< Ezekiel 3 >

1 “Son of man,” he told me, “eat what you find placed before you. Eat this scroll, then go and speak to the people of Israel.”
Entonces me dijo: Hijo de hombre, come lo que hallas. Come este rollo y vé a hablar a la Casa de Israel.
2 I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat.
Entonces abrí mi boca y Él me dio a comer el rollo.
3 “Son of man,” he said to me, “eat and fill yourself up with this scroll I'm giving you.” So I ate the scroll, and it tasted as sweet as honey.
Me dijo: Hijo de hombre, alimenta tu estómago y llena tu cuerpo con este rollo que te doy. Entonces lo comí, y fue dulce como miel en mi boca.
4 Then he told me, “Son of man, now you are to go to the people of Israel and give my message to them.
Entonces me dijo: Hijo de hombre, vé a la Casa de Israel y háblales mis Palabras.
5 I'm not sending you to those whose language is foreign to you, to people that you don't know—but to the people of Israel.
Porque no eres enviado a un pueblo de habla incomprensible ni de lenguaje difícil, sino a la Casa de Israel.
6 As I say, I'm not sending you to those whose language is foreign to you, to people that you don't know, whose words you don't understand. On the other hand, if I had sent you to foreigners, they would have listened to you.
No [eres enviado] a muchos pueblos de habla incomprensible ni de lenguaje difícil, cuyas palabras no entiendes. Si te enviara a ellos, sí te escucharían.
7 But the people of Israel won't want to listen to you, because they don't want to listen to me. All the Israelites are strong-minded and hard-hearted.
Sin embargo, la Casa de Israel no estará dispuesta a escucharte, porque no quieren escucharme a Mí. Ciertamente la Casa de Israel es indómita y obstinada.
8 Look! I'm going to make you as tough as them, and as strong-minded as them.
Mira, yo endurezco tu cara como las caras de ellos, y tu frente como las frentes de ellos.
9 I will make your mind like adamant, harder than flint. Don't be afraid of what they say or discouraged by the way they look at you, even though they are a rebellious people.”
Hice tu frente como diamante, más dura que pedernal. No temas ni desmayes ante ellos.
10 “Son of man,” he added, “pay close attention to everything I tell you, and think deeply about it yourself.
Además me dijo: Hijo de hombre, recibe en tu corazón todas mis Palabras que te hablo, y escúchalas con tus oídos.
11 Go to your people who are in exile. Tell them this is what the Lord God says, whether they listen or not.”
Y vé a los cautivos, a los hijos de tu pueblo. Háblales: Así dice ʼAdonay Yavé, si te escuchan o te rechazan.
12 The Spirit lifted me up, and I heard a really loud noise behind me that sounded like an earthquake. (Praise to the Lord's glory where he lives!)
Entonces el Espíritu me levantó, y oí detrás de mí un estruendo tumultuoso: Bendita sea la gloria de Yavé desde su morada.
13 It was the sound made by the wings of the beings as they brushed against each other and the noise made by the wheels next to them, a really loud noise that sounded like an earthquake.
El sonido de las alas de los seres vivientes y el sonido de las ruedas que iban junto a ellos formaban un gran estruendo.
14 As I said, the Spirit lifted me up and carried me away. As I went I was feeling upset and angry; however the Lord's power had taken full control of me.
El Espíritu me levantó y me llevó. Yo iba amargado y airado. La mano de Yavé pesaba sobre mí.
15 I arrived at the place where the exiles lived, Tel-abib by the River Kebar. I just sat with them, staying with them there for seven days. I was completely overcome with emotion.
Fui a los cautivos que vivían junto al río Quebar en Tel-Abib y estuve allí siete días asombrado entre ellos.
16 After the seven days had passed, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Al terminar los siete días aconteció que la Palabra de Yavé vino a mí:
17 “Son of man, I have chosen you as a watchman for the people of Israel. Whenever I give you a message, then you must warn them for me.
Hijo de hombre, Yo te designé como centinela para la Casa de Israel. Cuando oigas una Palabra de mi boca, les advertirás de parte mía.
18 For example, if I give a warning to someone who's wicked, saying, ‘You are going to die for sure,’ but you don't warn them, if you don't speak out to warn them to stop their wicked ways so they can go on living, then that wicked person will die in their sins, and I will hold you responsible for their death.
Cuando Yo diga al perverso: Ciertamente morirás, y tú no se lo adviertas ni le hables, para que el perverso se aparte de su mal camino a fin de que viva, el perverso morirá por su perversidad, pero Yo demandaré su sangre de tu mano.
19 But if you warn them, and they don't stop their wicked ways, they will die in their sins, but you will have saved yourself—you won't die.
Pero si tú amonestas al perverso, y él no se convierte de su perversidad y de su perverso camino, él morirá por su perversidad, pero tú librarás tu vida.
20 Again, if someone who lives right stops doing so and sins and disregards my attempts to correct them, then they will die. If you didn't warn them, they will die in their sins, and the good things they did won't be remembered. In addition, I will hold you responsible for their death.
Si algún justo se aparta de su justicia y comete maldad, pondré un tropiezo delante de él y morirá, porque tú no se lo advertiste. Por su pecado morirá y las obras de justicia que hizo no serán tomadas en cuenta, pero Yo demandaré su sangre de tu mano.
21 However, if you warn those who are living right not to sin, and they don't sin, they will live for sure, because they paid attention to your warning, and you will have saved yourself—you won't die.”
Pero si adviertes al justo para que no peque, y él no peca, ciertamente vivirá porque recibió advertencia, y tú te librarás.
22 The Lord's power took control of me there, and he told me, “Get up! Go to the valley, and I will talk to you there.”
Y la mano de Yavé estuvo allí sobre mí, y me dijo: Levántate, vé a la llanura. Allí hablaré contigo.
23 So I got up and went to the valley, and there I saw the Lord's glory. It was like the glory I had seen by the River Kebar. I fell facedown on the ground.
Me levanté y fui a la llanura. Allí estaba la gloria de Yavé, como la gloria que vi junto al río Quebar, y caí sobre mi rostro.
24 Then the Spirit came into me and made me stand upright. He told me, “Go into your house and shut the door.
Entonces el Espíritu entró en mí, me puso en pie, y habló conmigo: Vé, enciérrate en tu casa.
25 You will be tied up with ropes, son of man. You will be bound so that won't be able to go out among the people.
En cuanto a ti, hijo de hombre, ciertamente te pondrán sogas y te atarán con ellas, para que no salgas a ellos.
26 I'll make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth. You won't be able to speak and complain to them, even though they are a rebellious people.
Yo pegaré tu lengua a tu paladar y quedarás mudo. Ya no podrás reprenderlos, porque son una casa rebelde.
27 However, when I talk with you, I will open your mouth so you can tell them that this is what the Lord God says. Those who want to listen will listen, and those who want to refuse will refuse, for they are a rebellious people.”
Pero cuando Yo te hable, abriré tu boca y les dirás: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: El que oye, que escuche y el que rechaza, que rechace, porque ellos son una casa rebelde.

< Ezekiel 3 >