< Hebrews 12 >
1 For that reason, since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of people who gave evidence of their trust in God, let's get rid of everything that holds us back, the seductive sins that trip us up, and let's keep on running the race placed before us.
Naizvozvo nesuwo, zvatakakomberedzwa negore rezvapupu rakakura rikadai, ngatibvisei zvose zvinoremedza, nechivi chinongotinamatira nyore, uye ngatimhanyei nokutsungirira, nhangemutange yatakaisirwa.
2 We should keep on looking to Jesus, the one who begins and completes our trust in God. Because of the joy ahead of him Jesus endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God's throne.
Tichitarira kuna Jesu muvambi nomukwanisi wokutenda kwedu; iye akatsunga pamuchinjikwa nokuda kwomufaro wakaiswa pamberi pake, akashora kunyadziswa kwawo, uye akandogara kurudyi rwechigaro choushe chaMwari.
3 Think about Jesus who endured such hostility from sinful people so you don't grow tired and become discouraged.
Cherechedzai iye akatsunga pakupikiswa kwakadai navatadzi, kuti imi murege kuneta nokupera simba mumwoyo menyu.
4 Your resistance so far hasn't cost you blood as you fight against sin.
Mukurwa kwenyu nechivi, hamusati madzivisa kusvikira pakubuda ropa.
5 Have you forgotten God's appeal to you when he reasons with you as his children? He says, “My child, don't treat the Lord's discipline lightly, and don't give up when he corrects you either.
Uye makanganwa shoko rokukurudzira rinotaura kwamuri savanakomana richiti: “Mwanakomana wangu, usazvidza kuranga kwaShe, uye usaora mwoyo kana uchirangwa naye,
6 The Lord disciplines everyone he loves, and he punishes everyone he welcomes as his child.”
nokuti Ishe anoranga uyo waanoda, uye anorova munhu wose waanogamuchira somwanakomana.”
7 Be patient as you experience God's discipline because he is treating you as his children. What child doesn't experience a father's discipline?
Tsungai pamatambudziko sokurangwa; Mwari anokubatai imi savanakomana. Nokuti ndoupiko mwanakomana asingarangwi nababa vake?
8 If you are not disciplined, (which everyone has experienced), then you are illegitimate and not true children.
Kana musingarangwi (vamwe vose vachirangwa), naizvozvo muri vana vasiri chaivo uye hamusi vanakomana vechokwadi.
9 For if we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn't we even more be subject to the discipline of our spiritual Father which leads to life?
Uyezve, isu tose tina madzibaba edu epanyama anotiranga uye tinovakudza nokuda kwaizvozvo. Ko, tingazviisa zvikuru sei pasi paBaba vemweya yedu tigorarama!
10 They disciplined us for a short while as they thought appropriate, but God does so for our benefit in order that we can share his holy character.
Madzibaba edu aitiranga kwenguva duku sezvavaifunga kuti zvakafanira; asi Mwari anotiranga kuti zvitibatsire, kuti tigogoverwa utsvene hwake.
11 When it happens, all discipline seems painful and not something to be happy about. But later on it produces peace in those who have been trained in this way so that they do what is good and right.
Hakuna kurangwa kunofadza panguva yacho, asi kuti kunorwadza. Asi, zvisinei, pashure kunobereka gohwo rokururama norugare kuna avo vakadzidziswa nako.
12 So strengthen your feeble hands, and your weak knees!
Naizvozvo, simbisai maoko akaneta namabvi anoshayiwa simba.
13 Make straight paths to walk on, so that those who are crippled won't lose their way, but will be healed.
“Gadzirirai tsoka dzenyu nzira dzakarurama,” kuitira kuti anokamhina arege kuva akaremara, asi kuti aporeswe.
14 Do your best to live in peace with everybody, and look for holiness—if you don't have this you won't see the Lord.
Itai zvose zvamungagona kuti muve vatsvene; pasina utsvene hapana munhu achaona Ishe.
15 Make sure that none of you lack God's grace, in case some cause of bitterness arises to give trouble and end up corrupting many of you.
Chenjerai kuti kurege kuva nomunhu anorasikirwa nenyasha dzaMwari kuitira kuti mudzi wokuvava urege kumera kuti ugotambudza uye ugosvibisa vazhinji.
16 Make sure there's nobody who is sexually immoral, or irreligious, like Esau was. He sold his birthright for a single meal.
Chenjerai kuti kurege kuva nevanoita upombwe, kana nousina umwari saEsau, uyo akatengesa nhaka youdangwe hwake nokuda kwokudya kamwe chete.
17 You remember that even when he wanted to receive the blessing later on he was refused. Even though he really tried, and cried hard, Esau couldn't change what he had done.
Nokuti sezvamunoziva kuti pashure akati oda kugamuchira nhaka yokuropafadzwa, akarambwa. Nokuti haana kutendeuka, kunyange zvake akatsvaka mukomborero uyo nemisodzi.
18 You haven't arrived at a physical mountain that can be touched, that burned with fire, to a stormy place of black darkness,
Hamuna kumboswedera kugomo ringabatwa namaoko uye rinopfuta nomoto; kurima, kukusviba uye nokudutu guru;
19 where the sound of a trumpet and a voice speaking was heard—and those who heard the voice begged never to hear it speak to them again.
kukurira kwehwamanda kana inzwi rinotaura mashoko zvokuti vaya vakarinzwa vakakumbirisa kuti varege kuudzwazve rimwe shoko,
20 For they couldn't take what they were told to do, such as, “Even if a farm animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned to death.”
nokuti vakanga vasingagoni kutakura zvakanga zvarayirwa sokuti: “Kunyange kana mhuka ipi zvayo ikabata gomo, inofanira kutakwa namabwe.”
21 The sight was so terrifying that Moses himself said, “I'm so scared I'm shaking!”
Chakaonekwa chaityisa zvokuti Mozisi akati, “Ndiri kudedera nokutya.”
22 But you have arrived at Mount Zion, the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, with its thousands and thousands of angels.
Asi mauya kuGomo reZioni, kuJerusarema rokudenga, guta raMwari mupenyu. Mauya kuzviuru nezviuru zvavatumwa vari paungano yomufaro,
23 You have come to the church of the firstborn whose names are written down in heaven, to God, the judge of everyone, and to those good people whose lives are complete.
kukereke yamatangwe, vane mazita akanyorwa kudenga. Mauya kuna Mwari, mutongi wavanhu vose, kumweya yavanhu vakarurama vakakwaniswa,
24 You have come to Jesus, who shares with us the new agreed relationship, to the sprinkled blood that means more than that of Abel.
kuna Jesu murevereri wesungano itsva, uye kuropa rakasaswa rinotaura zviri nani pane raAbheri.
25 Make sure you don't reject the one who is speaking! If they didn't escape when they rejected God on earth, it is even more certain that we won't escape if we turn away from God who warns us from heaven!
Chenjerai kuti murege kuramba iye anotaura. Kana ivo vasina kupunyuka pavakaramba iye akavayambira panyika, ko, kuzoti isu kana tikatsauka kubva kwaari anotiyambira kubva kudenga?
26 Back then God's voice shook the earth, but his promise is now: “One more time I'm going to shake not only the earth, but heaven too.”
Panguva iyo inzwi rake rakazungunusa nyika, asi zvino akativimbisa, achiti, “Ndichazungunusazve kamwe chete, kwete nyika chete, asi nedengawo.”
27 This expression, “one more time,” indicates that all creation that is shaken is removed so that everything that is not shaken may remain.
Mashoko okuti, “Kamwe chetezve” anoratidza kubviswa kwezvinhu zvinogona kuzungunuswa, izvo zvinhu zvakasikwa, kuitira kuti zvisingagoni kuzungunuswa zvirambe zviripo.
28 Since we're receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have a gracious attitude, so we can serve God in a way that pleases him, with reverence and respect.
Naizvozvo, zvatinogamuchira ushe husingagoni kuzungunuswa, ngativongei, uye tinamate Mwari zvinogamuchirika, tichimukudza uye tichimutya,
29 For “our God is a fire that consumes.”
nokuti “Mwari wedu moto unoparadza.”