< Ezekiel 17 >

1 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
2 “Son of man, present this riddle—share it as a parable with the people of Israel.
Sine èovjeèji, zagoneni zagonetku i kaži prièu o domu Izrailjevu,
3 Tell them that this is what the Lord God says: There was a great eagle that had large wings, long feathers, and multi-colored plumage. It came to Lebanon and took off the top of the cedar.
I reci: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: orao velik, velikih krila, dugih pera, pun perja, šaren, doðe na Livan i uze vrh od kedra,
4 He broke off its highest branch and took it to a country of merchants, and planted it in a city of traders.
Odlomi vrh od mladijeh grana njegovijeh, i odnese ga u zemlju trgovaèku, u grad trgovaèki metnu ga.
5 He took some of the seed of the land and planted it in good soil beside a large river where he could grow it like a willow.
I uze sjeme iz one zemlje, i metnu ga na njivu, odnese ga gdje ima mnogo vode, i ostavi ga dobro.
6 The seed sprouted and grew into a low, spreading vine, with its branches facing toward him, and its roots went down into the ground beneath. So the vine developed, growing leaves and branches.
I iznièe, i posta busat èokot, nizak, kojemu se loze pružahu k njemu a žile bijahu pod njim; posta èokot, i pusti grane i izbi odvode.
7 But there was another great eagle that had large wings and many feathers. This vine sent out its roots toward him. It stretched out its branches to him from where it had been planted, wanting him to water it.
A bijaše drugi orao velik, velikih krila i pernat, i gle, taj èokot pusti k njemu žile svoje i grane svoje pruži k njemu da bi ga zaljevao iz brazda svoga sada.
8 Yet it had been planted in good soil beside a large river so it could grow strong, produce fruit, and become a superb vine.
Posaðen bijaše u dobroj zemlji kod mnogo vode, da pusti grane i raða rod i bude krasna loza.
9 So you tell them this is what the Lord God says: ‘Will it grow well? Won't it be uprooted and its fruit ripped off so that it withers? All its leaves will dry up. You wouldn't need strong arms or lots of people to pull it up by its roots.
Kaži: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: hoæe li napredovati? neæe li mu poèupati žile i rod mu oblomiti da se posuši? Sve æe mu se grane što je pustio posušiti, i bez velike sile i bez mnogoga naroda išèupaæe ga iz korijena.
10 Even if it's transplanted, is it going to survive? Won't it wither up completely when the east wind blows? In fact, it will wither right where it was planted.”
Eto, posaðen je, hoæe li napredovati? i neæe li se sasvijem posušiti èim ga se dohvati ustoka? Posušiæe se u brazdi gdje je posaðen.
11 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Potom doðe mi rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
12 “Tell these rebellious people: ‘Don't you know what this riddle means?’ Explain to them, ‘Look, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, made its king and officials his prisoners, and took them back with him to Babylon.
Kaži tome domu odmetnièkom: ne znate li šta je ovo? Reci: evo, doðe car Vavilonski u Jerusalim, i uze mu cara i knezove, i odvede ih sa sobom u Vavilon.
13 He made an agreement with one of the royal family and made him take an oath that he would be a loyal subject as king. Then he took into exile the country's leaders,
I uze jednoga od carskoga sjemena, i uèini s njim vjeru, i zakle ga, i uze silne u zemlji,
14 so that the kingdom would be kept in subjection and wouldn't be strong enough to rebel—it would only survive by keeping its agreement with him.
Da bi carstvo bilo sniženo da se ne bi podiglo, nego da bi držeæi vjeru s njim stajalo.
15 However, this king did rebel against Babylon, and sent ambassadors to Egypt to ask for help by supplying horses and many soldiers. Will he do well? Would someone who acts like this succeed? Could he break an agreement and not be punished?’
Ali se odmetnu od njega poslav poslanike svoje u Misir da mu da konja i mnogo naroda. Hoæe li biti sreæan? hoæe li uteæi ko tako èini? ko prestupa vjeru hoæe li uteæi?
16 As I live, declares the Lord God, ‘he is going to die in Babylon, in the country of the king who put him on the throne, whose oath he disregarded and whose agreement he broke.
Tako ja živ bio, govori Gospod Gospod, u mjestu onoga cara koji ga je zacario, kojemu je zakletvu prezreo i kojemu je vjeru prestupio, kod njega æe u Vavilonu umrijeti.
17 Pharaoh with his powerful army of many soldiers won't help him in battle, when attack ramps are piled up and siege walls built and many people end up being killed.
Niti æe mu Faraon s velikom vojskom i mnogim narodom pomoæi u ratu, kad iskopa opkope i pogradi kule da pogubi mnoge duše.
18 He disregarded his oath by breaking the agreement. Because he shook hands as a sign of the promise he made, yet rebelled in this way, he won't go unpunished!’
Jer prezre zakletvu prestupajuæi vjeru; i gle, davši ruku èini sve to; neæe uteæi.
19 So this is what the Lord God says: As I live, I will punish him for disregarding my oath and for breaking my agreement.
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: tako ja živ bio, obratiæu mu na glavu zakletvu svoju koju prezre i vjeru svoju koju prestupi.
20 I will throw my net over him and catch him; I will trap in my snare. I will take him to Babylon and sentence him to punishment there for his treason towards me.
Jer æu razapeti nad njim mrežu svoju i uhvatiæe se u zamku moju; i odvešæu ga u Vavilon, i ondje æu se suditi s njim za bezakonje koje mi uèini.
21 All his best soldiers will be killed in battle, and those who do survive will be scattered in all directions. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken.
I sva bježan njegova sa svom vojskom njegovom pašæe od maèa, a koji ostanu raspršaæe se u sve vjetrove, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod govorio.
22 This is what the Lord God says: I'm going to break off a branch from the high top of the cedar, and I will plant it on the top of a high mountain.
Ovako veli Gospod Gospod: ali æu ja uzeti s vrha od toga visokoga kedra, i posadiæu; s vrha od mladijeh grana njegovijeh odlomiæu granèicu, i posadiæu na gori visokoj i uzdignutoj.
23 I will plant it on Israel's high mountain so that it can grow branches, produce fruit and become a magnificent cedar. All kinds of birds will live in it, nesting in the shade of its branches.
Na visokoj gori Izrailjevoj posadiæu je, i pustiæe grane, i rodiæe, i postaæe krasan kedar, i pod njim æe nastavati svakojake ptice, u hladu grana njegovijeh nastavaæe.
24 All the trees in the countryside will know that I am the Lord. I can bring down the tall and have the low tree grow tall. I can make the green tree dry up, and make the withered tree become green again. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do it.”
I sva æe drveta poljska poznati da ja Gospod snizih visoko drvo i uzvisih nisko drvo, posuših zeleno drvo i uèinih da ozeleni suho drvo. Ja Gospod rekoh, i uèiniæu.

< Ezekiel 17 >