< Hebrews 3 >
1 So, my brothers and sisters who live for God and who share in this heavenly calling, we need to think carefully about Jesus—the one we say is sent by God, and is the High Priest.
he svargiiyasyaahvaanasya sahabhaagina. h pavitrabhraatara. h, asmaaka. m dharmmapratij naayaa duuto. agrasara"sca yo yii"sustam aalocadhva. m|
2 He was faithful to God in the work he was chosen to do, just like Moses was faithful to God in God's house.
muusaa yadvat tasya sarvvaparivaaramadhye vi"svaasya aasiit, tadvat ayamapi svaniyojakasya samiipe vi"svaasyo bhavati|
3 But Jesus deserves much greater glory than Moses, in the same way that the builder of a house deserves more credit than the house.
parivaaraacca yadvat tatsthaapayituradhika. m gaurava. m bhavati tadvat muusaso. aya. m bahutaragauravasya yogyo bhavati|
4 Every house has its builder; God is the builder of everything.
ekaikasya nive"sanasya parijanaanaa. m sthaapayitaa ka"scid vidyate ya"sca sarvvasthaapayitaa sa ii"svara eva|
5 As a servant, Moses was faithful in God's house. He provided evidence of what would be announced later.
muusaa"sca vak. syamaa. naanaa. m saak. sii bh. rtya iva tasya sarvvaparijanamadhye vi"svaasyo. abhavat kintu khrii. s.tastasya parijanaanaamadhyak. sa iva|
6 But Christ is a son, in charge of God's house. And we are God's house as long as we hold on with confidence to the hope we boast we believe in.
vaya. m tu yadi vi"svaasasyotsaaha. m "slaaghana nca "se. sa. m yaavad dhaarayaamastarhi tasya parijanaa bhavaama. h|
7 This is why the Holy Spirit says, “If you hear what God is saying to you today,
ato heto. h pavitre. naatmanaa yadvat kathita. m, tadvat, "adya yuuya. m kathaa. m tasya yadi sa. m"srotumicchatha|
8 don't have a hard-hearted attitude like the time you rebelled against him, when you tested him in the wilderness.
tarhi puraa pariik. saayaa dine praantaramadhyata. h| madaaj naanigrahasthaane yu. smaabhistu k. rta. m yathaa| tathaa maa kurutedaanii. m ka. thinaani manaa. msi va. h|
9 Your fathers put me through it, trying my patience, and they saw the evidence I gave them for forty years.
yu. smaaka. m pitarastatra matpariik. saam akurvvata| kurvvadbhi rme. anusandhaana. m tairad. r"syanta matkriyaa. h| catvaari. m"satsamaa yaavat kruddhvaahantu tadanvaye|
10 That generation made me angry and so I said, ‘They're always mistaken in what they think, and they don't know me or what I'm doing.’
avaadi. sam ime lokaa bhraantaanta. hkara. naa. h sadaa| maamakiinaani vartmaani parijaananti no ime|
11 So in my frustration I vowed, ‘They shall not enter my rest.’”
iti hetoraha. m kopaat "sapatha. m k. rtavaan ima. m| prevek. syate janairetai rna vi"sraamasthala. m mama||"
12 Brothers and sisters, make sure that none of you has an evil mindset that's given up trusting in the God of life.
he bhraatara. h saavadhaanaa bhavata, amare"svaraat nivarttako yo. avi"svaasastadyukta. m du. s.taanta. hkara. na. m yu. smaaka. m kasyaapi na bhavatu|
13 Encourage each other every day while you still have “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and become hard-hearted.
kintu yaavad adyanaamaa samayo vidyate taavad yu. smanmadhye ko. api paapasya va ncanayaa yat ka. thoriik. rto na bhavet tadartha. m pratidina. m parasparam upadi"sata|
14 For we are partners with Christ as long as we hold on to our confidence in God from beginning to end.
yato vaya. m khrii. s.tasyaa. m"sino jaataa. h kintu prathamavi"svaasasya d. r.dhatvam asmaabhi. h "se. sa. m yaavad amogha. m dhaarayitavya. m|
15 As Scripture says, “If you hear what God is saying to you today, don't have a hard-hearted attitude like the time you rebelled against him.”
adya yuuya. m kathaa. m tasya yadi sa. m"srotumicchatha, tarhyaaj naala"nghanasthaane yu. smaabhistu k. rta. m yathaa, tathaa maa kurutedaanii. m ka. thinaani manaa. msi va iti tena yadukta. m,
16 Who was it that rebelled against God, even though they heard what he said? Wasn't it all those who were led out of Egypt by Moses?
tadanusaaraad ye "srutvaa tasya kathaa. m na g. rhiitavantaste ke? ki. m muusasaa misarade"saad aagataa. h sarvve lokaa nahi?
17 Who was God upset with for forty years? Wasn't it those who sinned, those who were buried in the desert?
kebhyo vaa sa catvaari. m"sadvar. saa. ni yaavad akrudhyat? paapa. m kurvvataa. m ye. saa. m ku. napaa. h praantare. apatan ki. m tebhyo nahi?
18 Who was God speaking of when he vowed they should not enter into his rest? Wasn't it those who disobeyed him?
pravek. syate janairetai rna vi"sraamasthala. m mameti "sapatha. h ke. saa. m viruddha. m tenaakaari? kim avi"svaasinaa. m viruddha. m nahi?
19 So we see that they were not able to enter because they didn't trust him.
ataste tat sthaana. m prave. s.tum avi"svaasaat naa"saknuvan iti vaya. m viik. saamahe|