< Genesis 7 >

1 The Lord told Noah, “Go into the ark with all your family. I have seen how you are a man of integrity, living a moral life among the people of this generation.
Perwerdigar Nuhqa mundaq dédi: — «Sen pütün öydikiliring bilen kémige kirgin; chünki bu dewrde aldimda séni heqqaniy dep kördüm.
2 Take with you seven pairs, male and female, of every kind of clean animal, and one pair, male and female, of every kind of unclean animal.
Hemme halal haywanlarning erkek-chishisidin yette jüptin, haram haywanlarning erkek-chishisidin bir jüptin élip, shuningdek asmandiki uchar-qanatlarningmu erkek-chishisidin yette jüptin élip, ularning neslini pütkül yer yüzide tirik saqlash üchün özüng bilen bille ekir.
3 In addition take seven pairs, male and female, of all the birds, so their different kinds will survive throughout the earth.
4 In seven days I'm going to make it rain for forty days and nights. I'm going to wipe out from the surface of the earth all the living creatures I made.”
Chünki yette kündin kéyin uda qiriq kéche-kündüz yer yüzige yamghur yaghdurimen; Özüm yasighan hemme janiwarlarni yer yüzidin yoqitimen».
5 Noah did exactly what the Lord ordered him to do.
Shuning bilen Nuh Perwerdigar uninggha buyrughinining hemmisige emel qildi.
6 Noah was 600 when the flood waters covered the earth.
Yer yüzini topan basqanda Nuh alte yüz yashta idi.
7 Noah went into the ark, taking with him his wife and his sons and their wives, because of the flood.
Topandin [qutulup qélish] üchün Nuh bilen oghulliri, ayali we kélinliri bille kémige kirdi.
8 Clean and unclean animals, birds, and creatures that run along the ground,
Halal haywanlar bolsun, haram haywanlar bolsun, qushlar bilen yerde ömiligüchi janiwarlar bolsun, [herbir türdin] bir jüp-bir jüptin erkek-chishi bolup, Xuda Nuhqa buyrughandek kémige, Nuhning qéshigha kirdi.
9 went into the ark with Noah. They came in pairs, male and female, just as God had told Noah.
10 After seven days the floodwaters swept over the earth.
We shundaq boldiki, yette kündin kéyin, yer yüzini topan bésishqa bashlidi.
11 Noah was 600 when on the seventeenth day of the second month all the subterranean waters burst through the earth, and heavy rain poured down from the sky.
Nuhning ömrining alte yüzinchi yili, ikkinchi éyining on yettinchi künide chongqur déngizlarning tegliridiki barliq bulaqlar yérilip, asmanning penjiriliri échilip ketti.
12 Rain continue to fall on the earth for forty days and nights.
Yamghur uda qiriq kéche-kündüz yer yüzige toxtimay yaghdi.
13 That was the actual day when Noah, his wife, and their sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth together with their three wives went into the ark.
Del yamghur bashlan’ghan küni, Nuh, Nuhning Shem, Ham, Yafet dégen oghulliri, Nuhning ayali bilen üch kélini kémige kirdi.
14 They had with them every kind of wild animals, livestock, creatures that run along the ground, and birds—everything with wings.
Ular bilen bille herxil yawa haywanlar tür-türi boyiche, herxil mal-charwilar tür-türi boyiche, yerde ömiligüchi herxil janiwarlar tür-türi boyiche we herxil uchar-qanatlar, yeni herxil qanatliq janiwarlar tür-türi boyiche kémige kirdi.
15 They all came into the ark with Noah in pairs—every living thing that breathes.
Et igiliridin, yeni barliq hayatliq tiniqi bolghan herxil jandarlardin, bir jüp-bir jüp bolup, kémige nuhning qéshigha kirdi.
16 A male and a female of every creature entered, as God had told Noah. Then the Lord shut the door behind him.
Kirgenler Xudaning nuhqa buyrughinidek et igilirining hertürining erkek-chishisi idi. Andin Perwerdigar ishikni étiwetti.
17 The flood increased for forty days, lifting the ark so that it floated up from the earth.
Topan yer yüzini uda qiriq kün bésip, sular ulghiyip ketti. Kéme yer üstidin kötürülüp leylep qaldi.
18 The floodwaters surged and grew deeper and deeper over the earth, but the ark floated along on the surface.
Su ulghiyip, yer üstide téximu égizlep ketti; kéme su üstide dawalghup turatti.
19 Finally the water grew so deep that even the highest mountains were covered—all that could be seen was sky.
Sular yer yüzide tolimu ulghiyip, pütkül asmanning astidiki barliq égiz taghlarnimu bésip ketti.
20 The water rose so much that it was higher than the mountains by fifteen cubits.
Sular [taghlardin] yene on besh gez örlep, tagh choqqilirimu su astida qaldi.
21 Everything living on earth died—the birds, livestock, wild animals, all creatures that run along the ground, and all the people.
Buning bilen yer yüzide yürgüchi hemme et igiliri, uchar-qushlar, mal-charwilar, yawayi haywanlar, yerde ömiligüchi hemme janiwarlar, jümlidin pütkül ademler hemmisi öldi;
22 Everything on land that breathed, died.
quruqluqta yashighuchi, burnida hayatliq tiniqi bar bolghanlarning hemmisi öldi.
23 The Lord wiped out all life on earth—people, livestock, creatures that run along the ground, and birds. All were killed. The only ones left were Noah and those with him on the ark.
Yer yüzidiki jéni barlarning hemmisi, insan bolsun, mal-charwilar bolsun, ömiligüchi haywanlar bolsun, asmandiki qushlar bolsun, hemmisi halak bolup yer yüzidin yoq qilindi; peqet Nuh we kémide uning bilen bille turghanlar qutulup qaldi.
24 The earth remained flooded for 150 days.
Bir yüz ellik kün’giche yer yüzini su bésip turdi.

< Genesis 7 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood