< Ezekiel 40 >
1 At the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month of the twenty-fifth year of our exile, (fourteenth years after Jerusalem had been captured), was the exact day that the Lord's power came over me and he took me there to the city.
Sannaddii shan iyo labaatanaad ee maxaabiisnimadayada, sannadda bilowgeedii, bisha maalinteedii tobnaad, sannaddii afar iyo tobnaad markii magaalada la qabsaday dabadeed, isla maalintaas qudheeda waxaa i dul saarnayd gacantii Rabbiga, oo halkaas buu i keenay.
2 God took me to the country of Israel in vision and set me down on a very high mountain. On the south side of the mountain there were buildings that seemed to be a city.
Waxyaalihii Ilaah i tusay wuxuu igu geeyey dalkii reer binu Israa'iil, oo wuxuu i saaray buur aad u dheer, taasoo dhankeeda koonfureed ay wax magaalo dhismeheed u eg ku yiilleen.
3 When he took me there I saw a man who looked like shining bronze. He was holding a linen cord and a measuring rod as he stood in the entrance way.
Oo isagu halkaasuu i geeyey, oo bal eeg, waxaa meeshaas joogay nin naxaas u eg, oo gacanta ku haysta xadhig laga sameeyey geed linen la yidhaahdo, iyo cawsduur wax lagu qiyaaso, oo iridduu soo istaagay.
4 “Son of man,” he told me, “watch with your eyes, listen with your ears. Concentrate on everything I'm about to show you, because that's the reason you were brought here. You are to explain to the people of Israel what you've been shown, everything you see.”
Oo ninkii wuxuu igu yidhi, Wiilka Aadamow, waxyaalaha aan ku tusi doono oo dhan indhaha ku fiiri, oo dhegaha ku maqal, oo qalbiga geli, waayo, waxaa halkan laguu keenay inaan waxyaalahan ku tuso. Oo wax alla wixii aad aragtid oo dhanba reer binu Israa'iil u sheeg.
5 I could see a wall that surrounded the Temple. The measuring rod the man was holding was six long cubits in length (a long cubit is a cubit plus a handbreadth). He measured the wall as six cubits thick and six cubits high.
Oo bal eeg, daarta dibaddeeda oo dhan waxaa ku wareegsanaa derbi, oo ninka gacantiisana waxaa ku jiray cawsduur wax lagu qiyaaso oo dhererkiisu yahay lix dhudhun, oo dhudhun kastaaba yahay dhudhun iyo taako. Markaasuu daarta ballaadhkeedii qiyaasay oo cawsduur buu ahaa, oo sarajooggeediina wuu qiyaasay oo cawsduur buu ahaa.
6 Then he went up the steps of the east-facing gate. He measured the gate's threshold as six cubits deep.
Oo wuxuu yimid iriddii xagga bari u sii jeedday, oo jaranjarradeeduu fuulay, oo wuxuu qiyaasay iridda marinkeedii, oo ballaadhkiisu wuxuu ahaa cawsduur, oo iridda kale marinkeediina ballaadhkiisu wuxuu ahaa cawsduur.
7 Beyond that were alcoves that measured six cubits by six cubits, with five cubits between the alcoves. The threshold of the inside entrance facing the porch measured six cubits.
Oo qollad kastaba dhererkeedu wuxuu ahaa cawsduur, oo ballaadhkeeduna wuxuu ahaa cawsduur, oo qolladahana waxaa u dhexeeyey shan dhudhun, oo marinka iridda oo balbalada iridda u dhowayd dhankiisa guduhu wuxuu ahaa cawsduur.
8 Then he measured the entrance porch.
Haddana wuxuu qiyaasay iriddii balbaladeedii oo daarta u jeedday, waxayna ahayd cawsduur.
9 It was eight cubits deep, and its posts were two cubits thick. The entrance porch faced the Temple.
Oo haddana wuxuu qiyaasay balbaladii iridda, waxayna ahayd siddeed dhudhun, tiirarkeeduna waxay ahaayeen laba dhudhun, oo iridda balbaladeeduna daartay u jeedday.
10 There were three alcoves on each side of the east gate entrance that all measured the same. The posts on each side also measured the same.
Oo iridda xagga bari qolladeheedana waxay ahaayeen saddex dhinac ku taal iyo saddex dhinaca kale ku taal, oo saddexdooduba isku qiyaas bay ahaayeen, oo tiirarkuna dhankan isku qiyaas bay ku lahaayeen oo dhanka kalena isku qiyaas bay ku lahaayeen.
11 He measured the width of the entrance gateway as ten cubits. It was thirteen cubits long.
Oo haddana wuxuu qiyaasay kadinkii iridda ballaadhkiisii, wuxuuna ahaa toban dhudhun, oo iridda dhererkeeduna wuxuu ahaa saddex iyo toban dhudhun.
12 A wall one cubit high was in front of alcove, and the alcoves measured six cubits by six cubits.
Oo qolladaha darafkii ka horreeyey dhinaciisuna wuxuu ahaa dhudhun oo darafkii dhinaciisa kalena wuxuu ahaa dhudhun, oo qolladaha dhinacooduna wuxuu ahaa lix dhudhun oo dhinaca kalena wuxuu ahaa lix dhudhun.
13 Then he measured the entrance gateway from the roof of one alcove to the roof of the one opposite. It was twenty-five cubits from one doorway to the opposite doorway.
Oo haddana iridda qollad saqafkeed ilaa qollad kale saqafkeed ayuu qiyaasay, oo ballaadhkuna wuxuu ahaa shan iyo labaatan dhudhun albaab ilaa albaab.
14 Then he measured the distance between the posts as sixty cubits. The gateway led all the way around to the courtyard.
Oo haddana wuxuu qiyaasay tiirarkii oo ahaa lixdan dhudhun, kuwaas oo gaadhay tiirkii barxaddii iridda ku wareegsanayd.
15 It was fifty cubits from the gateway entrance to the far side of the inside porch.
Oo kadinka iridda laga soo galo hortiisa iyo ilaa barxadda iridda hoose inta u dhaxaysaa waxay ahayd konton dhudhun.
16 The alcoves and their pillars had narrow windows on all of the inside of the gateway. The porches also had windows on all of the inside. All the posts were decorated with palm tree designs.
Oo daaqado cidhiidhi ah baa ku jiray qolladaha iyo tiirarkooda iridda hoose ku wareegsan iyo meelaha dedan, oo sidaas oo kale daaqaduhu xagga gudaha way ka wareegsanaayeen, oo tiir kastana waxaa lagu xardhay geedo timireed.
17 He took me into the outer courtyard. I saw rooms and a pavement had been constructed around the courtyard. There were thirty rooms facing the pavement.
Markaasuu barxaddii dibadda i geeyey, oo bal eeg, waxaa ku yiil qollado iyo dhul sallax ah oo barxadda ku wareegsan loo sameeyey. Soddon qolladood ayaa dhulka sallaxa ah ku tiil.
18 This was termed the lower pavement and it extended along the sides of the gateways and was the same length as them.
Oo dhulka sallaxa ah oo irdaha dhinacooda ku yiil oo irdaha ka soo hor jeeday wuxuu ahaa dhulka sallaxa ah oo hoose.
19 He measured the distance from the front of the lower gateway to the far side of the inner courtyard as one hundred cubits, both to the east side and the north.
Markaasuu qiyaasay ballaadhkii iridda hoose horteeda iyo tan iyo barxadda hoose horteeda dibadda ah, xagga bari iyo xagga woqooyi, oo wuxuu ahaa boqol dhudhun.
20 He also measured the length and width of the gateway of the outer courtyard that faced north.
Oo barxaddii dibadda iriddeedii xagga woqooyi u sii jeeddayna wuxuu qiyaasay dhererkeedii iyo ballaadhkeediiba.
21 Its three alcoves on both sides, its posts, and its porch all measured the same as the first gateway and was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
Oo qolladaheeduna waxay ahaayeen saddex dhinac ku taal iyo saddex dhinaca kale ku taal, oo tiirarkooda iyo meelahooda dedan waxay la qiyaas ahaayeen iridda kowaad. Dhererkoodu wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun, oo ballaadhkooduna wuxuu ahaa shan iyo labaatan dhudhun.
22 Its windows, porch, and palm tree decorations were the same as those of the east-facing gate. It had seven steps leading up to it, with its porch facing them.
Oo daaqadahooda, iyo meelahooda dedan, iyo geedahooda timireedba waxay la qiyaas wada ahaayeen qiyaastii iriddii xagga bari u sii jeedday, oo waxaa loo fuulay jaranjarro toddoba tallaabo ah, oo meelahooda dedanna way ku hor yiilleen.
23 There was an entrance to the inner courtyard facing the north gate, just like the east gate. He measured the distance from the entrance to the gate as a hundred cubits.
Oo barxadda hoose iriddeeduna waxay ka soo hor jeedday iriddii kale oo xagga woqooyi iyo xagga bari jirtay, oo irid ilaa iridda kale ayuu qiyaasay, waxayna ahayd boqol dhudhun.
24 He took me to the south side, and I saw a gateway that faced south. He measured its posts and its porch, and they measured the same as those previously.
Oo haddana wuxuu i geeyey xaggii koonfureed, oo bal eeg, waxaa ku tiil irid xagga koonfureed u sii jeedda, oo tiirarkeedii iyo meelaheedii dednaa wuxuu u qiyaasay sidii ay qiyaastaasu ahayd oo kale.
25 Both the gateway and its porch had windows all around it that were like the other windows. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
Oo iyada iyo meelaheeda dedan oo ku wareegsanuba waxay lahaayeen daaqado, oo waxay u ekaayeen daaqadahaas kale; dhererku wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun oo ballaadhkuna wuxuu ahaa shan iyo labaatan dhudhun.
26 It had seven steps leading up to it, and its porch faced them. It had one post on each side with palm tree designs on them.
Oo waxay lahayd jaranjarro toddoba tallaabo ah oo loo fuulo, oo meelahooda dedanna way ku hor yiilleen, oo waxay lahayd geedo timireed oo mid dhinacan kaga yaal, midna dhinacaas kaga yaal, oo tiirarkeeda ku xardhan.
27 The inner courtyard also had an entrance facing south, and he measured the distance from the entrance to the south gate as a hundred cubits.
Oo barxadda hoosena waxaa ku dhex yiil irid xagga koonfureed u sii jeedday, oo irid ilaa iriddeeda kale ayuu xagga koonfureed u qiyaasay, waxayna ahayd boqol dhudhun.
28 He took me into the inner courtyard through the south gate, and he measured the south gate. It measured the same as those previously.
Markaasuu barxaddii hoose oo iridda koonfureed ku ag tiil i geeyey, oo iriddii koonfureedna sida qiyaastaas oo kaluu u qiyaasay.
29 Its alcoves, posts, and porch had the same measurements as those previously. The gateway and its porch had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
Oo qolladaheedii, iyo tiirarkeedii, iyo meelaheedii dednaaba sidaas oo kaluu u qiyaasay, oo iyada, iyo meelaheeda dedan oo ku wareegsanuba waxay lahaayeen daaqado, oo dhererkeedu wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun oo ballaadhkeeduna wuxuu ahaa shan iyo labaatan dhudhun.
30 (The other surrounding porches measured twenty-five cubits long and five cubits deep.)
Oo meelaha dedan oo ku wareegsan dhererkoodu wuxuu ahaa labaatan dhudhun, ballaadhkooduna wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun.
31 Its porch faced the outer courtyard, and its pillars were decorated with palm tree designs. It had eight steps leading up to it.
Oo meelaheeda dedanu waxay u sii jeedeen xagga barxadda dibadda ah, oo tiirarkeedana waxaa ku xardhanaa geedo timireed, oo jaranjarrada loo fuulaana waxay lahayd siddeed tallaabo.
32 He took me to the inner courtyard on the east side. He measured the gateway and it measured the same as those previously.
Oo haddana wuxuu i dhex geeyey barxaddii hoose oo xagga bari u sii jeedday, oo iriddiina wuxuu u qiyaasay sidii qiyaastaas oo kale.
33 Its alcoves, posts, and porch measured the same as those previously. The gateway and its porch had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
Oo qolladaheedii, iyo tiirarkeedii, iyo meelaheedii dednaaba waxay wada lahaayeen qiyaastaas oo kale, oo iyada iyo meelaheedii dednaa oo ku wareegsanuba waxay lahaayeen daaqado, oo dhererkeedu wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun, oo ballaadhkeeduna wuxuu ahaa shan iyo labaatan dhudhun.
34 Its porch faced the outer courtyard, and its posts were decorated with palm tree designs. It had eight steps leading up to it.
Oo meelaheeda dedanuna waxay u sii jeedeen barxadda dibadda xaggeeda, oo tiirarkana waxaa ku xardhanaa geedo timireed oo dhinacan iyo dhinacaasba kaga yaal, oo jaranjarrada loo fuulaana waxay lahayd siddeed tallaabo.
35 He took me to the north gate and measured it. It measured the same as those previously,
Markaasuu iriddii woqooyi i geeyey, oo sidaas oo kaluu u qiyaasay
36 including its alcoves, posts, and porch. The gateway and its porch had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
qolladaheeda, iyo tiirarkeeda, iyo meelaheeda dedan, oo waxay lahayd daaqado ku wareegsan, oo dhererku wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun, oo ballaadhkuna wuxuu ahaa shan iyo labaatan dhudhun.
37 Its porch faced the outer courtyard, and its posts were decorated with palm tree designs on all sides. It had eight steps leading up to it.
Oo tiirarkeedu waxay u sii jeedeen barxadda dibadda xaggeeda, oo geedo timireed ayaa tiirarkiisa dhinacan iyo dhinacaasba kaga xardhanaa, oo jaranjarrada loo fuulaana waxay lahayd siddeed tallaabo.
38 A room with a doorway stood beside by the porch of the inner gateways. This was where the burnt offering was washed.
Oo waxaa jirtay qollad albaabkeedu ku ag yiil tiirarka irdaha, oo halkaasaa qurbaanka la gubo lagu maydhay.
39 Inside the gateway porch were two tables on both sides, where the sacrificial animals were slaughtered for burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings.
Oo balbalada iridda dhinaceedan waxaa yiil laba miis, oo dhinaceedaasna waxaa yiil laba miis, si korkooda loogu gowraco qurbaanka la gubo, iyo qurbaanka dembiga, iyo qurbaanka xadgudubka.
40 Outside, on the way up to the entrance of the north gateway, were two tables on one side of the gate's porch and two tables on the other side.
Oo dhanka dibadda ah ee kadinka iridda woqooyi loo maro waxaa yiil laba miis, oo dhanka kale oo balbalada iridda u dhowna waxaa yiil laba miis oo kale.
41 So there were four tables on the inside the of gateway and another four outside, making a total of eight tables. This is where the sacrifices were slaughtered.
Iridda dhinacan waxaa yiil afar miis, oo dhinacaasna waxaa yiil afar miis oo kale, kuwaasoo ahaa siddeed miis oo allabaryada lagu dul gowracay.
42 There were also four tables of cut stone for the burnt offering. They each measured one and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, and a cubit high. The tools used to slaughter the burnt offerings and the other sacrifices were placed on these tables.
Oo waxaa jiray afar miis oo dhagax la qoray laga sameeyey oo allabariga la gubo lagu dul diyaariyo, oo dhererkoodu wuxuu ahaa dhudhun iyo badh, ballaadhkooduna wuxuu ahaa dhudhun iyo badh, sarajooggooduna wuxuu ahaa dhudhun, oo korkoodana waxaa la saari jiray alaabta qurbaanka la gubo iyo allabariga lagu qalo.
43 Hooks measuring the width of a hand were attached to the walls inside the room. The meat of the offering was to be placed on the tables.
Oo waxaa gudaha ugu xidhnaa qabatooyin ballaadhkoodu taako yahay oo hareerahooda oo dhan kaga wareegsan, oo miisaskii korkoodana waxaa saarnaa hilibkii qurbaanka.
44 Outside the inner gate but inside the inner courtyard were two rooms. One was beside the north gate and faced south; the other beside the south gate and faced north.
Oo iridda hoose dibaddeedana waxaa ku yiil qolladihii kuwa gabya oo barxadda hoose ku yiil, oo mid waxay ku ag tiil iridda woqooyi oo waxay u sii jeedday xagga koonfureed, oo tanna waxay ag tiil iridda bari oo waxay u sii jeedday xagga woqooyi.
45 The man told me: “The room that faces south is for the priests in charge of the Temple,
Oo wuxuu igu yidhi, Qolladdan xagga koonfureed u sii jeedda waxaa iska leh wadaaddada daarta taladeeda haya.
46 and the room that faces north is for the priests in charge of the altar. These priests are the descendants of Zadok and are the only Levites who are allowed to come near to the Lord and minister before him.”
Oo qowladda xagga woqooyi u sii jeeddana waxaa iska leh wadaaddada meesha allabariga taladeeda haya, oo kuwaasu waa reer Saadooq oo reer Laawi ka mid ah, oo Rabbiga ugu soo dhowaada inay isaga u adeegaan.
47 He measured the square courtyard: a hundred cubits long and a hundred cubits wide. The altar stood in the courtyard in front of the Temple.
Oo haddana wuxuu qiyaasay barxaddii oo dhererkeedu yahay boqol dhudhun, oo ballaadhkeeduna yahay boqol dhudhun, oo afar gees ah, oo meeshii allabariguna daartay ka horraysay.
48 He took me to the Temple porch and measured the pillars of the porch as five cubits on each side. The gateway was fourteen cubits wide and its sides measured three cubits.
Markaasuu balbaladii daarta i geeyey, oo wuxuu qiyaasay balbalada tiirarkeedii, oo dhinacan wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun, dhinacaasna wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun; oo iridda ballaadhkeeduna wuxuu ahaa saddex dhudhun oo dhinacan ah iyo saddex dhudhun oo dhinacaas ah.
49 The porch was twenty cubits wide and twelve cubits deep, and had ten steps leading up to it. There were columns by the posts, one on both sides.
Oo balbalada dhererkeedu wuxuu ahaa labaatan dhudhun, oo ballaadhkeeduna wuxuu ahaa kow iyo toban dhudhun, oo jaranjarro baa loogu fuuli jiray, oo tiirarka waxaa ku ag yiil tiirar waaweyn, mid dhinacan kaga yaal, midka kalena dhinacaas kaga yaal.