< Hosea 12 >

1 Ephraim tries to herd the wind, chasing after the east wind all day long. Their lies and violence keep on increasing. They make a treaty with Assyria, and send olive oil to Egypt.
Efuremu anodya mhepo; anodzingana nemhepo yokumabvazuva zuva rose uye anowedzera nhema pamwe chete nechisimba. Anoita sungano neAsiria, uye anoendesa mafuta omuorivhi kuIjipiti.
2 The Lord also has an accusation against Judah, and will punish Jacob for the way the people act; he will repay them for what they have done.
Jehovha ane mhaka yaanopa Judha; acharanga Jakobho maererano nenzira dzake uye achamupa mubayiro maererano namabasa ake.
3 Even in the womb he fought with his brother; when he became a man he fought with God.
Muchizvaro akabata chitsitsinho chomukoma wake; somunhu akaita mutsimba naMwari.
4 He fought with the angel, and he won. He wept, and begged him for a blessing. Jacob found God at Bethel, and spoke with him there—
Akaita mutsimba nomutumwa akamukurira; akachema akakumbira kuti anzwirwe nyasha naye. Akamuwana paBheteri akataura naye ipapo,
5 the Lord God Almighty, the Lord is his memorable name!
Jehovha Mwari Wamasimba Ose, Jehovha ndiro zita rake raane mukurumbira naro!
6 You must return to your God. Act lovingly and do what is right, and always wait for your God.
Asi unofanira kudzokera kuna Mwari wako; chengetedza rudo nokururamisira, uye umirire Mwari wako nguva dzose.
7 A merchant who holds in his hands dishonest scales loves to swindle.
Mutengesi anoshandisa chiero chinonyengera; anofarira kubiridzira.
8 Ephraim says, “I'm rich! I've made myself wealthy! I've made so much from my work, and nobody can prove me guilty of doing wrong.”
Efuremu anozvikudza achiti, “Ndakapfuma kwazvo; ndazova mupfumi chaiye. Noupfumi hwangu hwose havangawani mandiri chakaipa chipi zvacho kana chivi mukati mangu.”
9 But I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. I will make you live again in tents like you do at the time of that particular festival.
“Ndini Jehovha Mwari wako, akakubudisa kubva muIjipiti; ndichakugarisazve mumatende, sapamazuva emitambo yakatarwa.
10 I spoke through the prophets. I myself gave many visions and parables through the prophets.
Ndakataura kuvaprofita, ndikavapa zviratidzo zvizhinji uye ndikataura mifananidzo kubudikidza navo.”
11 If Gilead is idolatrous, they will surely come to nothing. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls. Even their altars are like heaps of rocks in the furrows of the field.
Ko, Gireadhi yakaipa here? Vanhu vayo havana maturo! Vanobayira nzombe here paGirigari? Aritari dzavo dzichava semirwi yamatombo mumunda wakarimwa.
12 Jacob fled to the land of Aram; Israel worked there to gain a wife, earning a wife by looking after sheep.
Jakobho akatizira kunyika yeAramu; Israeri akashandira kuti awane mukadzi, uye kuti amuwane akafudza makwai.
13 Through a prophet the Lord brought Israel up from Egypt, and by a prophet they were cared for.
Jehovha akashandisa muprofita kuti abudise Israeri kubva muIjipiti, nomuprofita akavachengeta.
14 Ephraim has really upset the Lord, and the Lord will let them have the consequences of their bloodshed and pay them back for their contempt.
Asi Efuremu akamutsamwisa zvikuru kusvikira ashatirwa; Ishe wake achaisa paari mhosva dzake dzokudeura ropa uye achamupa mubayiro wokuzvidza kwake.

< Hosea 12 >