< Hebrews 11 >
1 Now our trust in God is the guarantee of what we hope for, the evidence of what we can't see.
Mete ma hita tamahere Lamatualain, naa sosoan nae, hita tamahena takandoo neu E. Te mete ma Ana helu-fuli nae tao dalaꞌ esa, na, hita bubꞌuluꞌ tae, Dei fo Ana tao tungga hehelu-fufuliꞌ naa. Onaꞌ mae hita nda feꞌe simbo saa sa boe o, tamahere takandooꞌ a.
2 People who lived long ago trusted God and this is what gained them God's approval.
Hita bei-baꞌi tara ruma memaꞌ ramahere taꞌo naa. Huu naa, Lamatualain simbo se no maloleꞌ.
3 Through our trust in God we understand that the whole universe was created by God's command, that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen. (aiōn )
Raefafoꞌ no lalai fo hita titaꞌ leleꞌ ia, tamahere tae, Lamatualain mana tao basa ia ra. Huu Ana nda tao nendiꞌ saa fo mana sia memaꞌ, fo atahori bisa mete ritaꞌ a. Basa ia ra, dadꞌi huu Ana olaꞌ nendiꞌ a Dedꞌea-oꞌolan. (aiōn )
4 By trusting him Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain, and as a result God identified him as someone who lived right. God showed this by accepting his offering. Even though Abel has been dead for a long time, he still speaks to us through what he did.
Habel namahere neu Lamatualain. Huu naa, de ana nendi tutunu-hohotu maloleꞌ lenaꞌ aꞌan Kaen. Lamatualain simbo malole Habel no tutunu-hohotun, huu ralan ndoos. Dadꞌi onaꞌ mae ana mate dooꞌ ena, te hita feꞌe bisa tanori mia e, huu nemeheren.
5 By trusting God Enoch was taken to heaven so he didn't experience death. He couldn't be found on earth because God took him to heaven. Before this happened he was known as someone God was pleased with.
Henok o namahere neu Lamatualain. Huu naa, Lamatuaꞌ soꞌu e sorga neu, fo ana nda mate sa. Atahori ra sangga e boe, te nda randaa ro e sa, huu Lamatuaꞌ soꞌu e ena. Lamatuaꞌ simbo e no maloleꞌ, huu Lamatuaꞌ nae, “Henok ia, Atahori mana tao rala ngga namahoꞌo.”
6 You can't expect God to be pleased with you if you don't trust him! Anyone who comes to God must believe that God exists, and that he rewards those who are searching for him.
De taꞌo ia, toronoo ngga re! De manggareloꞌ ena, Lamatualain nda simbo atahori mana nda ramahere neu E sa. Te atahori mana nae nisiꞌ Lamatualain, musi namahere nae, Lamatuaꞌ memaꞌ sia. Boe ma musi namahere nae, Lamatuaꞌ nau tulu-fali atahori mana nau sangga Eni.
7 Noah trusted God, and was warned by him about things that had never happened before. Because Noah paid serious attention to what God said, he constructed an ark to save his family. By trusting God, Noah showed that the world was wrong, and received the reward of being set right by God.
Noh o namahere Lamatualain. Huu naa, Noh namahere Lamatuaꞌ leleꞌ Ana nafadꞌe memaꞌ nae, “Noh! Musunedꞌa, e! Dei fo Au ulutu raefafoꞌ ia noꞌ a oe mandali monaeꞌ manaseliꞌ fo atahori nda feꞌe rita sa.” Mae Noh nda feꞌe nita onaꞌ naa sa, te ana tao rerenaꞌ neu Lamatualain, ma tao ofaꞌ fo no ume-isi nara rasodꞌa. Huu nemeheren naa, Lamatuaꞌ nae eni atahori rala ndoos. Te basa atahori nda mana ramahereꞌ ra sa, Lamatuaꞌ fee se huku-dokiꞌ beran seli.
8 Through trusting God Abraham obeyed when God called him to go to the land God was going to give him. He left, not knowing where he was going.
Bꞌai Abraham o namahere neu Lamatualain. Huu naa Lamatualain noꞌe e nae, “Abraham, e! Lao hela kambom fo muu sia mamanaꞌ fo dei fo utudꞌu neu nggo. Te rae naa dei fo dadꞌi tititi-nonosi mara pusakan.” Rena taꞌo naa ma, ana tao tungga Lamatuaꞌ hihii-nanaun, mae ana nda nahine nitaꞌ nae bee neu sa boe.
9 Trusting in God he lived in the promised land—but as a foreigner, living in tents, together with Isaac and Jacob who shared with him in inheriting the same promise.
Leleꞌ ana losa rae naa, ana naririi lalaat na, de leo onaꞌ atahori fuiꞌ sia rae naa fo Lamatuaꞌ helu-fuli nae fee neu e. Boe ma anan Isak no umbun Yakob o leo sia naa boe, Huu Lamatuaꞌ helu-fuli nae fee rae naa dadꞌi sira pusakan.
10 For Abraham was looking forward to a city built on foundations that last, with God as its builder and maker.
Ana namahena nae dei fo nasodꞌa sia kota esa manaseliꞌ tebꞌe. Huu Lamatualain mesaꞌ ne mana tao nggambar fo nafefela kota naa.
11 By her trust in God even Sarah herself was given the ability to conceive a child though she was too old, because she trusted God who had made the promise.
Sara, baꞌi Abraham saon, o namahere neu Lamatualain boe. Mae ana nda feꞌe bonggi nita sa, ma lasiꞌ ena o, Lamatuaꞌ tao e dadꞌi bei-baꞌiꞌ soaꞌ neu nusa monaeꞌ esa. Huu namahere nae, dei fo Lamatualain tao tungga saa fo nene helu-fuli basaꞌ ena.
12 That is why the descendants of Abraham, (who was as good as dead!), became as numerous as the stars of heaven, as countless as the sand of the sea-shore.
Huu naa de, onaꞌ mae eni lasi naeꞌ ena o, feꞌe bisa bonggi nala tititi-nonosiꞌ hetar, losa atahori nda ito-eken rala se sa. Te dedꞌesi nara onaꞌ nduuꞌ sia lalai, ma saraꞌaeꞌ sia retaan.
13 They all died still trusting in God. Though they didn't receive the things God promised, they were still looking for them as it were from a distance and welcomed them, acknowledging that on this earth they were foreigners, people just passing through.
Hita baꞌi nara baꞌi Abraham, baꞌi Isak, ma baꞌi Yakob ramahere rakandoo neu Lamatualain losa ara mate. Te ara nda feꞌe simbo nusaꞌ fo Lamatuaꞌ helu-fuliꞌ a sa. Mae taꞌo naa o, ara ramahena rakandoo no rala nemehoꞌot, huu ara lalanik rita nusaꞌ naa mia dodꞌooꞌ ena. Huu ara rataa rae, sira akaꞌ atahori fuiꞌ mana leo raꞌatataaꞌ sia raefafoꞌ iaꞌ
14 People who say such things make it clear that they're looking for a country of their own.
Tao-tao te, atahori mana olaꞌ mataꞌ naa, ara raeꞌ a doo bee fo hambu mamanaꞌ fo dadꞌi ena nara.
15 For if they cared about the country they'd left behind, they could have returned.
Mete ma nusaꞌ fo baꞌi tara raeꞌ a doo bee fo ara hambuꞌ a, naeni baꞌi Abraham kambo leleo-luluꞌun, na, tantu ara hambu kakaꞌeꞌ naeꞌ fo baliꞌ naa reu.
16 But they're looking for a better country instead, a heavenly country. That is why God isn't disappointed with them, and is happy to be called their God, for he has built a city for them.
Te mamanaꞌ fo raeꞌ a doo bee fo hambuꞌ naa, naeni nusaꞌ manaseliꞌ sia sorga. Huu naa, Lamatualain simbo no maloleꞌ ma tao se dadꞌi atahori nara. Huu Ana sadꞌia hela memaꞌ kota esa fee neu se sia sorga.
17 Abraham trusted God when he was tested and offered Isaac to God. Abraham, who had accepted God's promises, was still ready to offer to God his only son,
Baꞌi Abraham namahere tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ neu Lamatualain leleꞌ Lamatuaꞌ sobꞌa nemeheren. Huu naa, de ana tao tungga Lamatuaꞌ parendan de fee anan Isak dadꞌi tutunu-hohotuꞌ. Tao tao te, feꞌesaꞌan Lamatuaꞌ helu-fuli soꞌal anaꞌ naa nae, “Mia anam Isak ia, dei fo hambu tititi-nonosiꞌ hetar, losa ara dadꞌi nusa manaseliꞌ.”
18 even though he'd been told, “It's through Isaac that your descendants will be counted.”
19 Abraham had thought it through and decided that God could bring Isaac back to life from the dead. In a sense that's what did happen—Abraham received Isaac back from the dead.
Te baꞌi Abraham duꞌa ena nae, Lamatualain naꞌena koasa fo tao nasodꞌa baliꞌ atahori mana mateꞌ. Memaꞌ tebꞌe taꞌo naa, huu leleꞌ naa, onaꞌ eni hambu baliꞌ anan mana dadꞌi tutunu-hohotuꞌ ena.
20 Trusting in God, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to what the future would bring.
Baꞌi Isak o namahere Lamatualain boe. Huu naa, de ana noꞌe fo Lamatuaꞌ pala-banggi fee ana nara Yakob no Esau papala-babꞌanggiꞌ.
21 Trusting in God, Jacob as he was dying blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped God, leaning on his staff.
Baꞌi Yakob namahere Lamatualain boe. Huu naa, de leleꞌ naeꞌ a mate ma, nambariiꞌ ruku-ruku toꞌu teteas na, de beꞌutee neu Lamatuaꞌ. Basa de ana noꞌe Lamatuaꞌ fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ neu umbun mia anan Yusuf.
22 Trusting in God, Joseph too, when his own death approached, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites, and gave instructions about what to do with his bones.
Baꞌi Yusuf namahere Lamatualain boe. Leleꞌ ana naeꞌ a mate, ana namahere nae, dei fo Lamatualain no eni atahori Israꞌel nara lao hela rae Masir. Naa de ana helu se nae, mete ma ara lao hela rae Masir na musi rendi eni rui nara.
23 Trusting in God, Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born. They recognized he was a special child. They weren't afraid to go against what the king had commanded.
Baꞌi Musa ina-ama nara o ramahere Lamatualain boe. Leleꞌ inan bonggi hendi e ma, ara raꞌafuniꞌ e doon fula telu, huu rita e aon monaeꞌ. Ma ara nda ramatau mane Masir a sa, onaꞌ mae ana parenda atahori nara nae, “Misa basa anadꞌiki touꞌ nene bonggi feuꞌ mia atahori Ibrani ra!
24 Trusting in God, Moses, when he grew up, refused to be known as the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter.
Leleꞌ baꞌi Musa naꞌamoko ma, ana o namahere Lamatualain boe. Huu, feꞌesaꞌan Mane Masir a ana feton soꞌu nala e dadꞌi anan. Onaꞌ mae taꞌo naa o, ana nda nau atahori rae, eni mane Masir bobꞌonggin sa.
25 Instead he chose to share in the sufferings of God's people rather than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin.
Huu ana duꞌa nae, malole lenaꞌ usodꞌa susa uꞌubꞌue o Lamatuaꞌ atahori nara, te soa saa usodꞌa umuhoꞌo o dala deꞌulakaꞌ mana naꞌatataaꞌ losaꞌ a.
26 He counted the rejection he experienced from following Christ to be of far greater value than the wealth of Egypt—because he was focused on the reward to come.
Ana hela atahori raꞌamuti e, huu namahena Kristus, naeni Atahori fo Lamatualain helu-fuli nae haitua nemaꞌ a. Ana naꞌatataaꞌ onaꞌ naa, huu bubꞌuluꞌ nae dei fo Lamatualain bala-bꞌae eni malole lenaꞌ basa hata-hetoꞌ mana sia rae Masir.
27 Trusting in God, he left Egypt and wasn't scared of Pharaoh's anger—he kept going with his eyes fixed on the invisible God.
Baꞌi Musa o namahere Lamatualain leleꞌ ana noꞌe mane Masir fo no bei-baꞌi tara lao hela raen. Mae mane Masir a namanasa seli te, baꞌi Musa nda namatau e sa. Baꞌi Musa namahere nakandoo neu Lamatualain fo nda nenenitaꞌ a sa, onaꞌ ana nita E ena.
28 Trusting in God he observed the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroying angel would not touch the Israelites.
Baꞌi Musa namahere Lamatuaꞌ leleꞌ rahehere rae lao hela rae Masir. Naa de, ana tao tungga Lamatuaꞌ parendan, de denu bei-baꞌi tara tao fai Paska fefeun no mbau-hala bibꞌi lombo fo dadꞌi banda tutunu-hohotuꞌ. Basa ma ara haꞌi rala banda raan de tao tatandaꞌ hela neu ume nara. Tetembaꞌ naa, Lamatuaꞌ aten mia sorga neu tao nisa basa ana-ana uluꞌ mana sia rae Masir a. Te nda neu nisiꞌ bei-baꞌi tara ume nara rala sa, huu nita raaꞌ naa sia ume nara lelesun.
29 Trusting in God the Israelites crossed the Red Sea as if it were dry land. When the Egyptians attempted to do the same they were drowned.
Leleꞌ bei-baꞌi tara lao hela rae Masir, ara o ramahere neu Lamatualain boe. Huu nemehere nara, de Lamatuaꞌ tadꞌa bꞌanggi oeꞌ mia tasi mbilas, fo ara laoꞌ no masodꞌaꞌ tungga rae madꞌaꞌ. Te soldꞌadꞌu Masir mana reu oi tungga se, rasamele mate leleꞌ ara rae sobꞌa laoꞌ taꞌi naa.
30 Trusting in God, the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days, and the walls fell down.
Leleꞌ bei-baꞌi tara masoꞌ risiꞌ rae Kanaꞌan rala reu ena, ara o ramahere neu Lamatualain boe. Huu ara tungga parendan, ma lao rereoꞌ kota Yeriko tembok na deaꞌ losa fai hitu lalaꞌen. Boe ma, tembok naa ndefaꞌ hendiꞌ e neuꞌ ena.
31 Trusting in God, Rahab the prostitute didn't die with those who rejected God, because she had welcomed the Israelite spies in peace.
Rahab, fo feꞌesaꞌan dadꞌi ina manendit sia kota naa, ana sia naa boe. Huu namahere neu Lamatualain, naa de ana simbo no malolole atahori Israꞌel ra mana maku-maꞌu nara, de naꞌafuniꞌ se mia umen. Boe ma Lamatuaꞌ tao nalutu basa atahori Yeriko ra, huu ara nda nau rena E sa. Te Lamatuaꞌ fee Rahab nasodꞌa, huu nemeheren.
32 What other examples should I give? I don't have time to talk about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah; about David, Samuel, and the prophets.
Au feꞌe bisa olaꞌ naruꞌ fai, soꞌal atahori laen mana ramahere neu Lamatualain. Te nda kaꞌe ala fo dui lutuꞌ-leloꞌ soꞌal Gideon, Barak, Simson, Yefta, Daud, Samuel, boe ma Lamatualain mana ola-ola laen nara.
33 Because of their trust in God they conquered kingdoms, did what was good and right, received God's promises, shut the mouths of lions,
Basa se ramahere neu Lamatualain. Huu naa, hambu ruma labꞌan rasenggiꞌ maneꞌ ra. Ruma toꞌu parendaꞌ no rala ndoos, fo rasalaꞌe atahori nda ma salaꞌ ra sa, ma hukun atahori ma salaꞌ ra. Ruma fai simbo saa fo Lamatuaꞌ helu-fuliꞌ ena. Ma hambu ruma ramahere neu Lamatua de singa nda naa se sa.
34 put out blazing fires, escaped being killed by the sword, were weak but made strong, did mighty deeds in war, and routed enemy armies.
Ruma nene nggariꞌ risiꞌ ai mana mbila monaeꞌ, te nda mate sa. Ruma fai Lamatuaꞌ mboꞌi se mia atahori mana nae tati se nendiꞌ fela tafaꞌ. Ruma nda maꞌadꞌereꞌ sa, te Lamatuaꞌ fee se maꞌadꞌereꞌ. Lamatuaꞌ fee ruma dadꞌi manaseliꞌ sia netatis, losa ara rasenggiꞌ soldꞌadꞌu musu mia mamanaꞌ laen ra.
35 Women were given their dead family members back through resurrection. Others were tortured, refusing to compromise and be pardoned, because they wanted to be part of a better resurrection.
Hambu mama ra ruma o simbo baliꞌ bobꞌonggi nara, fo Lamatuaꞌ tao nasodꞌa bꞌaliꞌ ra. Te ruma hambu doidꞌosoꞌ, huu ramahere neu Lamatualain. Ara hiiꞌ a mate, fo ona bee na sira afiꞌ heoꞌ rasadꞌea hela Lamatuaꞌ. Ara nda raꞌetu nemehere nara sia Lamatuaꞌ sa. Dadꞌi ara ramahena rae, dei fo Lamatuaꞌ soꞌu sira fo hambu masoi-masodꞌa maloleꞌ lenaꞌ sia sorga.
36 Yet others suffered insults and whippings; they were put in chains and imprisoned.
Ruma fai nene neꞌemutiꞌ, ma hambu ue-hehembaꞌ. Ruma fai neneranteꞌ sia bui rala.
37 Some were stoned, cut in pieces, tempted, killed by the sword. Some dressed in sheepskins and goatskins: destitute, oppressed, and mistreated.
Ruma mateꞌ, huu nene honda-mbiaꞌ no fatu. Ruma mate fai, huu atahori horo banggi rua ao nara. Ruma mateꞌ fai, huu nenetatiꞌ no fela tafaꞌ. Ruma rasodꞌa toꞌa-tataaꞌ de pakeꞌ a bua-baꞌu mia banda rouꞌ, huu atahori tao doidꞌoso ma raꞌasususaꞌ se, losa use-oi hendi se,
38 The world was not worthy to have such people who wandered in the deserts and mountains, living in caves and holes in the ground.
de rela reu leo sia mamana rouꞌ, sia leteꞌ ra, sia luat, ma ndola-ndolaꞌ ra. Atahori raloe-radꞌae se, ma use-oi se reu leo sia mamana nda maloleꞌ sa. Tao-tao te atahori naa ra rasodꞌaꞌ ndoos, dadꞌi ara maloleꞌ lenaꞌ atahori laen ra.
39 All of these people, even though they had God's approval, didn't receive what God had promised.
Lamatuaꞌ koa-boꞌu basa se, huu ara ramahere neu E. Te losa mamate nara o, ara nda feꞌe simbo saa fo Lamatuaꞌ helu-fuliꞌ a sa.
40 God has given us something even better, so that they can't be complete without us.
Ana nae tao tungga hehelu-fufulin, nendiꞌ dala maloleꞌ lenaꞌ. Huu Ana nau fo basa hita tasodꞌa takandoo taꞌabꞌue to E: naeni hita, fo aleꞌ ia tahine Kristus ena, to sira mana mate mia lele uluꞌ ra.