< Genesis 21 >

1 The Lord came to help Sarah as he'd said he would. The Lord did for Sarah what he'd promised.
Pakaiyin ana seisa bang chun Sarah ahung vil in Sarah chunga asuh bulhit peh tai.
2 She became pregnant and had a son for Abraham when he was old, at the exact time God said she would.
Hichun Sarah in nao ahin vop'in, Abraham chu atehset nung in Pathen in atep peh phat don tah in chapa khat ahin pe tan ahi.
3 Abraham named their son Isaac.
Abraham'in achapa chu amin Isaac asah tan ahi.
4 Abraham circumcised him when Isaac was eight days old, following God's command.
Chule Isaac pen jou niget alhin nin Abraham'in Pathen thupeh bang in achapa chu chep atan pehtai.
5 Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born.
Isaac ahung pen chun, Apa Abraham chu kum jakhat ana lhing tai.
6 Sarah declared, “God has made me laugh, and all those who hear about this will laugh with me.”
Chuin Sarah in aphong doh in, “Pathen in nuina eipei,” ati.
7 She also said, “Would anyone have announced to Abraham that Sarah was going to have children to nurse? But now I have had a son for Abraham even when he was old!”
Chule aman, “Sarah hin chale nao noi hin chep sah inte tin koipen in Abraham kom a ana sei ngam dem? ahin lah keiman atehset nung in chapa khat kahin peh tai,” ati.
8 The baby grew up, and on the day Isaac was weaned Abraham held a large feast.
Isaac chu ahung khanglen diu in an neh masa pen Abraham'in kipanan kikhop na asem e.
9 But Sarah noticed that Ishmael, Hagar the Egyptian's son she'd had for Abraham, was making fun of Isaac.
Hichun Sarah in jong achapa chu Egypt mi Hagar'in Abraham ahinpeh Ishmael to aki chep lhon chu amudoh tai.
10 So she went to Abraham and told him, “You have to get rid of this slave woman and this son of hers! A slave woman's son is not going to be one of your heirs and inherit together with my son Isaac!”
Hichun amanun Abraham kom ah hitin aseiye, “Hiche sohnu le achapa chu solmang in ajeh chu hiche chapang hin keima chapa toh chanvou anei khom lhon ding aum poi; Isaac toh ki komto thei lou ding ahi.”
11 Abraham felt very bad about it because Ishmael was his son.
Hichun Abraham'in nopmo asa lheh jeng in ajeh chu Ishmael jong chu achapa ahiye.
12 But God told Abraham, “Don't feel bad about the boy and the slave woman. Do whatever Sarah tells you, because it's through Isaac that your descendants will be counted.
Hinlah Pathen in Abraham chu ahoulimpi in, “Nangman chapang chung chang chule na sohnu jeh in ima lungphat mo na nei hih in, Sarah in bol in atiho chu bol in ajeh chu Isaac akonna bou na chilhah te hung kisim ding bou ahi.”
13 Don't worry—I will also make the son of the slave woman into a nation because he's your son.”
Hinlah keiman Hagar chapa jong chu nam lentah khat kaso thou thou ding ahi. Ajeh chu amapa jong chu nangma chapa jong ahi thouve.”
14 Abraham got up early the next morning. He packed up some food and a skin of water which he gave to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder. Then he sent her and the boy away. She left and wandered through the Desert of Beersheba.
Hichun Abraham ajing in matah in akithou vin, neh ding bu asutup'in chule twipoh na ding twibom Hagar chu apen aleng kouva aledoh peh tan ahi, hichun amanu le achapa chu asolmang in, chuin Hagar chu suhna ding helouvin Beersheba gamthip noiya avah lelei.
15 When the water ran out, she left the boy under one of the bushes.
Hichun twi ahung bei chun amanu (Hagar) chun naosen chu hampa nang boh lim noi ah akoi tai.
16 She went and sat down some way off, a few hundred yards away, saying, “I can't bear to watch my son die!” As she sat down she burst into tears.
Hichun amanu (Hagar) apot doh in atou lha tan achang seh in lamsom tobang kikah in “Keiman hiche chapang thi hi kamu nompoi,” atin amanu chu alhi along in akap tai.
17 God heard the boy's cries, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and asked her, “What's the matter, Hagar? Don't be afraid! God has heard the boy crying from where he is.
Hinlah Pathen in chapang ka awgin chu ajan chuin Pakai Vantil in vanna kon in Hagar chu ahin kouvin, “Hagar ipi boina nanei ham? Imacha kichatna nei hih in, Pathen in chapang ka awgin chu ajatai aumna muna kon in ati.
18 Get up, go over and help the boy up, and encourage him, for I will make him into a great nation.”
Kipat doh inlang nao khu gaki dop loiyin na khut in kipom chah jon, ijeh inem itile keiman ama khu nam lentah ka hisah ding ahi.”
19 God opened her eyes and she saw a well nearby. She went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
Hichun Pathen in Hagar mit chu kho amusah in chua twi tamtah amusah tan, hichun amanun gangtah in twipai chu asu dim in chapang chu adon sah tai.
20 God blessed Ishmael and he grew up, living in the desert. He became a skilled archer.
Chule chapang chu Pathen in ahin umpi jing in neocha ahi apat gamthip gamnoi jenga ahung cheng in, thalpi kap ahung them lheh jeng in ahi.
21 He lived in the Desert of Paran. His mother chose a wife for him from the land of Egypt.
Chule Ishmael chu Paran gamthip noi a ana cheng in, chule anun Egypt gam'a ama ji ding in numei khat aga pui peh in ahi.
22 Around this time Abimelech came with Phicol, the commander of his army, to see Abraham. “God blesses you in everything you do,” Abimelech said.
Hiche phat laitah chun Abimelech le asepai jalamkai Phicol chu Abraham vil din ahung'e. “Pathen in nangma hi na umpi jing in, na thilbol na jouse ah na kithopi jinge,” tin ahung seiye.
23 “So swear to me right here and now that you won't betray me, my children, or my descendants. In the same way I've proved I'm trustworthy to you, do the same to me and my country where you're currently living.”
Pathen min'in kitem in, chule nei joulhep louhel ding, ka chate jong ahilou leh ka chilhah ho jong, kei vang nangma adia thilpha bolnom jing, chule tuhin naki hahsel ding, thilpha na bol jing ding hiche gam-sunga maljin gampam nahi laisen,” ati.
24 “I so swear,” Abraham replied.
Abraham'in adonbut in “Heng'e kaki tem e,” ati.
25 Then Abraham raised an issue with Abimelech of a well that Abimelech's servants had taken by force.
Hichun Abraham'in Abimelech komma lunglhai louna aphong doh in Abimelech sohten twikul namphu a Abraham sohte ana lah peh'u thu chu ahi.
26 “I don't know who did this, and you didn't mention it before. I haven't heard anything about it until today,” Abimelech responded.
“Tuchung hi hiche thu kajah masah pen ahi,” tin Abimelech in a donbut'e. “Keiman hiche chungchang hi koi oimo a, koi ngoh ding ham kahepoi. Ajeh chu phat masan ima thu nana sei kha poi,” ati.
27 Then Abraham gave Abimelech some of his sheep and cattle, and the two of them made an agreement.
Abraham'in hichun akelngoi ho, kelcha ho, chule bonghon ho Abimelech apen kinop tona anei lhon'e.
28 Abraham also separated out seven female lambs from the flock.
Hichun Abraham'in kelngoi nou sagi ho chu achom a alheng doh'in ahi.
29 “What are these seven female lambs for that you've separated from the flock?” Abimelech asked.
Abimelech in Abraham chu adonbut in “Hiche Kelngoi nou sagi ho hi ipi tina ham? amaho hina tum lhen doh in,” ati.
30 “I'm giving you these seven female lambs in return for your admission that I dug this well,” Abraham replied.
Abraham'in adonbut in, “Hiche twikhuh keiman ka laisa ahi, tia ahetoh aneipan peh na dinga hiche kelngoi pi sagi hi keima khut tah a na kisan ding ahi,” ati.
31 That's why he called the place Beersheba, because the two of them swore and oath to each other.
Hijeh chun ama in hiche mun chun Beersheba asah tai. Ajeh chu mihem teni akihet tona mun lhon ahiye.
32 After making the agreement at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army left and went home to the country of the Philistines.
Beersheba mun a kihet tona muna aki muto jouvin, Abimelech le Phicol sepai lamkai pachu Philistine mun lama akinung le lhon tan ahi.
33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and there he worshiped the Lord, the Eternal God.
Abraham'in Beersheba mun achun chahthing phung aphutdoh in, hiche achun aman Pathen chu tonsot Pathen ahi tin aphong doh e.
34 Abraham lived in the country of the Philistines for a long time.
Hichun Abraham chu Phillistine muna chun phat sottah achengin ahi.

< Genesis 21 >