< Genesis 20 >

1 Abraham traveled towards the Negev, staying between Kadesh and Shur. After that he moved on to live in Gerar.
Profectus inde Abraham in terram australem, habitavit inter Cades et Sur: et peregrinatus est in Geraris.
2 During his time there, when Abraham told people about his wife Sarah, he said, “She's my sister.” So Abimelech, king of Gerar, sent for Sarah and took her to become one of his wives.
Dixitque de Sara uxore suo: Soror mea est. Misit ergo Abimelech rex Geraræ, et tulit eam.
3 But God appeared to Abimelech in a dream and told him, “Listen! You're going to die because the woman you've taken is already married—she has a husband.”
Venit autem Deus ad Abimelech per somnium nocte, et ait illi: En morieris propter mulierem quam tulisti: habet enim virum.
4 Abimelech hadn't touched Sarah, and he asked, “Lord, do you kill good people?
Abimelech vero non tetigerat eam, et ait: Domine, num gentem ignorantem et justam interficies?
5 Didn't Abraham tell me himself, ‘She's my sister,’ and didn't Sarah also say, ‘He's my brother’? I did this in all innocence—my conscience is clear!”
nonne ipse dixit mihi: Soror mea est: et ipsa ait: Frater meus est? In simplicitate cordis mei, et munditia manuum mearum feci hoc.
6 God told him in the dream, “Yes, I know you did this in all innocence, so I prevented you from sinning against me. That's why I didn't let you touch her.
Dixitque ad eum Deus: Et ego scio quod simplici corde feceris: et ideo custodivi te ne peccares in me, et non dimisi ut tangeres eam.
7 Send the man's wife back to him. He's a prophet. He will pray for you, and you will live. But if you don't send her back to him, you should know for sure that you and all your family will die.”
Nunc ergo redde viro suo uxorem, quia propheta est: et orabit pro te, et vives: si autem nolueris reddere, scito quod morte morieris tu, et omnia quæ tua sunt.
8 Abimelech got up early in the morning and called all his servants together. He explained everything that had happened, and they were all terrified.
Statimque de nocte consurgens Abimelech, vocavit omnes servos suos: et locutus est universa verba hæc in auribus eorum, timueruntque omnes viri valde.
9 Then Abimelech summoned Abraham and asked him “What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you should treat me like this, bringing this terrible sin on me and my kingdom? You've done things to me that no one should ever do!”
Vocavit autem Abimelech etiam Abraham, et dixit ei: Quid fecisti nobis? quid peccavimus in te, quia induxisti super me et super regnum meum peccatum grande? quæ non debuisti facere, fecisti nobis.
10 Then Abimelech asked Abraham “What were you thinking when you did this?”
Rursumque expostulans, ait: Quid vidisti, ut hoc faceres?
11 “Well, I thought to myself, ‘Nobody respects God in this place. They'll kill me just to get my wife,’” Abraham replied.
Respondit Abraham: Cogitavi mecum, dicens: Forsitan non est timor Dei in loco isto: et interficient me propter uxorem meam:
12 “Anyway, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father but not my mother, and I married her.
alias autem et vere soror mea est, filia patris mei, et non filia matris meæ, et duxi eam in uxorem.
13 Since my God made me move far away from my family home, I told her, ‘If you really love me, then wherever you go with me you must tell people: He's my brother.’”
Postquam autem eduxit me Deus de domo patris mei, dixi ad eam: Hanc misericordiam facies mecum: in omni loco, ad quem ingrediemur, dices quod frater tuus sim.
14 Then Abimelech gave Abraham gifts of sheep, cattle, and male and female slaves, and returned his wife Sarah to him.
Tulit igitur Abimelech oves et boves, et servos et ancillas, et dedit Abraham: reddiditque illi Saram uxorem suam,
15 Abimelech told him, “Look over my land. You can choose to live anywhere you like.”
et ait: Terra coram vobis est, ubicumque tibi placuerit habita.
16 Abimelech also told Sarah, “Notice that I'm giving your brother a thousand pieces of silver. This is to compensate you for the wrong done to you in the eyes of everyone with you, and to make sure that your name is publicly cleared.”
Saræ autem dixit: Ecce mille argenteos dedi fratri tuo, hoc erit tibi in velamen oculorum ad omnes qui tecum sunt, et quocumque perrexeris: mementoque te deprehensam.
17 Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female slaves, so that they could have children again.
Orante autem Abraham, sanavit Deus Abimelech et uxorem, ancillasque ejus, et pepererunt:
18 For the Lord had made all the women unable to have children because Abraham's wife, Sarah, had been taken.
concluserat enim Dominus omnem vulvam domus Abimelech propter Saram uxorem Abrahæ.

< Genesis 20 >