< Ezekiel 27 >

1 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
2 “Son of man, sing a funeral song for Tyre.
“Mwanakomana womunhu, chema pamusoro peTire.
3 Tell Tyre, the city that stands at the gateway to the sea, supplying goods to many overseas nations, that this is what the Lord God says: Tyre, you say to yourself, ‘I'm so beautiful!’
Uti kuTire, riri pasuo rokugungwa, mushambadziri wavanhu vamarudzi ose pazviwi zvizhinji, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: “‘Unoti, iwe Tire, “Ini ndakakwana parunako.”
4 Your borders extend far across the sea. Your builders put you together perfectly like a beautiful ship.
Simba rako rakanga riri pamakungwa makuru; vavaki vako vakaita kuti runako rwako rusvike pakukwana.
5 They built you with pine timber from Mount Hermon. They used a cedar from Lebanon to make your mast.
Vakaita mapuranga ako ose emiti yemipaini inobva kuSeniri; vakatora musidhari waibva kuRebhanoni, kuti vakuitire danda rokutsigira maseiri muchikepe.
6 They made your oars with oaks from Bashan. They had wood from the island of Cyprus brought to make your deck and inlaid it with ivory.
Vakaita matanda okukwasva nawo omuouki aibva kuBhashani; namapuranga omusipuresi aibva kuzviwi zveSaipurasi vakaita uriri hwako namapuranga, ane nyanga dzenzou mukati.
7 They made your sail with the best linen from Egypt—this was your flag that everyone recognized. They used cloth dyed blue and purple from the coastlands of Elishah to make your awnings.
Maseiri ako akanga ari omucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka waibva kuIjipiti, uye wakashandiswa somureza wako; zvifukidzo zvako zvamatende zvakanga zviri bhuruu nepepuru, zvaibva kumahombekombe aErisha.
8 Men from Sidon and Arvad did the rowing in your ship. You had your own skilled sailors from Tyre.
Varume veSidhoni neArivhadhi ndivo vakanga vari vakwasvi vako; mhizha dzako, iwe Tire dzakanga dzirimo savafambisi vako vechikepe.
9 Expert craftsmen from Gebal were onboard to repair any leaks. All the other ships at sea came to trade with you and their sailors bartered for your goods.
Mhare dzoumhizha dzeGebhari vakanga varimo, savavaki vechikepe kuti vaname maburi emaseiri ako. Zvikepe zvose zvegungwa navafambisi vazvo vakauya kuzotengeserana newe zvawakagadzira.
10 Men from Persia, Lydia, and Put were soldiers in your army. They lived among you, hanging up their shields and helmets with you, making you famous.
“‘Varume vokuPezhia, neRidhia nePuti vakashanda savarwi muhondo yako. Vakarembedza nhoo dzavo nenguwani pamasvingo ako, vachikuvigira mbiri.
11 Men of Arvad and Helech defended all your city walls, while those from Gammad protected your towers. They hung their shields all around your walls. They made you so successful.
Varume vokuArivhadhi nevokuHereki vakakomba masvingo ako kumativi ose; varume vokuGamadhi vakanga vari mushongwe dzako. Vakaturika nhoo dzavo pamasvingo ako; vakaita kuti runako rwako rukwane.
12 Tarshish traded with you because you had so much of everything. They paid for your goods with silver, iron, tin, and lead.
“‘Tashishi yakatengeserana newe nokuda kwepfuma yako huru yenhumbi; vakatsinhanisa sirivha, nesimbi, netini nedare zvokushambadzira zvako.
13 Greece, Tubal, and Meshech traded with you. They bought your goods, paying with slaves and objects made of bronze.
“‘Girisi, Tubhari neMesheki dzakatengeserana newe; vakatsinhanisa nhapwa nezvinhu zvendarira zvezvigadzirwa zvako.
14 People from Beth-togarmah traded horses, war horses, and mules for your goods.
“‘Varume veBheti Togarima vakatsinhanisa mabhiza ebasa namabhiza ehondo namanyurusi kuti uzvishambadzire.
15 People from Dedan traded with you. You had marketplaces in many coastal areas where the people bartered with you using ivory tusks and ebony wood.
“‘Varume vokuRodhe vakatengeserana newe, uye zviwi zvizhinji zvakanga zviri nzvimbo dzako dzokutengesera; vaikuripira nenyanga dzenzou nomuti womuvanga.
16 The Arameans traded with you because you had so much merchandise. They provided turquoise, purple cloth, embroidery, fine linen, coral, and red jasper in exchange for your goods.
“‘Aramu yakatengeserana newe nokuda kwezvibereko zvako zvizhinji; vakatsinhanisa matombo eturikoise nemicheka yepepuru, nezvakarukwa, nemicheka yakaisvonaka, nekorari namatombo amarubhi zvokutengesa zvako.
17 Judah and the country of Israel traded with you, paying you with wheat from Minnith, pastries and honey, olive oil and balm in return for your goods.
“‘Judha neIsraeri vakatengeserana newe, vakatsinhanisa gorosi neMiniti nezvinotapira, uchi, mafuta nebharimi nezvigadzirwa zvako.
18 Because you had many different products, in fact so much of everything, Damascus traded with you using wine from Helbon, wool from Zahar.
“‘Dhamasiko, rakatengeserana newe nokuda kwezvigadzirwa zvako zvizhinji nepfuma yenhumbi newaini yaibva kuHeribhoni newuru yaibva kuZahari.
19 Vedan and Javan from Izal bought your goods using wrought iron, cassia, and sweet calamus.
“‘VaDhani navaGiriki vaibva kuUzari vakatenga zvawaishambadzira; vakatsinhanisa simbi yakabikwa, nekasia, nekaramo zvigadzirwa zvako.
20 Dedan traded with you, providing riding blankets.
“‘Dhedhani akatengeserana newe machira okugarira pamabhiza.
21 Arabia and all the leaders of Kedar traded with you, supplying lambs, rams, and goats.
“‘Arabhia namachinda ose eKedhari vakanga vachikutengera; vakatengeserana newe namakwayana, makondobwe nembudzi.
22 The merchants of Sheba and Raamah traded with you, exchanging gold, the very best spices, and precious stones for your goods.
“‘Vashambadziri vokuShebha neRama vakatengeserana newe; pane zvawaishambadzira iwe ivo vakatsinhanisa namarudzi ezvinonhuhwira ose uye namabwe anokosha, negoridhe.
23 Haran, Canneh, and Eden traded with you, as did Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad.
“‘Harani, Kane neEdheni navashambadziri vokuShebha, Ashuri neKirimadhi vakatengeserana newe.
24 In your marketplaces they traded with you, providing the finest blue clothing, embroidery, carpets made with different colored threads, and strong ropes of twisted strands.
Vakatengeserana newe munzvimbo dzokutengesera nguo dzakaisvonaka, dzemicheka yebhuruu, nezvakarukwa, namachira amavara namabote akakoswa uye ane mafundo akasimba.
25 Trade ships from Tarshish transported your goods. You were like a ship sailing the sea, filled with heavy cargo.
“‘Zvikepe zveTashishi zvakashanda pakutakura zvigadzirwa zvako. Iwe wakazadzwa nezvitakurwa zvinorema, imo mumwoyo megungwa.
26 Your rowers took you a long way out on the water, but the east wind broke you apart in there in the open ocean.
Vakwasvi vako vanokutora voenda newe kumakungwa makuru. Asi mhepo yokumabvazuva ichakuputsa-putsa mumwoyo megungwa chaimo.
27 You've lost everything! You wealth, your goods, your cargo, your crew of sailors, officers, and repairmen, your traders and all the soldiers you had, along with everyone else on board, fall into the depths of the sea on the day of your shipwreck.
Pfuma yako, nenhumbi dzokutengesa nezvakagadzirwa, varayiri navafambisi vako vezvikepe navagadziri vazvo, vashambadziri vako nevarwi vako vose, uye vose varimo vachanyura mukati momwoyo wegungwa, pazuva rokuparadzwa kwechikepe chako.
28 The land around shakes when your sailors scream.
Nyika dzokumahombekombe dzichadengenyeka panodanidzira vafambisi vako vezvikepe.
29 All the rowers abandon their ships. The sailors and all the ships' officers stand on the shore.
Vose vanobata matanda okukwasva vachasiya zvikepe zvavo; vachairi nevafambisi vako vezvikepe vachamira kumahombekombe.
30 They shout out for you and burst out crying. They mourn for you by throwing dust on their heads and rolling in ashes.
Vachadanidzira namanzwi avo vagochema zvikuru pamusoro pako; vachakusha guruva pamisoro yavo vagoumburuka mumadota.
31 They shave their heads for you and clothe themselves in sackcloth. They weep for you, crying out in agony and heartfelt mourning
Vachaveura misoro yavo nokuda kwako, uye vachapfeka nguo dzamasaga. Vachachema pamusoro pako nokurwadza kwomwoyo, uye nokuchema kukuru.
32 As they weep and wail over you, they sing a funeral song for you: ‘Who could compare to Tyre, now destroyed out in the sea?
Pavanoungudza nokuchema pamusoro pako, vachachema pamusoro pako vachiti, “Ndianiko akashaya rokureva seTire, rakakomberedzwa negungwa?”
33 You made many people happy when they received your goods from far across the sea. You made the kings of the earth rich with all your valuable goods and products.
Pakabuda vashambadziri vako vachienda kugungwa, wakagutisa ndudzi zhinji, nepfuma yako huru uye nenhumbi dzako, wakapfumisa madzimambo enyika.
34 Now you have been shipwrecked by the sea, sunk in deep water, and your cargo and your people have gone down with you.
Zvino wakaputsanyiwa negungwa mumvura zhinji yakadzika; nhumbi dzako navanhu vako vose zvakanyura pamwe chete newe.
35 Everyone living on the coastlands is shocked at what happened to you. Their kings are horrified; their faces twisted with fear.
Vose vanogara mumahombekombe vanoshamiswa newe; madzimambo avo anodedera nokutya, uye zviso zvavo zvakanganiswa nokutyiswa.
36 The traders of the nations hiss at you in derision; disaster has brought you down and you're finished forever.”
Vashambadziri vari pakati pendudzi vanokuridzira muridzo; wasvika kumagumo anonyangadza uye hauchazovapozve.’”

< Ezekiel 27 >