< Ezekiel 37 >

1 The Lord picked me up and carried me away by his Spirit. He set me down in the middle of a valley that was full of bones.
Perwerdigarning qoli wujudumgha qondi; Perwerdigar méni Rohi bilen kötürüp chiqip, bir jilghining otturisigha turghuzdi; u yer söngeklerge toldi.
2 He led me around them, and in all directions I saw many, many bones on the valley floor. They were really dry.
U méni söngekler etrapidin uyaq-buyaqqa ötküzdi; mana, bu ochuq jilghida [söngekler] intayin nurghun idi; we mana, ular intayin qurup ketkenidi.
3 Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones come back to life?” “Lord God, only you know the answer,” I replied.
U mendin: — I insan oghli, bu söngekler qaytidin yashnamdu? — dep soridi. Men: — I Reb Perwerdigar, sen bilisen, — dédim.
4 He told me, “Prophesy to these bones and tell them, Dry bones, listen to this message from the Lord!
U manga: I insan oghli, bu söngekler üstige bésharet bérip mundaq dégin: «I quruq söngekler, Perwerdigarning sözini anglanglar!
5 This is what the Lord God says to these bones: I will breathe into you, and you will come back to life.
Reb Perwerdigar bu söngeklerge mundaq deydu: — Mana, Men silerge bir roh-nepes kirgüzimen, we siler hayat bolisiler.
6 I will give you tendons and have flesh grow over you and cover you with skin. I will breathe into you so that you will come back to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
Men üstünglerge pey-singirlerni salimen, silerni tére bilen yapimen, silerge roh-nepes kirgüzimen; we siler Méning Perwerdigar ikenlikimni bilip yétisiler».
7 So I prophesied just as I had been ordered. When I started prophesying, suddenly I heard a rattling noise. The bones joined together, bone attached to bone.
Shunga men buyrulghini boyiche bésharet berdim; men bésharet bérishimge, bir shawqun kötürüldi, mana jalaq-julaq bir awaz anglandi, söngekler jipsiliship, bir-birige qoshuldi.
8 As I watched, I saw tendons and flesh grow on them, and skin covered them; but the bodies didn't breathe.
Men kördum, mana, pey-singirler we et ularning üstige kélip ularni qaplidi; biraq ularda héch roh-nepes bolmidi.
9 Then he told me, “Prophesy to the breath! Prophesy, son of man, and tell the breath that this is what the Lord God says: Breath, come from the four winds, and breathe into these bodies, so that they can come back to life!”
U manga: — I insan oghli, roh-nepeske bésharet bérip mundaq dégin: «Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: Töt tereptin shamal kelgeysiler, i roh-nepes, we mushu öltürülgenler tirilsun üchün ularning üstige püwlengler» — dédi.
10 So I prophesied just as he had ordered me, and the breath went into the bodies, and they came back to life and stood up, a huge army!
Shunga men buyrulghandek bésharet bériwidim, roh-nepes ulargha kirdi-de, ular hayat bolup tik turdi — büyük bir qoshun’gha aylandi.
11 He told me, “Son of man, these bones represent all the people of Israel. Listen to what the people are saying, ‘Our bones have dried up, and our hope has been crushed. We have been wiped out!’
We U manga: — I insan oghli, bu söngekler bolsa Israilning pütün jemetidur. Mana, ular: «Bizning söngeklirimiz qurup ketti, ümidimiz üzüldi; biz tügeshtuq!» — deydu.
12 So prophesy and tell them that this is what the Lord God says: My people, I'm going to open your graves and lift you out of them, and I will take you back to the country of Israel.
Shunga bésharet bérip ulargha mundaq dégin: «Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Mana, Men görünglerni échip, silerni görünglerdin chiqirimen, i Méning xelqim, silerni Israil zéminigha élip kirimen;
13 Then you will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and lift you out of them, my people.
Men görünglerni achqinimda, silerni görünglerdin chiqarghinimda, i Méning xelqim, siler Méning Perwerdigar ikenlikimni bilip yétisiler.
14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live again, and I will take you back to your own country. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will carry it out, declares the Lord.”
We Men Öz Rohimni silerge kirgüzimen, siler hayat bolisiler; we Men silerni öz zémininglarda turghuzimen; siler Menki Perwerdigarni shundaq sözni qilip, shuni ada qildi, dep bilip yétisiler».
15 Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Perwerdigarning sözi manga kélip mundaq déyildi: —
16 “Son of man, get one piece of wood and write on it: ‘This belongs to Judah and the Israelite tribes allied to them.’ Then get another piece of wood and write on it: ‘This belongs to Joseph. This is Ephraim's piece of wood, and to the Israelite tribes allied to them.’
I insan oghli, bir tayaqni élip, uning üstige «Yehuda we uning hemrahliri bolghan Israillar üchün» dep yazghin; yene bir tayaqni élip, uning üstige «Efraim we uning hemrahliri bolghan pütün Israil jemetidikiler üchün» dep yazghin;
17 Then join the two pieces of wood into one, so that you hold them as one in your hand.
we ularni bir-birige ulap qoy; ular qolungda bir bolsun.
18 When your people come and ask you, ‘Are you going to explain what this is all about?’
Xelqimdikiler sendin: «Bu ishlar bilen némini chüshendürmekchi bizge dep bermemsen?» dep sorisa,
19 tell them that this is what the Lord God says: I'm going to take Joseph's piece of wood, which Ephraim is holding, along with the Israelite tribes allied with them, and I'll join them with Judah's piece of wood. I will make them into a single piece of wood, and they will be as one in my hand.
ulargha: «Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: «Mana, Men Efraimning we uninggha hemrah bolghan Israil qebililirining qoli tutqan Yüsüpning tayiqini élip, uni Yehudaning tayiqigha qoshup ulap, ularni birla tayaq qilimen; ular Méning qolumda bir tayaq bolidu.
20 When you're holding the pieces of wood you've written on, and while everyone is watching,
Sen yazghan tayaqlarni ularning köz aldida qolungda tutup ulargha shundaq dégin: —
21 tell them that this is what the Lord God says: I'm going to bring the Israelites back from the nations where they've gone. I will gather them from everywhere and take them back to their own country.
«Reb Perwerdigar shundaq deydu: «Mana, Men Israil balilirini barghan eller arisidin élip, ularni heryandin yighip öz zéminigha épkélimen.
22 I will make them one nation in the country, living in the mountains of Israel, and one king will rule them all. They won't be two nations any longer; never again will they be divided into two kingdoms.
Men ularni Israil taghlirining üstide bir el qilimen; bir padishah ularning hemmisige padishah bolidu; ular qaytidin ikki el bolmaydu, yaki qaytidin ikki padishahliqqa héch bölünmeydu.
23 They won't make themselves unclean anymore with their idols or disgusting images, or with any of their rebellious sins. I will save them from all their sins when they abandoned me, and I will make them clean. They will be my people, and I will be their God.
Ular özlirini qaytidin ularning mebudliri, lenetlik ishliri yaki asiyliqlirining héchqayisisi bilen héch bulghimaydu; Men ularni gunah ötküzgen olturaqlashqan jayliridin qutquzup, ularni paklandurimen; ular Méning xelqim bolidu, Men ularning Xudasi bolimen.
24 My servant David will be their king. They will be united under one ruler. They will follow my laws, and they will observe and practice my regulations.
We méning qulum Dawut ulargha padishah bolidu; ularning hemmisining birla padichisi bolidu; ular Méning hökümlirimde méngip, Méning belgilimilirimni tutup ulargha emel qilidu.
25 They will live in the country I gave to my servant Jacob where your forefathers lived. They will live there with their children and grandchildren forever, and my servant David will be their prince forever.
Ular Méning qulum Yaqupqa teqdim qilghan, ata-bowiliringlar turup kelgen zéminda turidu; ular uningda turidu — ular, ularning baliliri, we balilarning baliliri menggü turidu — Méning qulum Dawut ularning shahzadisi bolidu.
26 I will make an agreement of peace with them. This will be an everlasting agreement. I will make them secure and increase their numbers, and I will keep my sanctuary there with them forever.
Men ular bilen aman-xatirjemlik béghishlaydighan bir ehde tüzimen; bu ular bilen menggülük bir ehde bolidu; Men ularni jayida makanlashturup awutimen; we Méning muqeddes jayimni ular arisigha menggüge tikleymen.
27 My Tabernacle will be with them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Méning turalghu jayim ularda bolidu; Men ularning Xudasi bolimen, ular Méning xelqim bolidu.
28 The nations will acknowledge that I am the Lord who blesses Israel, when my sanctuary is with them forever.”
Méning pak-muqeddes jayim ular arisida menggüge tiklen’gende, emdi eller Özüm Perwerdigarning Israilni pak-muqeddes qilghuchi ikenlikimni bilip yétidu».

< Ezekiel 37 >