< Genesis 34 >

1 Dinah, Jacob and Leah's daughter, went to visit some of the local women.
Da Dina, den Datter, Jakob havde med Lea, engang gik ud for at besøge Landets Døtre,
2 Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her. He grabbed hold of her and raped her.
saa Sikem, en Søn af Egnens Høvding, Hivviten Hamor, hende og greb hende og laa hos hende; og han krænkede hende;
3 However, then he fell deeply in love with Dinah and tried to get her to love him too.
men hans Hjerte hang ved Jakobs Datter Dina, og han elskede Pigen og talte godt for hende;
4 He went and asked his father, “Get this young girl for me so I can marry her.”
og Sikem sagde til sin Fader Hamor: »Skaf mig den Pige til Hustru!«
5 Jacob found out that Shechem had violated his daughter Dinah, but as his sons were away looking after the flocks in the fields he didn't say anything until they came home.
Jakob hørte, at han havde skændet hans Datter Dina; men da hans Sønner dengang var med hans Kvæg paa Marken, tav han, til de kom hjem.
6 In the meantime Hamor, Shechem's father, arrived to talk with Jacob.
Sikems Fader Hamor gik nu til Jakob for at tale med ham.
7 When Jacob's sons returned from the fields they were very upset when they heard the news and became extremely angry because Shechem had done something outrageous in Israel by having sex with Jacob's daughter—something that should never be done.
Men da Jakobs Sønner hørte det, kom de hjem fra Marken; og Mændene græmmede sig og var saare opbragte, fordi han havde øvet Skændselsdaad i Israel ved at ligge hos Jakobs Datter; thi sligt bør ikke ske.
8 Hamor told them, “My son Shechem is very much in love with your daughter and your sister Dinah. Please allow him to marry her.
Og Hamor talte med dem og sagde: »Min Søn Sikems Hjerte hænger ved eders Datter; giv ham hende til Hustru
9 In fact we can have more marriages—you can give us your daughters and you can have our daughters.
og indgaa Svogerskab med os; giv os eders Døtre og gift eder med vore Døtre;
10 You can live among us and settle down wherever you like. You can go where you want and buy land for yourselves.”
tag Ophold hos os, og Landet skal staa eder aabent; slaa eder ned og drag frit omkring og saml eder Ejendom der!«
11 Then Shechem himself spoke up, and said to Dinah's father and brothers, “Please accept me and my proposal, and I'll do whatever you ask.
Og Sikem sagde til hendes Fader og Brødre: »Maatte jeg finde Naade for eders Øjne! Alt, hvad I kræver, vil jeg give;
12 You can set the bride price as high as you like, and I'll pay it along with all the gifts I'll give. Just let me have the girl so I can marry her.”
forlang saa høj en Brudesum og Gave, I vil; jeg giver, hvad I kræver, naar I blot vil give mig Pigen til Hustru!«
13 Jacob's sons weren't honest when they answered him and his father Hamor because Shechem had violated their sister Dinah.
Da gav Jakobs Sønner Sikem og hans Fader Hamor et listigt Svar, fordi han havde skændet deres Søster Dina,
14 They told them, “We can't do this! We can't allow our sister to marry a man who's not circumcised. That would bring disgrace on us.
og sagde til dem: »Vi er ikke i Stand til at give vor Søster til en uomskaaren Mand, thi det holder vi for en Skændsel.
15 We will only agree to it with this condition: all of you must be circumcised like us.
Kun paa det Vilkaar vil vi føje eder, at I bliver som vi og lader alle af Mandkøn iblandt eder omskære;
16 Then we will give you our daughters and take your daughters, and we will live among you and become one family.
i saa Fald vil vi give eder vore Døtre og ægte eders Døtre og bosætte os iblandt eder, saa vi bliver eet Folk;
17 But if you don't agree with us that you should be circumcised, then we'll take our sister and leave.”
men hvis I ikke vil høre os og lade eder omskære, saa tager vi vor Datter og drager bort!«
18 Hamor and his son Shechem agreed to what was proposed.
Deres Tale tyktes Hamor og Sikem, Hamors Søn, god;
19 The young man Shechem didn't waste any time in arranging this because he was infatuated with Jacob's daughter, and he was viewed as the most important person in his father's family.
og den unge Mand tøvede ikke med at gøre saaledes, thi han var indtaget i Jakobs Datter, og han var den, der havde mest at sige i sin Faders Hus;
20 Hamor and Shechem went to the town gate and spoke to the other leaders there.
og Hamor og hans Søn Sikem gik til deres Bys Port og sagde til Mændene i deres By:
21 “These men are our friends,” they told them. “Let's have them live here in our country and allow them to go wherever they want—it's big enough for all of them too. We can take their daughters as wives, and we can give our daughters to them to marry.
»Disse Mænd er os velsindede; lad dem bosætte sig og drage frit om her i Landet, der er jo Plads nok til dem i Landet; deres Døtre vil vi tage til Hustruer og give dem vore Døtre til Hustruer!
22 But they will only agree to this on one condition: they will only join us and become one family if every male among us is circumcised like they are.
Men kun paa det Vilkaar vil Mændene føje os og bosætte sig hos os, saa vi kan blive eet Folk, at alle af Mandkøn hos os lader sig omskære, saaledes som de er omskaarne.
23 If that happens, won't all their livestock and property—all their animals—end up belonging to us? We just have to agree to this and they will come and live among us.”
Deres Hjorde og deres Gods og alt deres Kvæg bliver jo dog vort; lad os derfor føje dem, saa de kan blive boende hos os!«
24 Everyone there at the town gate agreed with Hamor and Shechem so every male in the town was circumcised.
Saa adlød de Hamor og hans Søn Sikem, saa mange som færdedes i hans Bys Port, og alle af Mandkøn, alle, som færdedes i hans Bys Port, lod sig omskære.
25 Three days later while they were still suffering pain, Simeon and Levi, two of Jacob's sons and Dinah's brothers, came with their swords into the town. Unopposed, they slaughtered every male.
Men Tredjedagen, da de havde Saarfeber, tog Jakobs to Sønner Simeon og Levi, Dinas Brødre, hver sit Sværd, trængte ind i Byen, uden at nogen anede Uraad, Og slog alle Mændene ihjel
26 They killed Hamor and Shechem with their swords, took Dinah from Shechem's house, and left.
og dræbte Hamor og hans Søn Sikem med Sværdet, tog Dina ud af Sikems Hus og drog bort.
27 Jacob's other sons arrived, robbed the dead bodies, and looted the town where their sister had been violated.
Saa kastede Jakobs Sønner sig over de faldne og plyndrede Byen, fordi de havde skændet deres Søster;
28 They took their sheep, goats, cattle, and donkeys. They took whatever was in the town, and in the fields—
deres Smaakvæg, Hornkvæg og Æsler, baade hvad der var i Byen og paa Markerne, tog de med sig,
29 all their possessions. They captured all their women and children, and plundered everything in their homes.
og al deres Ejendom og alle deres Børn og Kvinder førte de bort som Bytte, og de udplyndrede Byen for alt, hvad der var der.
30 But Jacob criticized Simeon and Levi, telling them, “You've just caused me a lot of trouble! You've made me like a bad smell among the people in this country, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites. I only have a few men, and if these people gather to attack me, I and my whole family will be wiped out.”
Men Jakob sagde til Simeon og Levi: »I styrter mig i Ulykke ved at lægge mig for Had hos Landets Indbyggere, Kana'anæerne og Perizziterne; thi jeg raader kun over faa Folk; samler de sig mod mig og slaar mig, saa er det ude med mig og mit Hus!«
31 But they replied, “Should we have let him treat our sister like a prostitute?”
Men de svarede: »Skal han behandle vor Søster som en Skøge!«

< Genesis 34 >