< Galatians 1 >

1 This letter comes from Paul, an apostle not appointed by any human organization or human authority. Quite the contrary: I was appointed by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Jesus from the dead.
Nuwana nilime nan nishono nan nya Kipin tigo in Galantiyawa. Meng Bulussari, unan kadura na unuzu kiti nanit ba, a na unuzu kiti nnit ba, unuzu kitin Yisa Kristiari nin Kutellẹ Uciffe, ulenge na awa fiyaghe nan nya nkul.
2 All the brothers and sisters here with me join in sending this letter to the churches in Galatia.
Nin linuana vat na idi ligowe nin mi udu nilarin nlira in Galatiya.
3 May the grace and peace of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
Ubollu Kutellẹ udu kiti mine nin lisosin limang unuzu kiti Kutellẹ Ucifbit nin Cikilari bit Yisa Kristi,
4 Jesus gave himself for our sins to set us free from this current world of evil, following the will of our God and Father. (aiōn g165)
na awa ni litime bara alapi bite, anan se a bolo nari nan nya kubiri kunanzang nado ukpilizu Kutellẹ bit nin Ciff bit. (aiōn g165)
5 To him be glory forever and ever! Amen. (aiōn g165)
Kitimerẹ ngongong so saligan Usonani. (aiōn g165)
6 I'm shocked at how quickly you're abandoning the God who by the grace of Christ called you. You are turning to a different kind of good news
Imonen nayi fiu nin kpillu mine nan nya nliru ntucu uburnẹ na ina seru udu umong ugang. Nin kpillu nati mine kitin lenge na ana yicila minu nin bolun Kristi.
7 that isn't good news at all! Some people there are confusing you, wanting to pervert the good news of Christ.
Na umong ulirun tuchu duku ugang ba, vat nani among anit din fizu ayi nanit inan musuzu ulirun tuchun Kristi.
8 But if anyone, even we ourselves, or even an angel from heaven, should promote any other kind of good news than what we have already told you, let them be condemned!
Sa arike sa Gono kadura Kutellẹ unuzu kitene kani nda minu nin kankadura ugang nin lenge na tina malu ubellin minu na unu kifoghe.
9 I repeat what we've told you before: if anyone promotes any other kind of good news than what you've already accepted, let them be condemned!
Nafo na tiwa bellin minu nin burnẹ, nene wang ndin bellẹ tutung, ''Asa umong bellin minu ulirun ntucu ugan nin le na ina malu useru, tan ghe unu.''
10 Whose approval do you think I want—that of people, or of God? Do you think I'm trying to please people? If I wanted to please people I wouldn't be a servant of Christ!
Negene meng din pizuru uyinnu nanitari sa un Kutellẹ? sa ndin pizuru npwo anit ayeri? Asa meng nengene ndi ninsu npwo anit ayeri, na meng kuchin Kristari ba.
11 Let me make it clear, my friends, regarding the good news I'm declaring—it did not come from any human being.
Bara ndinin su iyinin nuana, ulirun ntuchu na ndin bellu na un na nitari ba.
12 I didn't receive it from anyone, and nobody taught it to me—it was Jesus Christ who revealed it to me.
Na nna seru kitin nitari ba, a na umon na dursuzai unin ba, una na nadak kitinighe unuzu kitin Yisa Kristari.
13 You heard how I behaved as a follower of the Jewish religion—how I fanatically persecuted God's church, savagely trying to destroy it.
Iwa lanza lisosin nburu nighe nan nya nadini na Yahudawa na nwa ti butan butang nnanzu nliru Kutellẹ nin na nan ndortu Kutellẹ, ineo kang sa ligang.
14 I surpassed my contemporaries in the practice of the Jewish religion because I was so fervently devoted to the traditions of my ancestors.
Meng wadi nlibun pït nan nya nadini na Yahudawa nkatiza adon nighe a Yahudawẹ. Meng wa di nin liyarin kan nbellen dortu matiza naciff ning.
15 But when God (who had set me apart from birth) called me through his grace, and was pleased
Kubi ko na Kutellẹ wa lanza nmang afereyi ndutu nan nya liburin naning. Awa yicilai nan nya me.
16 to reveal his Son to me so that I could announce the good news to the nations, I didn't discuss this with anyone.
Adurso Gono me kiti ning, nnan yino ubellun liru me kitik nalumai. Na nwa mala upizuru in yinnu nin kidowo nin mï ba,
17 I didn't go to Jerusalem to talk to those who preceded me as apostles; instead I left for Arabia, and then later returned to Damascus.
ana nwa do u Urushalime kiti na lenge na iwa yarni katawa ba. Nwa do Arabiyari, nnin kpilla u Damascus tutung.
18 After three years I went to Jerusalem to visit Peter. I stayed with him for two weeks.
Na akus atat nnin kata, nnin ghana udu lizi ngan Kefas in Urushalima nta ayiri likure nin na taun ligowe ninghe.
19 I didn't see any other apostles except James, the Lord's brother.
Vat nayiri ane nan nta, na nwayene umong nan nya nono katwe ba, ma Yakuburi cas gwanan NCikilare nwa yeneghe ku.
20 (Let me assure you before God that I'm not lying about what I'm writing to you!)
Yenen nbun Kutellẹ wang, na ndimunu kinu nan nya niyerte na nsu minu ba.
21 Then I went to Syria and Cilicia.
Nin kiddughe nmini wa do nmin Siriya nin silisiya.
22 Even so, my face wasn't known to those in the churches of Judea.
Vat nani nan nyan Yahudiya alenge na iwa dortu nan nya nilarin nlira wa di isa yinni ba.
23 They had only heard people say, “The man who used to persecute us is now spreading the faith he once tried to destroy!”
Iwa din lanzun belle nighere cas, '' Ulenge na awa nadi unan lantizu nari ukul nengene din su uwazi in yinnu ulenge na ame wadin musuzun unin.''
24 —and they praised God because of me.
Inani wa tizu Kutellẹ gongong bara mewẹ.

< Galatians 1 >