look for them but she won't find them. Then she'll say, ‘Let me go back to my former husband, because it was better for me then than now.’
Ọ ga-agbaso ndị ahụ hụrụ ya nʼanya ma ọ gaghị achụkwute ha. Ọ ga-achọ ha ma ọ gaghị ahụ ha. Mgbe ahụ, ọ ga-asị, ‘Ka m gaa laghachikwuru di mbụ m, nʼihi na ọ dịrị m mma mgbe ahụ karịa ugbu a.’
8 She doesn't consider that it was me who gave her grain, new wine, and olive oil; the silver and the gold which I gave her abundantly that they made into an idol of Baal.
Ma ọ kwetaghị na ihe ndị a si nʼaka m, na ọ bụ mụ nyere ya ọka, na mmanya ọhụrụ, na mmanụ oliv, na ọlaọcha, na ọlaedo ndị ahụ niile nke o ji na-efe Baal.
9 So I will take back my ripened grain and my new wine I gave at harvest time. I will take back my wool and my flax I provided to cover her nakedness.
“Ya mere, aga m ewerekwa ọka m mgbe ọ chara, na mmanya ọhụrụ m mgbe oge ya ruru. Aga m anapụkwa ya akwa ajị anụ m na akwa ọcha m, nke ekwesiri iji kpuchie ọtọ ya.
10 I will strip her naked while her lovers watch; no one will be able to rescue her from me.
Ugbu a, aga m ekpughe ọtọ ya nʼihu ndị ahụ na-ahụ ya nʼanya, ọ dịkwaghị onye nwere ike ịnapụta ya site nʼaka m.
11 I will put a stop to all her festivities: her feasts, new moon celebrations, special Sabbaths—all her festivals.
Aga m eme ka obi ụtọ ya kwụsị; ọ bụladị mmemme nke afọ niile, mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ, nke ụbọchị izuike na mmemme ndị ọzọ ahụ niile a kara aka.
12 I will destroy her vines and fig trees that she said were given to her as payment for being a prostitute. I will turn them into scrub-land; only wild animals will eat the remaining fruit.
Aga m ala ubi vaịnị ya na osisi fiig ya niile nʼiyi, nke ọ sịrị bụ ụgwọ ọrụ ya site nʼaka ndị hụrụ ya nʼanya; aga m emekwa ka ha ghọọ oke ọhịa, anụ ọhịa ga-eripịa ha.
13 I will punish her for all the times she offered incense to Baal, dressing herself up, putting on rings and jewelry, going after her lovers, but forgetting about me, declares the Lord.
Aga m enye ya ahụhụ maka ụbọchị niile bụ nke o surere ihe na-esi isi ụtọ nye chi Baal niile, ọ chịrị mgbaaka mkpịsịaka na ihe ịchọ mma niile, jikere onwe ya, pụọ chụso ndị ahụ hụrụ ya nʼanya, ma chezọọ m,” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya.
14 See what I'm going to do! I will win her back, taking her into the desert where I will speak to her heart-to-heart.
“Nʼihi nke a, aga m arara ya, duba ya nʼime ọzara, jiri olu dị nro gwa ya okwu nʼebe ahụ.
15 There I will return her vineyards to her and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will respond to me as she did when she was young, as in the time when she left the land of Egypt.
Ebe ahụ ka m ga-enyeghachi ya ubi vaịnị ya, gbanweekwa Ndagwurugwu Akọ, mee ka ọ ghọọ ọnụ ụzọ olileanya. Mgbe ahụ, ọ ga-azakwa m dịka o mere mgbe ọ bụ agbọghọbịa, nʼoge ahụ o si nʼala Ijipt pụta.
16 Then on that day, says the Lord, you will call me ‘my husband’ and not ‘my Baal.’
“Nʼụbọchị ahụ,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, “Ị ga-akpọ m ‘Di m,’ ị gaghị akpọkwa m ‘nna m ukwu,’ ọzọ.
17 I will stop her appealing to the Baals—their names won't be mentioned ever again.
Nʼihi na aga m ewepụkwa aha niile nke arụsị Baal nʼegbugbere ọnụ ya, ha gaghị akpọkwa ha aha ọzọ.
18 At that time I will make a solemn agreement with the wild animals and the birds of the sky and the creeping things of the ground. I will do away with the bow and the sword; I will abolish war from the land so you can lie down in safety.
Nʼụbọchị ahụ, aga m eme ka gị na ụmụ anụ ọhịa gbaa ndụ, meekwa ka gị na ụmụ nnụnụ, na ihe niile e kere eke nʼakpụgharị nʼala gbaa ndụ. Aga m emebi ngwa agha niile, agha niile ga-akwụsịkwa. Mgbe ahụ, a ga-eme ka ị dịnaa ala nʼudo na-enweghị nsogbu, na ụjọ.
19 I will make you my wife forever; I will make you my wife in goodness and justice and love and mercy.
Aga m ekwerekwa ịlụ gị dịka nwunye ruo ebighị ebi; aga m ekwerekwa ịlụ gị nʼezi omume na ikpe ziri ezi, nʼịhụnanya nke na-adịgide, nakwa obi ebere.
20 I will be faithful to you, my wife, and you will know me as the Lord.
Aga m eji ikwesi ntụkwasị obi kwere ịlụ gị. Ị ga-amatakwa Onyenwe anyị.
21 On that day, declares the Lord, I will answer the heavens and they will answer the earth.
“Nʼụbọchị ahụ m ga-azaghachi,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya. “M ga-azaghachi eluigwe, ha ga-azaghachi ala.
22 The earth will answer the grain, and the new wine, and the olive oil, and they shall answer, ‘Jezreel’ (God sows).
Ala ga-azaghachi ọka na mmanya ọhụrụ na mmanụ oliv, mgbe ahụ ha ga-azaghachi Jezril.
23 I will ‘sow’ her for myself in the earth. I will love Lo-ruhamah (unloved) and I will say ‘you are my people’ to Lo-ammi (not my people), and they will say ‘You are my God.’”
Aga m akụkwa ya nye onwe m nʼala ahụ dịka mkpụrụ. Aga m egosi ịhụnanya m nʼahụ onye ahụ m kpọrọ, ‘Onye m na-ahụghị nʼanya.’ M ga-asịkwa ndị ahụ a kpọrọ, ‘Ndị na-abụghị ndị m,’ ‘Unu bụ ndị nke m,’ Ha ga-azakwa, ‘Chineke m ka ị bụ.’”

< Hosea 2 >