< Ezekiel 42 >

1 The man took me out through the north gate to the outer courtyard into the rooms on the far side of the Temple courtyard by the northern external wall.
Amalalu, amo dunu da na gadili dibifufu amoga oule golili sa: ili, diasu amo da Debolo ea gadili (north) la: idi gala diasu da gududili la: idi gagui gadenene amoga oule asi.
2 The building with the north-facing door was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide.
Amo diasu ea defei da seda 50 mida amola ba: de da 25 mida.
3 It had three floors of open halls on both sides, one facing the twenty-cubit area of the inner courtyard and one facing the pavement of the outer courtyard.
Amo diasu la: idi afae ea midadi amo da dibi (ea ba: de da 10 mida) Debolo dafulili dialebe ba: i, amola la: idi eno amo da gadili dibifufu igiga fa: i ba: i. Amo diasu da dadu udiana da: iya gagui.
4 In front of the rooms was an inside walkway ten cubits wide and a hundred cubits long. Their doors opened to the north.
Amo diasu ea ga (north) la: idi, amoga henesu logo ea seda defei da 50 mida amola ba: de defei da 5 mida, amo dialebe ba: i. Gadili da logo holelesisi ba: i.
5 The upper rooms were smaller because of the space taken up by the open halls on the lower and middle levels of the building.
Amo diasuga, sesei gadodili da ba: de hame amola ea baiga sesei da ba: de agoane ba: i.
6 Since they didn't have pillars like the courtyards, the upper rooms were set farther back than the lower and middle levels.
Amo diasu sesei da duni bugi da: iya hame gagui. Bai ilia da dadu udiana da: iya gagui.
7 An external wall ran in front of the rooms for fifty cubits long parallel to the outer courtyard.
8 The rooms on the outer courtyard extended for fifty cubits, but those that faced the Temple were a hundred cubits long.
Amo diasu gadili dobea ea bai da defei 25 mida amoga igiga gagui, sesei hame galu. Be 25 mida eno amo ganodini sesei gagui dialebe ba: i. Be dabuagado dobea fei 50 mida defei huluane amo ganodini sesei gagui dialebe ba: i.
9 Below these rooms was an entrance on the east side coming from the outer courtyard.
10 Along the wall on the south side of the outer courtyard were rooms next to the courtyard and opposite the building.
Sesei aduna, diasu ea gusudili la: ididili gagui, amo hagudu, ganodini dibifufu ea gagoi muni hamoi soge amoga, gadili dibifufu amoga masa: ne logo holei ba: i. Debolo ea ga (south) la: idi, amoga diasu eno amo diasu defele, diasu Debolo gududili la: idi gagui, amo gadenene lelebe ba: i.
11 There was a walkway in front of them, just like the rooms on the north side. These rooms had the same length and width, the same doors, floor plan, and exits.
Sesei midadi henesu logo amo da henesu logo ga (north) dialebe afae amo defele, dialebe ba: i. Amo logo ea defei amola gagui hou amola logo holelesisi da amo ga dialebe logo defeledafa ba: i.
12 Similarly there was an entrance under the rooms on the south side of the building, coming from the east side.
Amo sesei (diasu ea gadili (south) la: idi diala) hagudu, gusudili la: idi dobea fei mui amoga, logo ga: su ba: i.
13 The man told me, “The north and south rooms that face the Temple courtyard are holy rooms where the priests who go before the Lord will eat the most holy offerings. They will place the most holy offerings there because the place is holy, and include the grain offerings, the sin offerings, and the guilt offerings.
Amo dunu da nama amane sia: i, “Amo diasu aduna da hadigi. Amo ganodini, gobele salasu dunu (amo da Hina Gode Ea midadi amoma maha) ilia da hadigidafa iasu (gagoma iasu amola gobele salasu amo da wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofoma: ne o dabe ima: ne) amo naha.
14 Once the priests have entered these rooms, they are not to go to the outer courtyard before leaving their priestly clothes, because these are holy. They must change into other clothes before go where the ordinary people are.”
Gobele salasu dunu da Debolo Diasu hawa: hamonanu, dibifufu hamega gadili masusa: dawa: sea, ilia da abula ilia da Hina Gode Ea hawa: hamonanebe sali, amo gisa: le fasili amo diasu ganodini yolesimu. Ilia da dunu eno ilia gilisisu hamega gadili masunuba: le, abula eno salimu.”
15 After the man finished measuring inside of the Temple area, he took me out through the east gate, and he measured the surrounding area as well.
Amo dunu da Debolo sogebi amo ganodini defei dagole, e da na gusudili logo holei amoga oule asili, Debolo soge ea gadili amo defei.
16 Using the measuring rod he measured the east side. It was five hundred cubits long.
E da galiamo defesu lale, gusudili la: idi defei. Ea defei da 250 mida agoane ba: i.
17 He measured the north side. It was five hundred cubits long.
Amalalu, e da ga (north) la: idi amola ga (south) la: idi amola gududili la: idi huluane defei. Huluane defei da defele ba: i, amo 250 mida.
18 He measured the south side. It was five hundred cubits long.
19 And he came around and measured the west side. It was five hundred cubits long.
20 So he measured all four sides. There was a wall surrounding it, five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits wide, separating the holy from the common.
Amaiba: le, gagoi da dibifufu amoga ononone disi. La: idila la: idilale huluane da 250 mida defei. Amo gagoi ganodini da hadigi la: idi amola hame hadigi la: idi sogebi elaafafai dagoi ba: i.

< Ezekiel 42 >