< Genesis 15 >

1 After all this had happened, God spoke to Abram in a vision, telling him, “Don't be afraid, Abram! I am your protector, and your truly great reward!”
Hekah olka phoeiah tah BOEIPA kah olka te mikhlam ah Abram taengla thoeng tih, “Abram rhih boeh. Kai he nang kah photling la ka om, na thapang bahoeng yet ni,” a ti nah.
2 But Abram replied, “Lord God, what good is whatever you give me? I don't have any children, and the heir to all that I have is Eliezer of Damascus.”
Tedae Abram loh, “Ka Boeipa Yahovah aw, kai ham balae na khueh? Kai loh cakol la ka van tih kamah im kah Damasku hoel Eliezer ni ca la ka pang” a ti nah.
3 Abram went on to complain, “Look! You haven't given me any children, so a servant from my household has to be my heir!”
Te phoeiah Abram loh, “Kai taengah tiingan nan paek moenih he. Te dongah ka im kah camoe ni ka pang coeng he,” a ti nah.
4 But then the Lord told him, “This man won't be your heir. Your heir will be your very own son.”
Te vaengah BOEIPA kah olka loh Abram la, “Anih na pang pawt vetih namah ko khui lamkah aka thoeng te ni tloep na pang eh ne,” a ti nah.
5 The Lord took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up at the sky. See if you can count the stars! That's how many descendants you will have!”
Te phoeiah Abram te poeng la a khuen tih, “Vaan ke paelki lamtah aisi ke tae mai lah. Amih te na tae thai atah a thui vanbangla nang kah tiingan la om van ni,” a ti nah.
6 Abram trusted what the Lord said, and so the Lord counted Abram as being in a right relationship with him.
Te daengah BOEIPA te a tangnah tih anih kah tangnah te duengnah la a nawt pah.
7 The Lord also told him, “I am the Lord, who led you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land for you to own.”
Te dongah ni anih taengah, “Hekah khohmuen he nang taengah paek ham neh pang sak ham Khalden Ur lamkah nang aka khuen te BOEIPA kamah ni,” a ti nah.
8 “But Lord God, how can I be certain that I will own it?” Abram asked.
Tedae anih loh, “Ka Boeipa Yahovah aw, anih ka pang ni tila metlamlae ka ming eh?” a ti nah.
9 The Lord told him, “Bring me a cow, a goat, and a ram, all of them three years old, together with a dove and a young pigeon.”
Te dongah Abram la, “Kai taengah vaitola kum thum neh maae a la kum thum, tutal kum thum, vahu, vahuica hang khuen,” a ti nah.
10 So Abram took and killed the three animals. Then he cut them in half, and placed each half opposite the other. However, he didn't cut the birds in half.
Te rhoek boeih te a taengla a khuen pah phoeiah a laklung ah a saek. Te phoeiah a kaekvang te a hui taengah a hmaitoh sak tih a tloeng pah. Tedae vathawt te tah saek pawh.
11 When vultures flew down on the carcasses, Abram frightened them off.
Te vaengah vatlung loh maehrhok te a cuk thil tih Abram loh a hawt.
12 As the sun went down, a deep sleep came over Abram, and at the same time a dense and terrifying darkness fell on him.
Tedae khomik tla tih Abram khaw ih ham a yalh thuk vaengah a soah mueirhih tamyin loh khuk a tlak thil tarha.
13 The Lord explained to Abram, “You can be absolutely sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be slaves and mistreated for 400 years.
Te phoeiah Abram te, “Na tiingan loh amah khohmuen mueh ah yinlai la om ni. Te vaengah amih te thotat uh vetih kum ya li a phaep uh ni tila ming rhoe ming laeh.
14 However, I will punish the nation that makes them slaves, and later on they will leave, taking many valuable possessions with them.
Tedae a thotat pah namtom te khaw kai loh lai ka tloek vetih a hnukah nang kah tiingan tah khuehtawn a yet neh ha pawk uh ni.
15 But as for you, you will die in peace and be buried, having lived a good long life.
Te vaengah nang tah a then la na sampok neh na pa rhoek taengah na cet vetih sading la n'up uh ni.
16 Four generations later your descendants will come back here to live, because right now the sins of the Amorites have not reached their full extent.”
Tedae tahae due Amori kah thaesainah a rhoeh pawt dongah tahae lamkah a khong li vaengah ha bal uh ni,” a ti nah.
17 After the sun set and it grew dark, suddenly a smoking furnace and a flaming torch appeared and passed between the halves of the animal carcasses.
Khomik tla tih a hmuep a pha vaengah hmaipom hmaikhu neh hmaithoi hmai te maehpoel laklo ah a pak.
18 This is how the Lord made an agreement with Abram that day and promised him, “I'm giving this land to your descendants. It extends from the Wadi of Egypt to the great Euphrates River,
Tekah khohnin ah BOEIPA loh Abram taengah moi a boh tih, “Tahae kah khohmuen he Egypt tuiva lamkah tuiva puei Perath tuiva duela,
19 and includes the territory of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites,
Keni te khaw, Kenizzi te khaw, Kadmoni khaw,
20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites,
Khitti khaw, Perizzi khaw, Rapha khaw,
21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.”
Amori khaw, Kanaani khaw, Girgashi khaw, Jebusi khaw, nang kah tiingan taengah ka paek coeng,” a ti nah.

< Genesis 15 >