< Galatians 5 >

1 Christ set us free so we could have real freedom. So stand firm and don't get burdened down again by a yoke of slavery.
Til Friheden har Kristus frigjort os. Saa staar nu fast, og lader eder ikke atter holde under Trældoms Aag!
2 Let me, Paul, tell you bluntly: if you rely on the way of circumcision, Christ will be of absolutely no benefit to you.
Se, jeg, Paulus, siger eder, at dersom I lade eder omskære, vil Kristus intet gavne eder.
3 Let me repeat: every man who is circumcised has to keep the whole of the law.
Men jeg vidner atter for hvert Menneske, som lader sig omskære, at han er skyldig at opfylde hele Loven.
4 Those of you who think you can be made right by the law are cut off from Christ—you have abandoned grace.
I ere tabte for Kristus, I, som retfærdiggøres ved Loven; I ere faldne ud af Naaden.
5 For through the Spirit we trust and wait in hope to be made right.
Vi vente jo ved Aanden af Tro Retfærdigheds Haab.
6 For in Christ Jesus being circumcised or uncircumcised doesn't achieve anything; it's only trust working through love that matters.
Thi i Kristus Jesus gælder hverken Omskærelse eller Forhud noget, men Tro, som er virksom ved Kærlighed.
7 You were doing so well! Who got in the way and prevented you from being convinced by the truth?
I vare godt paa Vej; hvem har hindret eder i at adlyde Sandhed?
8 This “persuasion” certainly isn't from the one who calls you.
Den Overtalelse kom ikke fra ham, som kaldte eder.
9 You only need a little bit of yeast to raise the whole batch of dough.
En liden Surdej g syrer hele Dejgen.
10 I'm confident in the Lord that you won't change the way you think, and that the one who is confusing you will face the consequences, whoever he is.
Jeg har den Tillid til eder i Herren, at I ikke ville mene noget andet; men den, som forvirrer eder, skal bære sin Dom, hvem han end er.
11 As for me, brothers and sisters, if I were still advocating circumcision—why am I still persecuted? If that was true, it would remove the issue of the cross that offends people so much.
Men jeg, Brødre! dersom jeg endnu prædiker Omskærelse, hvorfor forfølges jeg da endnu? Saa er jo Korsets Forargelse gjort til intet.
12 If only those who are causing you trouble would go even further than circumcision and castrate themselves!
Gid de endog maatte lemlæste sig selv, de, som forstyrre eder!
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to freedom! Just don't use your freedom as an excuse to indulge your sinful human nature—instead serve one another in love.
I bleve jo kaldede til Frihed, Brødre! kun at I ikke bruge Friheden til en Anledning for Kødet, men værer ved Kærligheden hverandres Tjenere!
14 For the whole law is summed up in this one command, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Thi hele Loven er opfyldt i eet Ord, i det: „Du skal elske din Næste som dig selv.”
15 But if you attack and tear into one other, watch out that you don't completely destroy yourselves!
Men naar I bide og æde hverandre, da ser til, at I ikke fortæres af hverandre!
16 My advice is to walk by the Spirit. Don't satisfy the desires of your sinful human nature.
Men jeg siger: Vandrer efter Aanden, saa fuldbyrde I ingenlunde Kødets Begæring.
17 For the desires of the sinful nature are opposed to the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the sinful nature. They fight one another, so you don't do what you want to do.
Thi Kødet begærer imod Aanden, og Aanden imod Kødet; disse staa nemlig hinanden imod, for at I ikke skulle gøre, hvad I have Lyst til.
18 But if the Spirit leads you, you're not under the law.
Men naar I drives af Aanden, ere I ikke under Loven.
19 It's clear what the sinful human nature produces: sexual immorality, indecency, sensuality,
Men Kødets Gerninger ere aabenbare, saasom: Utugt, Urenhed, Uterlighed,
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, rivalry, jealousy, anger, selfish ambition, dissension, heresy,
Afgudsdyrkelse, Trolddom, Fjendskaber, Kiv, Nid, Hidsighed, Rænker, Tvedragt, Partier,
21 envy, drunkenness, feasting, and similar things. As I warned you before so I warn you again: nobody who behaves like this will inherit the kingdom of God.
Avind, Drukkenskab, Svir og deslige; hvorom jeg forud siger eder, ligesom jeg ogsaa før har sagt, at de, som øve saadanne Ting, skulle ikke arve Guds Rige.
22 But the Spirit produces fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trust,
Men Aandens Frugt er Kærlighed, Glæde, Fred, Langmodighed, Mildhed, Godhed, Trofasthed,
23 gentleness, self-control—and there's no law against these kinds of things!
Sagtmodighed, Afholdenhed. Imod saadanne er Loven ikke,
24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed to the cross their sinful human nature, together with all their sinful passions and desires.
men de, som høre Kristus Jesus til, have korsfæstet Kødet med dets Lidenskaber og Begæringer.
25 If we live in the Spirit we should also walk in the Spirit.
Naar vi leve ved Aanden, da lader os ogsaa vandre efter Aanden!
26 Let's not become boastful, or irritate and envy one another.
Lader os ikke have Lyst til tom Ære, saa at vi udæske hverandre og bære Avind imod hverandre.

< Galatians 5 >