< Genesis 22 >

1 Sometime later God tested Abraham. He called out to him, “Abraham!” “I'm here,” Abraham replied.
Shure kwaizvozvo, Mwari akaedza Abhurahama. Akati kwaari, “Abhurahama!” Iye akati, “Ndiri pano hangu.”
2 God told him, “Go with your son, the one you love, your only son, to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I'll show you.”
Ipapo Mwari akati, “Tora mwanakomana wako, mwanakomana wako mumwe oga, Isaka, iye waunoda, uende kunyika yeMoria. Umubayire ikoko sechipiriso chinopiswa pane rimwe gomo randichakuudza.”
3 Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled up his donkey. He took two servants and Isaac with him and went to cut firewood for the burnt offering. Then he left with them to go to the place God had told him about.
Mangwanani akatevera, Abhurahama akamuka akasunga mbongoro yake. Akatora varanda vake vaviri nomwanakomana wake Isaka. Akati atema huni dzechipiriso chinopiswa dzakakwana, akasimuka akaenda kunzvimbo yaakanga audzwa nezvayo naMwari.
4 After traveling for three days Abraham could see the place in the distance.
Pazuva rechitatu, Abhurahama akasimudza meso ake akaona nzvimbo yacho ichiri kure.
5 He told his servants, “Wait here with the donkey while I go with the boy and worship God. Then we'll return.”
Akati kuvaranda vake, “Sarai henyu pano nembongoro iyi, ini nomukomana timboyambukira uko. Tichandonamata tigodzoka hedu kwamuri.”
6 Abraham had Isaac carry the wood for the burnt offering, while he carried the fire and the knife, and they walked up together.
Abhurahama akatora huni dzechipiriso chinopiswa akadziisa pana Isaka mwanakomana wake, uye iye pachake akatakura moto nebanga. Pavakanga vachifamba pamwe chete vari vaviri,
7 Isaac said to Abraham, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “Well, we have the fire and the wood, but where's the lamb for the burnt offering?” Isaac asked.
Isaka akataura nababa vake Abhurahama akati, “Baba!” Abhurahama akati, “Chiiko mwanangu?” Isaka akati, “Moto nehuni zviri pano, asi gwayana rechipiriso chinopiswa riripiko?”
8 “God will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham replied, and they went on walking up together.
Abhurahama akapindura akati, “Mwari pachake ndiye achapa gwayana rechipiriso chinopiswa, mwanakomana wangu.”
9 When they arrived at the place where God had told him to go, Abraham built an altar and placed the wood on it. Then he bound his son Isaac and placed him on the altar on top of the wood.
Vakati vasvika panzvimbo yaakanga ataurirwa nezvayo naMwari, Abhurahama akavaka aritari ipapo uye akaisa huni pamusoro payo. Akasunga mwanakomana wake Isaka akamuradzika paaritari, pamusoro pehuni.
10 Abraham picked up the knife, ready to slaughter his son.
Ipapo akatambanudza ruoko rwake akatora banga kuti auraye mwanakomana wake.
11 But the angel of the Lord shouted to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Yes, I'm here,” he replied.
Asi mutumwa waJehovha akadanidzira kwaari kubva kudenga akati, “Abhurahama! Abhurahama!” Iye akapindura akati, “Ndiri pano hangu.”
12 The angel said, “Don't touch the boy! Don't do anything to him, because now I know that you truly do what God tells you. You didn't refuse to give me your son, your only son.”
Akati, “Usaisa ruoko rwako pamukomana. Usamboita chimwe chinhu kwaari. Zvino ndava kuziva kuti unotya Mwari, nokuti hauna kundinyima mwanakomana wako, mwanakomana wako mumwe woga.”
13 Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in some bushes. He brought the ram over and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son.
Abhurahama akasimudza meso ake uye ipapo padenhere akaona gondobwe rakabatwa nenyanga dzaro. Akaendapo akatora gondobwe akaribayira sechipiriso chinopiswa.
14 Abraham called the place “The Lord will Provide.” That's still a saying people use today: “the Lord will provide on his mountain.”
Saka Abhurahama akatumidza nzvimbo iyo kuti, “Jehovha Achapa.” Uye nanhasi zvinonzi, “Pagomo raJehovha ndipo pazvichapiwa.”
15 The angel of the Lord shouted again to Abraham from heaven,
Mutumwa waJehovha akadana kuna Abhurahama kubva kudenga kechipiri
16 “I swear by myself, says the Lord, that because you have done this and didn't refuse to give me your son, your only son,
akati, “Ndinopika neni pachangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, kuti nokuda kwokuti waita izvi uye kuti hauna kundinyima mwanakomana wako, mwanakomana wako mumwe oga,
17 you can be sure that I will bless you and give you many descendants. They will be as numerous as the stars of heaven and the sand of the seashore, and they will conquer their enemies.
zvirokwazvo ndichakuropafadza uye ndichaita kuti zvizvarwa zvako zviwande senyeredzi dzokudenga uye sejecha riri pamahombekombe egungwa. Zvizvarwa zvako zvichatora maguta avavengi vavo,
18 All the nations of the earth will be blessed by your descendants because you did what I told you.”
uye kubudikidza navana vako ndudzi dzose dzapanyika dzicharopafadzwa, nokuti wakanditeerera.”
19 Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they went back together to Beersheba where Abraham was living.
Ipapo Abhurahama akadzokera kuvaranda vake, vakasimuka vose pamwe chete vakaenda kuBheerishebha.
20 Sometime later, Abraham was told, “Milcah has had sons for your brother Nahor.”
Shure kwaizvozvo, Abhurahama akaudzwa kuti, “Mirika ava maiwo; akaberekera mununʼuna wako Nahori vanakomana vanoti:
21 Uz was the firstborn, then his brother Buz, Kemuel (who became the ancestor of Arameans),
Uzi dangwe, Bhuzi mununʼuna wake, Kemueri (baba vaAramu),
22 Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, and Bethuel.
Kesedhi, Hazo, Piridhashi, Jidhirafi naBhetueri.”
23 (Bethuel was Rebekah's father.) Milcah had these eight sons for Abraham's brother Nahor.
Bhetueri akabereka Rabheka. Mirika akaberekera Nahori mununʼuna waAbhurahama vanakomana vasere ava.
24 In addition, Reumah his concubine had Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Maacah.
Murongo wake ainzi Reuma, naiyewo akava navanakomana vaiti: Tebha, Gahamu, Tahashi naMaaka.

< Genesis 22 >