< Ezekiel 7 >

1 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri, richiti,
2 “Son of man, this is what the Lord God says to the people living in Israel: The end is here! The end has arrived throughout the country.
“Mwanakomana womunhu, zvanzi naIshe Jehovha kunyika yeIsraeri: Kuguma! Kuguma kwasvika kumativi mana enyika.
3 Now is the end for you! I'm going to direct my anger against you. I'm judging you for your actions and will pay you back for the offensive things you've done.
Kuguma kwava pamusoro pako zvino uye ndichatuma kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro pako. Ndichakutonga zvakafanira tsika dzako ndigotsiva zvinyangadzo zvako zvose.
4 I won't have any pity for you, or show you any mercy. I'm going to punish you for what you've done, for your disgusting sins. Then you'll know that I am the Lord.
Handizokunzwiri ngoni kana kukuponesa; zvirokwazvo ndichakutsiva zvakafanira tsika dzako nezvinyangadzo zviri pakati pako. Ipapo uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
5 This is what the Lord God says: Watch out! Disaster after disaster is coming!
“Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Njodzi! Njodzi isina kumbonzwikwa nezvayo iri kuuya!
6 The end is here! The end has come, and it's coming for you! Watch out! This is the end!
Kuguma kwasvika! Kuguma kwasvika! Kwamuka kuti kuzokurwisai. Kwauya!
7 You people living in the land, the consequences of your actions have come full circle. The time has come, the day is near— shouts of panic on the mountains and not shouts of joy.
Kuparadzwa kwauya pamusoro pako, iwe ugere panyika. Nguva yasvika, zuva rava pedyo; pava nokutya, kwete mufaro, pamusoro pamakomo.
8 Very shortly I'm going to show you how angry I am with you. I will judge you by what you have done, and punish you for all your disgusting sins.
Ndava pedyo nokudurura hasha dzangu pamusoro pako ndigopedzera kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro pako; ndichakutonga zvakafanira mafambiro ako ndigotsiva zvinyangadzo zvako zvose.
9 I won't have any pity for you or show you any mercy. I'm going to punish you for what you've done, for your disgusting sins. Then you will know that it is I, the Lord, who is attacking you.
Handizombokunzwiri ngoni kana kukuponesa; ndichakutsiva zvakafanira mafambiro ako nezvinyangadzo zviri pakati pako. Ipapo uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha ndiri kukurova.
10 Can't you see? The day is here! It has arrived! The consequences of your actions have come full circle—the walking stick has blossomed, pride has come into full bloom.
“Zuva rasvika! Rauya! Kuparadzwa kwabuda, shamhu yabukira, kuzvikudza kwatumbuka!
11 Their way of violence has turned into a rod to punish them for their wickedness. None of them will survive—none of that whole crowd, and none of their wealth or honor.
Kuita nechisimba kwakura kukava shamhu yokuranga zvakaipa; hakuna mumwe wavanhu ava achasara, hakuna pavazhinji vavo ivavo, kana pfuma kana chinokosha.
12 The time has come; the day is here! Buyers, don't celebrate thinking you'll get a good deal; sellers, don't cry thinking you're going to make a loss—because punishment is coming to everyone.
Nguva yauya, zuva rasvika. Mutengi ngaarege kufara uye mutengesi ngaarege kusuwa, nokuti hasha dziri pamusoro pavazhinji vose.
13 Sellers won't ever get back the purchase price while they're still alive. I'm not going to change the plan I have revealed that applies to everyone. People who go on sinning won't survive.
Mutengesi haangadzorerwi nyika yaakanga atengesa kana vose vari vaviri vachiri vapenyu, nokuti chiratidzo chakaonekwa pamusoro pavazhinji vose chichazozadziswa. Nokuda kwezvivi zvavo, hakuna kana mumwe wavo achachengetedza upenyu hwake.
14 Even though the trumpet call to arms has sounded, even though all the preparations have been made, no one is ready to fight, because I am angry with everyone.
Kunyange vakaridza hwamanda uye vakagadzirira zvose, hapana achaenda kuhondo, nokuti hasha dzangu dziri pamusoro pavazhinji vose.
15 Outside the city are armed attacks; inside are disease and starvation. Those in the countryside will be killed by the sword, and those in the city will be destroyed by starvation and disease.
“Kunze kuno munondo, mukati mune denda nenzara; vaya vari musango vachafa nomunondo, uye vari muguta vachapedzwa nenzara nedenda.
16 Those who do survive will escape and go to live in the mountains. They will sigh like the doves of the valley, each person thinking about their own sins.
Vose vanorarama vachapunyuka vachange vari mumakomo, vachirira senjiva dzomumipata, mumwe nomumwe nokuda kwezvivi zvake.
17 Every hand will go limp, and every knee will go weak.
Ruoko rumwe norumwe ruchapera simba uye ibvi rimwe nerimwe richarukutika semvura.
18 They will put on clothes made of sackcloth, and they will be totally terrified. They will all be ashamed and shave their heads in mourning.
Vachafuka nguo dzamasaga uye vachafukidzwa nokutya. Zviso zvavo zvichafukidzwa nenyadzi uye misoro yavo ichaveurwa.
19 They will throw away their silver in the streets and treat their gold as if it's something unclean. Their silver and gold won't be able to save them when the day of the Lord's anger comes. Their money won't satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs. In fact this was the problem that caused their sin in the first place.
Vachakanda sirivha yavo munzira dzomumisha, uye goridhe yavo ichava chinhu chisina kuchena. Sirivha yavo negoridhe ravo hazvingavaponesi pazuva rokutsamwa kwaJehovha. Hazvingapedzi nzara yavo kana kugutsa matumbu avo nazvo, nokuti ndizvo zvakavagumbusa vakapinda muchivi.
20 They were so proud of their beautiful jewelry that they used it to make their disgusting images and decorate their offensive idols. So I'm going to turn these idols into unclean things for them.
Vakanga vachizvikudza nokuda kwoukomba hwavo hwakanaka uye vachihushandisa kuita zvifananidzo zvinonyangadza nezviumbwa zvakaipisisa. Naizvozvo ndichashandura izvi, zvikava chinhu chine tsvina kwavari.
21 I'm going to hand these things over as plunder to foreigners and as loot to the wicked people of the earth, who will make them unclean.
Ndichazvipa zvose kuvatorwa sezvinhu zvakapambwa uye sepfuma ingapambwa navakaipa venyika, uye vachazvisvibisa.
22 I will look away as they make my precious place unclean. Men of violence will enter and make it unclean.
Ndichavafuratira uye vachasvibisa nzvimbo yangu inokosha; mbavha dzichapinda mairi dzigoisvibisa.
23 Get the chains ready, because the country is full of blood being spilled by violent crimes, and the city itself is full of violence.
“Gadzirai ngetani, nokuti nyika izere nokuteura ropa uye guta rizere nokuita nechisimba.
24 So I'm going to bring the most evil of all the nations to take over their houses. I will put an end to the pride of the powerful, and their holy places will be made unclean.
Ndichauyisa vanhu vakaipisisa vendudzi kuti vavatorere dzimba dzavo; ndichaita kuti kuzvikudza kwavane simba kugume, uye nzvimbo dzavo tsvene dzichasvibiswa.
25 Absolutely terrified, the people will look for peace, but won't find it.
Kana kutya kwauya, vachatsvaka rugare asi havangaruwani.
26 Disaster after disaster will come down on them, and rumor after rumor. They will ask for a vision from a prophet, but there won't be any, and there won't be any instructions from the priests or advice from the elders either.
Kuchauya njodzi pamusoro penjodzi uye guhu pamusoro peguhu. Vachaedza kutsvaka chiratidzo kumuprofita; kudzidziswa murayiro nomuprista kuchashayikwa, namazano anobva kuvakuruwo achashayikwa.
27 The king will mourn, the prince will be devastated, and no one in the country will know what to do. I will do to them as they have done to others; I will judge them as they have judged others. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
Mambo achachema, muchinda achafukidzwa nokuora mwoyo, uye maoko avanhu vomunyika achadedera. Ndichavaitira zvakafanira mafambiro avo, uye ndichavatonga nemitemo yavo. Ipapo vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.”

< Ezekiel 7 >