< Ezekiel 22 >

1 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
2 “So, son of man, are you ready to judge them? Are you ready to judge the people of this city that have caused so much bloodshed? Make them face all the disgusting things they've done,
and you(m. s.) son: child man to judge to judge [obj] city [the] blood and to know her [obj] all abomination her
3 and tell them that this is what the Lord God says: You are a city who has caused your own doom by murdering people within your walls, and by making idols to worship that made you unclean.
and to say thus to say Lord YHWH/God city to pour: kill blood in/on/with midst her to/for to come (in): come time her and to make idol upon her to/for to defile
4 You are guilty of murder, and you have made yourself unclean by the idols you've made. You have shortened your lives—your time is up! That's why other people taunt you—everyone mocks you.
in/on/with blood your which to pour: kill be guilty and in/on/with idol your which to make to defile and to present: bring day your and to come (in): come till year your upon so to give: make you reproach to/for nation and derision to/for all [the] land: country/planet
5 People far and near will laugh at you, you corrupt city full of confusion!
[the] near and [the] distant from you to mock in/on/with you unclean [the] name many [the] tumult
6 Look at how all of your leaders in Israel use their power to murder.
behold leader Israel man: anyone to/for arm his to be in/on/with you because to pour: kill blood
7 You despise your parents. You exploit the foreigners who live with you, and you mistreat orphans and widows.
father and mother to lighten in/on/with you to/for sojourner to make: do in/on/with oppression in/on/with midst your orphan and widow to oppress in/on/with you
8 You detest my holy things and violate my Sabbaths.
holiness my to despise and [obj] Sabbath my to profane/begin: profane
9 Living among you are people who falsely accuse others in order to put them to death. You also have those who eat religious meals at pagan shrines in the mountains, and commit immoral acts within the city.
human slander to be in/on/with you because to pour: kill blood and to(wards) [the] mountain: mount to eat in/on/with you wickedness to make in/on/with midst your
10 Some of those living in the city have sex with their father's wives or with women during their period.
nakedness father to reveal: uncover in/on/with you unclean [the] impurity to afflict in/on/with you
11 You're home to evil men. One does disgusting things with someone else's wife. Another seduces his daughter-in-law, while another rapes his sister, the daughter of his own father.
and man with woman: wife neighbor his to make abomination and man [obj] daughter-in-law his to defile in/on/with wickedness and man [obj] sister his daughter father his to afflict in/on/with you
12 Your people take money to murder others. You charge interest and make a profit on loans, and use extortion to get money from your neighbors. You have forgotten all about me, declares the Lord God.
bribe to take: take in/on/with you because to pour: kill blood interest and increment to take: take and to cut off: to gain neighbor your in/on/with oppression and [obj] me to forget utterance Lord YHWH/God
13 So watch out! I clap my hands in condemnation at your dishonest profiteering and at all your murders.
and behold to smite palm my to(wards) unjust-gain your which to make and upon blood your which to be in/on/with midst your
14 Are you going to be so brave, and will you be strong enough to defend yourselves when it comes time for me to deal with you? I, the Lord, have spoken, and I'm going to act.
to stand: stand heart your if: surely yes to strengthen: strengthen hand your to/for day which I to make: do with you I LORD to speak: speak and to make: do
15 I'm going to scatter you among the nations and the different countries. I will put a stop to your unclean acts.
and to scatter [obj] you in/on/with nation and to scatter you in/on/with land: country/planet and to finish uncleanness your from you
16 For when everyone else sees how you've made yourselves unclean, then you will acknowledge that I am the Lord.”
and to profane/begin: profane in/on/with you to/for eye: seeing nation and to know for I LORD
17 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
18 “Son of man, the people of Israel have ended up like the impurities left over from refining metal. They're all like copper, tin, iron, and lead in the furnace—they are just the impurities left from refining silver.
son: child man to be to/for me house: household Israel (to/for dross *Q(K)*) all their bronze and tin and iron and lead in/on/with midst furnace dross silver: money to be
19 So this is what the Lord God says: Because all of you have ended up like impurities, watch as I collect you together in Jerusalem.
to/for so thus to say Lord YHWH/God because to be all your to/for dross to/for so look! I to gather [obj] you to(wards) midst Jerusalem
20 In the same way a refiner collects silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin and puts them in the blast furnace to melt them with fire, I'm going to collect you in my burning anger, and keep you there until I melt you.
gathering silver: money and bronze and iron and lead and tin to(wards) midst furnace to/for to breathe upon him fire to/for to pour so to gather in/on/with face: anger my and in/on/with rage my and to rest and to pour [obj] you
21 I'm going to collect you all together and blast you with the fire of my anger, and you'll be melted there in the city.
and to gather [obj] you and to breathe upon you in/on/with fire fury my and to pour in/on/with midst her
22 Just as silver is melted in a furnace, so you'll be melted in the city. Then you will realize that I, the Lord, have made you experience my anger.”
like/as melting silver: money in/on/with midst furnace so to pour in/on/with midst her and to know for I LORD to pour: pour rage my upon you
23 Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
24 “Son of man, tell the city of Jerusalem, at the time of punishment, you are a country that has not been made clean, a place where no rain has fallen,
son: child man to say to/for her you(f. s.) land: country/planet not be pure he/she/it not rain her in/on/with day indignation
25 Her leaders conspire together and it's like watching a roaring lion ripping up its prey. They destroy the people, grab everything that's valuable, and make many more widows in the city.
conspiracy prophet her in/on/with midst her like/as lion to roar to tear prey soul: life to eat wealth and preciousness to take: take widow her to multiply in/on/with midst her
26 Her priests pervert my law and make my holy things unclean. They don't distinguish between what is holy and what is ordinary, and they don't separate the clean from the unclean. They forget about my Sabbaths, and they lead people to treat me with no respect.
priest her to injure instruction my and to profane/begin: profane holiness my between holiness to/for common not to separate and between [the] unclean to/for pure not to know and from Sabbath my to conceal eye their and to profane/begin: profane in/on/with midst their
27 Her city officials are like wolves ripping up their prey, killing people, destroying lives so they can profit through fraud.
ruler her in/on/with entrails: among her like/as wolf to tear prey to/for to pour: kill blood to/for to perish soul: life because to cut off: to gain unjust-gain
28 Her prophets cover up what they do, using false visions as whitewash and prophecies that are lies, saying, ‘This is what the Lord God says,’ when the Lord hasn't said anything.
and prophet her to overspread to/for them whitewash to see vanity: false and to divine to/for them lie to say thus to say Lord YHWH/God and LORD not to speak: speak
29 The people of this country are extortioners and robbers. They mistreat the poor and those in need and exploit the foreigners, treating them totally unfairly.
people [the] land: country/planet to oppress oppression and to plunder robbery and afflicted and needy to oppress and [obj] [the] sojourner to oppress in/on/with not justice
30 I tried to find one of them repair the wall and defend the gap so when I came I wouldn't destroy it—but I couldn't find anyone.
and to seek from them man to wall up/off wall and to stand: stand in/on/with breach to/for face: before my about/through/for [the] land: country/planet to/for lest to ruin her and not to find
31 So I have let them experience my hostility, burning them up with the fire of my anger. I have made sure they suffer the consequences of what they've done, declares the Lord God.”
and to pour: pour upon them indignation my in/on/with fire fury my to end: destroy them way: conduct their in/on/with head their to give: give utterance Lord YHWH/God

< Ezekiel 22 >