< Ezekiel 46 >

1 This is what the Lord God says: “The east gate of the inner court is to be kept shut during the six working days, but it shall be opened on the Sabbath and on the day of the New Moon
Ka Boeipa Yahovah loh he a thui. Khothoeng la aka mael khuiben vongup vongka bibi nah hnin rhuk khuiah khai saeh. Tedae Sabbath hnin ah ong saeh lamtah hlasae hnin ah khaw ong saeh.
2 The prince must come through the gateway porch from outside and he will stand by the gatepost, and the priests will sacrifice his burnt offerings and peace offerings. He is to bow in respect at the gate's threshold of the gate and leave, but the gate is not to be shut until evening.
Khoboei te poengben lamloh vongka ngalha longpuei ah khun saeh lamtah vongka rhungsut ah pai saeh. A hmueihhlutnah neh anih kah rhoepnah hmueih te khosoih rhoek loh nawn uh saeh. Te phoeiah vongka thohkong ah thothueng saeh lamtah nong saeh. Tedae vongka te kholaeh duela khai boel saeh.
3 The people of Israel will also bow before the Lord at the gateway entrance on Sabbaths and New Moons.
Te phoeiah vongka thohka kah khohmuen pilnam long khaw Sabbath neh hlasae ah tah BOEIPA mikhmuh ah thothueng saeh.
4 The burnt offering that the prince is to offer to the Lord on the Sabbath day shall be six male lambs and a ram, all without defects.
Sabbath hnin ah tah BOEIPA taengkah hmueihhlutnah ham khoboei loh tuca hmabut parhuk neh tutal hmabut te khuen saeh.
5 The grain offering to accompany the ram shall be one ephah, and the grain offering with the lambs shall be as much as he chooses, together with a hin of olive oil for every ephah of grain.
Tutal nen tah khocang cangnoek pakhat saeh lamtah tuca nen tah khocang amah kut kah kutdoe yet mai saeh, situi bunang khat neh cangnoek pakhat saeh.
6 On the day of the New Moon he is to offer a young bull, six lambs, and a ram. They are all to be without defects.
Hlasae hnin kah ham te saelhung ca khuikah vaito khaw hmabut saeh lamtah tuca parhuk neh tutal khaw hmabut la om saeh.
7 He is also to provide a grain offering of an ephah with the bull, an ephah with the ram, and as much as he is chooses with the lambs, together with a hin of olive oil for every ephah of grain.
Khocang te vaito nen tah cangnoek pakhat, tutal nen tah cangnoek pakhat khueh saeh. Tedae tuca nen tah a kut naep bangla om mai saeh lamtah cangnoek pakhat dongah situi bunang khat nawn saeh.
8 When the prince enters, he is to come in through the gateway porch, and leave the same way.
Khoboei a kun vaengah vongka kah ngalha long kun saeh lamtah amah long ah ha pawk saeh.
9 When the people of Israel gather before the Lord at the regular religious festivals, anyone who enters through the north gate to worship has to leave through the south gate, and anyone who enters through the south gate leave through the north gate. No one is allowed to go back through the same gate through which they entered. Everyone must leave by the opposite gate.
Khohmuen pilnam loh khoning vaengah BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a mop vaengah khaw thothueng ham te tlangpuei vongka long kun saeh lamtah tuithim vongka long la pawk saeh. Tuithim vongka long a kun te tlangpuei vongka long la pawk saeh. A kun nah vongka long ah mael boel saeh. Tedae a khatben lamloh cet rhoe cet saeh.
10 The prince is to enter when the people do; and leave when they leave.
Amih khui kah khoboei khaw amih a kun vaengah kun saeh lamtah amih ha pawk vaengah ha pawk van saeh.
11 At the religious festivals and regular meetings, the grain offering will be an ephah with a bull, an ephah with a ram, and as much as people choose with the lambs, together with a hin of olive oil for every ephah of grain.
Khotue vaengah khaw, tingtunnah dongah khaw khocang te vaito pumkhat ah cangnoek pakhat, tutal pakhat ah cangnoek pakhat nawn saeh. Tedae tuca nen tah a kut dongkah kutdoe rhoeh saeh lamtah cangnoek pakhat situi bunang khat saeh.
12 When the prince decides to make a freewill offering to the Lord, whether it's a burnt offering or a peace offering, the east gate is to be opened for him. He shall offer his burnt offering or peace offering in the same way he does on the Sabbath. When he leaves, the gate must be closed after him.
Khoboei loh BOEIPA taengah hmueihhlutnah te kothoh neh, rhoepnah khaw kothoh saii saeh. Te vaengah anih ham khothoeng la aka mael vongka te ong pah saeh lamtah a hmueihhlutnah neh anih kah rhoepnah te Sabbath hnin kah a saii bangla saii saeh. Te phoeiah nong saeh lamtah anih ha pawk hnuk ah vongka te khai saeh.
13 Every morning a year-old lamb without defects is to be sacrificed as a daily burnt offering to the Lord.
Te vaengah tuca kumkhat ca a hmabut te hmueihhlutnah ham BOEIPA taengah hnin takuem saii saeh. Mincang, mincang ah te te saii pah.
14 Every morning a grain offering of a sixth of an ephah with a third of a hin of olive oil to moisten the best flour is to be provided as a grain offering to the Lord. This regulation is to be followed forever.
Khocang khaw te nen te mincang, mincang ah na nawn ni. Khocang vaidam ham te cangnoek parhuk ah pakhat neh situi bunang pathum ah pakhat neh sul saeh lamtah BOEIPA taengkah kumhal khosing la phat om saeh.
15 Make sure the lamb, the grain offering, and the olive oil is presented every morning as a regular burnt offering.
Te dongah tuca neh khocang neh situi te tah mincang, mincang kah hmueihhlutnah la hmoel rhoe hmoel uh taitu saeh.
16 This is what the Lord God says: If the prince gives a gift of property to any of his sons to own, it will belong to his descendants. They will be able to inherit the property.
Ka Boeipa Yahovah loh he ni a thui. Khoboei loh a rho te a ca rhoek khui kah hlang pakhat ham kutdoe la a paek coeng atah rho te a ca rhoek ham khohut la om ni.
17 However, if he gives a gift of his property to one of his servants, that servant will only own it until the Jubilee Year. Then ownership will return to the prince. His property that he passes on through inheritance belongs only to his sons—it is theirs.
Tedae a rho te a sal pakhat ham kutdoe la a paek atah sayalhnah kum hil mah anih taengah om saeh. Te phoeiah tah khoboei taengla mael saeh lamtah a rho te amah ca rhoek taengah om saeh.
18 The prince is not to take people's land, driving them off their property. He is to give land to his sons from his own property, so that none of my people shall be evicted from their property.”
Khoboei loh pilnam te amamih kah khohut lamloh vuelvaek tih rho te loh pah boel saeh. Amah khohut lamkah mah a ca rhoek te phaeng saeh. Te daengah ni ka pilnam he hlang khat khaw amah khohut dongah a taek a yak uh pawt eh.
19 The man took me through the entrance beside the gate into the north-facing holy rooms that belonged to the priests. He showed me a place at the far western end
Te phoeiah kai te vongka hlaep kah khuirhai lamloh tlangpuei la aka mael, khosoih kah hmuencim imkhan la n'khuen. Te vaengah a hmuen te khotlak a bawt, a bawt ah pahoi om coeng ne.
20 and told me, “This is where the priests cook guilt offerings and sin offerings, and where they bake the grain offering. This is so that they don't take them to the outer courtyard and carry holiness to the people.”
Te phoeiah kai taengah, “He hmuen ah khosoih rhoek loh hmaithennah neh boirhaem khaw pahoi thong uh saeh lamtah khocang khaw te ah te kaeng uh saeh. Pilnam ciim ham vaengah tah poengben kah vongup la hang khuen boel saeh,” a ti.
21 He took me into the outer courtyard and led me to each of its four corners. I saw a separate courtyard in each corner.
Te phoeiah kai te poengben vongup la n'khuen tih vongup kah imki pali te kai m'paan puei. Vongup kah imki ah vongtung pakhat, vongup pakhat imki dongah vongtung pakhat lawt ana om.
22 There were separate walled courtyards in the four corners of the outer courtyard. They each measured forty cubits by thirty cubits—they were all the same size.
Vongtung sokah vongtung imki te pali la sisuk uh. A yun sawmli neh a daang sawmthum lo tih a hmuidong pali te cungnueh pakhat la cet.
23 Each of the four courts had a stone ledge with ovens built into the base of the walls on every side.
A kaep, kaep ah a tlaang pali la om tih lumim kaepvai kah a kungdak ah hmaikolhmuen a saii.
24 He told me, “These are the kitchens where those who serve in the Temple will cook the people's sacrificial offerings.”
Te vaengah kai taengah, “He rhoek buh thong im ni. Im kah aka thotat rhoek loh pilnam kah hmueih te thong nah saeh,” a ti.

< Ezekiel 46 >