< Galatians 4 >

1 Let me explain what I'm saying. An heir who is under-age is no different from a slave, even though the heir may be the owner of everything.
aha. m vadaami sampadadhikaarii yaavad baalasti. s.thati taavat sarvvasvasyaadhipati. h sannapi sa daasaat kenaapi vi. saye. na na vi"si. syate
2 An heir is subject to guardians and managers until the time set by the father.
kintu pitraa niruupita. m samaya. m yaavat paalakaanaa. m dhanaadhyak. saa. naa nca nighnasti. s.thati|
3 It's just the same for us. When we were children, we were slaves subject to the basic rules of the law.
tadvad vayamapi baalyakaale daasaa iva sa. msaarasyaak. saramaalaayaa adhiinaa aasmahe|
4 But at the appropriate time God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the rule of law,
anantara. m samaye sampuur. nataa. m gatavati vyavasthaadhiinaanaa. m mocanaartham
5 so that he could rescue those who were kept under the rule of law, so that we could receive the inheritance of adopted children.
asmaaka. m putratvapraaptyartha nce"svara. h striyaa jaata. m vyavasthaayaa adhiniibhuuta nca svaputra. m pre. sitavaan|
6 To show you are his children, God sent the Spirit of his Son to convince us, causing us to call out, “Abba,” meaning “Father.”
yuuya. m santaanaa abhavata tatkaara. naad ii"svara. h svaputrasyaatmaanaa. m yu. smaakam anta. hkara. naani prahitavaan sa caatmaa pita. h pitarityaahvaana. m kaarayati|
7 Since you are now no longer a slave, but a child, and if you are his child, then God has made you his heir.
ata idaanii. m yuuya. m na daasaa. h kintu. h santaanaa eva tasmaat santaanatvaacca khrii. s.tene"svariiyasampadadhikaari. no. apyaadhve|
8 At the time when you didn't know God, you were enslaved by the supposed “gods” of this world.
apara nca puurvva. m yuuyam ii"svara. m na j naatvaa ye svabhaavato. anii"svaraaste. saa. m daasatve. ati. s.thata|
9 But now you've come to know God—or better, to be known by God. So how can you go back to those useless and worthless rules? Do you want to be slaves to those rules all over again?
idaaniim ii"svara. m j naatvaa yadi ve"svare. na j naataa yuuya. m katha. m punastaani viphalaani tucchaani caak. saraa. ni prati paraavarttitu. m "saknutha? yuuya. m ki. m punaste. saa. m daasaa bhavitumicchatha?
10 You're observing special days and months, seasons and years.
yuuya. m divasaan maasaan tithiin sa. mvatsaraa. m"sca sammanyadhve|
11 I'm concerned that all I did for you has been wasted!
yu. smadartha. m mayaa ya. h pari"sramo. akaari sa viphalo jaata iti yu. smaanadhyaha. m bibhemi|
12 I'm pleading with you, my friends: be like me, because I became like you. You've never treated me badly.
he bhraatara. h, aha. m yaad. r"so. asmi yuuyamapi taad. r"saa bhavateti praarthaye yato. ahamapi yu. smattulyo. abhava. m yu. smaabhi rmama kimapi naaparaaddha. m|
13 You remember that it was because I was sick that I shared with you the good news on my first visit.
puurvvamaha. m kalevarasya daurbbalyena yu. smaan susa. mvaadam aj naapayamiti yuuya. m jaaniitha|
14 Even though my illness was difficult for you, you didn't despise or reject me—in fact you treated me like an angel of God, like Christ Jesus himself.
tadaanii. m mama pariik. saka. m "saariirakle"sa. m d. r.s. tvaa yuuya. m maam avaj naaya. rtiiyitavantastannahi kintvii"svarasya duutamiva saak. saat khrii. s.ta yii"sumiva vaa maa. m g. rhiitavanta. h|
15 So what's happened to all your gratefulness? I tell you, back then if you could have pulled out your eyes and given them to me, you would have!
atastadaanii. m yu. smaaka. m yaa dhanyataabhavat saa kka gataa? tadaanii. m yuuya. m yadi sve. saa. m nayanaanyutpaa. tya mahya. m daatum a"sak. syata tarhi tadapyakari. syateti pramaa. nam aha. m dadaami|
16 So what has happened—have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
saampratamaha. m satyavaaditvaat ki. m yu. smaaka. m ripu rjaato. asmi?
17 These people are keen to gain your support, but not for any good reasons. On the contrary, they want to keep you away from us so that you will enthusiastically support them.
te yu. smatk. rte sparddhante kintu saa sparddhaa kutsitaa yato yuuya. m taanadhi yat sparddhadhva. m tadartha. m te yu. smaan p. rthak karttum icchanti|
18 Of course it's good to want to do good. But this should be at all times, not just when I'm there with you!
kevala. m yu. smatsamiipe mamopasthitisamaye tannahi, kintu sarvvadaiva bhadramadhi sparddhana. m bhadra. m|
19 My dear friends, I want to work with you until Christ's character is duplicated in you.
he mama baalakaa. h, yu. smadanta ryaavat khrii. s.to muurtimaan na bhavati taavad yu. smatkaara. naat puna. h prasavavedaneva mama vedanaa jaayate|
20 I really wish I could be with you right now so I could change my tone of voice… I'm so worried about you.
ahamidaanii. m yu. smaaka. m sannidhi. m gatvaa svaraantare. na yu. smaan sambhaa. situ. m kaamaye yato yu. smaanadhi vyaakulo. asmi|
21 Answer me this, you people who want to live under the law: Don't you hear what the law is saying?
he vyavasthaadhiinataakaa"nk. si. na. h yuuya. m ki. m vyavasthaayaa vacana. m na g. rhliitha?
22 As Scripture says, Abraham had two sons, one from the servant girl, and one from the free woman.
tanmaa. m vadata| likhitamaaste, ibraahiimo dvau putraavaasaate tayoreko daasyaa. m dvitiiya"sca patnyaa. m jaata. h|
23 However, the son from the servant girl was born following a human plan, while the son from the free woman was born as the result of the promise.
tayo ryo daasyaa. m jaata. h sa "saariirikaniyamena jaj ne ya"sca patnyaa. m jaata. h sa pratij nayaa jaj ne|
24 This provides an analogy: these two women represent two agreements. One agreement is from Mount Sinai—Hagar—and she gives birth to slave children.
idamaakhyaana. m d. r.s. tantasvaruupa. m| te dve yo. sitaavii"svariiyasandhii tayorekaa siinayaparvvataad utpannaa daasajanayitrii ca saa tu haajiraa|
25 Hagar symbolizes Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to the current Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children.
yasmaad haajiraa"sabdenaaravade"sasthasiinayaparvvato bodhyate, saa ca varttamaanaayaa yiruu"saalampuryyaa. h sad. r"sii| yata. h svabaalai. h sahitaa saa daasatva aaste|
26 But the heavenly Jerusalem is free. She is our mother.
kintu svargiiyaa yiruu"saalampurii patnii sarvve. saam asmaaka. m maataa caaste|
27 As Scripture says, “Rejoice you who are childless and who have never given birth! Shout aloud for joy, you who have never been in labor—for the abandoned woman has more children than the woman who has a husband!”
yaad. r"sa. m likhitam aaste, "vandhye santaanahiine tva. m svara. m jayajaya. m kuru| aprasuute tvayollaaso jayaa"sabda"sca giiyataa. m| yata eva sanaathaayaa yo. sita. h santate rga. naat| anaathaa yaa bhavennaarii tadapatyaani bhuuri"sa. h||"
28 Now my friends, we are children of promise just like Isaac.
he bhraat. rga. na, imhaak iva vaya. m pratij nayaa jaataa. h santaanaa. h|
29 However, just as the one born according to a human plan persecuted the one born through the Spirit, so it is today.
kintu tadaanii. m "saariirikaniyamena jaata. h putro yadvad aatmikaniyamena jaata. m putram upaadravat tathaadhunaapi|
30 But what does Scripture say? “Send away the servant girl and her son, for the son of the servant girl will not be an heir together with the son of the free woman.”
kintu "saastre ki. m likhita. m? "tvam imaa. m daasii. m tasyaa. h putra ncaapasaaraya yata e. sa daasiiputra. h patniiputre. na sama. m nottaraadhikaarii bhaviyyatiiti|"
31 Therefore, my friends, we're not children of a servant girl, but of the free woman.
ataeva he bhraatara. h, vaya. m daasyaa. h santaanaa na bhuutvaa paatnyaa. h santaanaa bhavaama. h|

< Galatians 4 >