< Ezekiel 16 >
1 Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Vino a mí la palabra de Yahvé, diciendo:
2 “Son of man, challenge Jerusalem over her disgusting practices.
“Hijo de hombre, echa en cara a Jerusalén sus abominaciones.
3 Tell Jerusalem that this is what the Lord God says to her: You really are a Canaanite, both by your birth and parentage. Your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite.
Dirás: Así habla Yahvé, el Señor, a Jerusalén: Según tu origen y tu nacimiento procediste de la tierra del cananeo; tu padre era un amorreo y tu madre una hetea.
4 On the day you were born your cord was not cut, and you weren't washed to clean you up, you weren't rubbed with salt, and you weren't wrapped in cloths.
Al nacer, el día que saliste a luz, no te fue cortado el ombligo, ni fuiste lavada con agua para limpiarte; no fuiste frotada con sal, ni envuelta en pañales.
5 No one looked on you with love to do anything like this for you; no one showed any kind of care for you. No, you were thrown away in a field, abandoned and despised from the day you were born.
Ningún ojo se apiadó de ti ni tuvo compasión para prestarte uno de estos servicios, sino que fuiste arrojada sobre el campo, con desprecio de tu vida, el día en que naciste.
6 But I passed by and saw you kicking, covered in your own blood. As you were lying there in your blood I told you, ‘I want you to live!’ I said to you right there, ‘I want you to live!’
Mas pasando Yo cerca de ti, te vi cómo pataleabas en tu sangre, y te dije cuando estabas en tu sangre: «¡Vive!» Sí, cuando estabas en tu sangre, te dije: «¡Vive!»
7 I help you to grow like a plant in the field. You grew up into a beautiful young woman. Your breasts developed and your body hair grew, and you were completely naked.
Te hice crecer como la hierba del campo; y creciste y te hiciste grande, y llegaste a ser muy hermosa; se formaron tus pechos y te creció el pelo; pero estabas desnuda y sin abrigo.
8 When I passed by again, I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for lovemaking. So I spread my robe over you and covered up your naked body. I committed myself to you and made a solemn agreement with you, and made you mine, declares the Lord God.
Y pasé junto a ti y te vi; era tu tiempo, el tiempo del amor; y extendí sobre ti las faldas de mi (manto) y cubrí tu desnudez, y te hice un juramento y entré en alianza contigo, dice Yahvé, el Señor; y así viniste a ser mía.
9 Then I washed you with water, cleaned off your blood, and anointed you with oil.
Te lavé con agua, te limpié de la sangre que tenías encima y te ungí con óleo.
10 I put a beautifully embroidered dress on you and gave you fine leather sandals. I clothed you in fine linen and covered you with silk.
Te vestí de ropa recamada, te calcé de piel de tejón, te ceñí de lino fino y te cubrí de seda.
11 I gave you jewelry—I put bracelets on your wrists and a necklace around your neck.
Te engalané con joyas, puse brazaletes en tus brazos y un collar en tu cuello.
12 I put a ring in your nose and earrings on your ears, and placed a beautiful crown on your head.
Coloqué también un anillo en tu nariz, zarcillos en tus orejas y una magnífica diadema en tu cabeza.
13 You wore gold and silver jewelry, and your clothes were made of the finest linen, expensive fabric, and embroidered cloth. You ate bread made with the best flour, and honey and olive oil. You grew even more beautiful and became a queen.
Y quedaste ataviada con oro y plata; tu vestido era de lino fino y de seda recamada; te nutriste con flor de harina, con miel y aceite; y viniste a ser extraordinariamente hermosa y llegaste a ser reina.
14 You were famous around the world because of your beauty, for I used my majestic power to make you so wonderful, declares the Lord God.
Se hizo famoso tu nombre entre las naciones, gracias a tu hermosura, la cual era perfecta por los adornos que Yo había puesto en ti, dice Yahvé, el Señor.
15 You were so proud of your beauty that you were unfaithful to me. You thought that because you were so famous you could prostitute yourself and sleep with anyone who passed by. They took your beautiful body for themselves.
Pero confiaste en tu belleza y prostituiste tu nombre y ofreciste tus fornicaciones a todos los transeúntes, entregándote a ellos.
16 You made yourself colorful pagan shrines out of the clothes I'd given you, and there you acted as a prostitute. Things like this have never happened before, and they should never happen in the future!
Tomando tus vestidos te hiciste toda clase de lugares altos y te prostituiste en ellos; cosa que nunca se había hecho ni se verá en adelante.
17 You also used the beautiful gold and silver jewelry I gave you to make male idols and you prostituted yourself with them.
Echaste mano de tus hermosas joyas hechas de mi oro y mi plata, las que Yo te había regalado; y te hiciste simulacros humanos y fornicaste con ellos.
18 You used your embroidered clothes to dress them, and you placed before them my olive oil and incense.
Tomaste tus vestidos recamados, y con ellos los cubriste y les ofreciste mi aceite y mi incienso.
19 You presented the food I had given you as an offering for them to accept —bread made from the best flour, olive oil, and honey that I had provided for you to eat. That's exactly what you did, declares the Lord God.
Mi pan también que Yo te había dado y con que te alimentaba, la flor de harina, el aceite y la miel, los pusiste delante de ellos como (ofrenda) de suave olor. Tal cosa sucedió, dice Yahvé, el Señor.
20 You sacrificed your sons and daughters—the children you had for me—offering them as food for idols to eat. Wasn't your prostitution evil enough?
Asimismo tomaste tus hijos y tus hijas, que habías dado a luz para Mí, y se los sacrificaste para que les sirviesen de pasto. Y como si fuese cosa insignificante tu fornicación,
21 You slaughtered my children, sacrificing them to idols.
degollaste a mis hijos, y los entregaste haciéndolos pasar (por el fuego) en honor de ellos.
22 While you were busy with all your disgusting practices and your prostitution, you forgot about the time when you were young, completely naked and lying there kicking in your own blood.
En todas tus abominaciones y fornicaciones no te acordaste de los días de tu juventud, cuando estabas desnuda y sin abrigo y pataleabas en tu sangre.
23 Disaster is coming! Disaster is coming on you, declares the Lord God. As well as all the other evil things you did,
Y después de tanta malicia tuya — ¡ay, ay de ti! dice Yahvé, el Señor—
24 you built yourself a pagan shrine, a high place of idol worship on every public square in the city.
te edificaste una altura y te hiciste altares en todas las plazas.
25 You made yourselves high places of idol worship at the top of every street; you degraded yourself, offering your beautiful body to anyone who passed by, opening your legs for them, becoming more and more promiscuous.
En cada encrucijada de camino te construiste una altura y desfiguraste tu hermosura, entregándote a cualquier transeúnte y multiplicando tus fornicaciones.
26 You gave yourself as a prostitute to your Egyptian neighbors with their large sexual organs, making me angry as you became even more promiscuous.
Fornicaste con los hijos de Egipto, tus gordos vecinos, y multiplicaste tus fornicaciones, para irritarme.
27 So I acted to reduce my blessings to you. I let your enemies the Philistines do what they wanted to you. Even they were embarrassed at your immorality.
Y he aquí que Yo extendí mi mano contra ti, disminuí tu porción y te entregué al capricho de tus enemigas, las hijas de los filisteos, que se avergonzaban de tu mala conducta.
28 Because you weren't satisfied you prostituted yourself with the Assyrians. But even then you weren't satisfied.
No saciada aún te prostituiste a los hijos de Asiria; fornicaste con ellos; mas tampoco así quedaste satisfecha.
29 So you took your promiscuous behavior to Babylonia, the country of merchants, but even then you weren't satisfied!
Cometiste muchas fornicaciones en la tierra de Canaán, hasta la Caldea; y tampoco con esto te saciaste.
30 You're really sick-minded to do all this, acting like a prostitute with no shame, declares the Lord God.
¡Cuán débil es tu corazón! dice Yahvé, el Señor. ¡Haces todas estas fechorías como la ramera más desvergonzada!
31 Actually you weren't even a normal prostitute when you built yourselves pagan shrines at the top of every street and high places of idol worship on every public square—because you refused to be paid for your services!
¡Te edificaste santuarios en todas las encrucijadas y te construiste altares en todas las plazas aunque no eres como las (otras) rameras por cuanto desdeñas la paga (de la prostitución)!
32 You're a wife that loves adultery! You sleep with strangers instead of your husband!
Tú eres la adúltera, que en vez de su marido se acoge a extraños.
33 Normally all prostitutes are paid, but you were the one giving gifts to all your lovers. You even bribed them to come from all around and have sex with you.
A todas las rameras se les da paga, pero tú pagabas a todos tus amantes, y les hacías regalos, para que de todas partes viniesen a fornicar contigo.
34 So you're the opposite of other prostitutes. No one comes to you asking for sex, and you pay the prostitute's fee instead of receiving it. You're the exact opposite!
Y ha sucedido contigo, en tus fornicaciones, lo contrario de lo que sucede con (otras) mujeres, pues ninguno te buscaba y tú dabas paga en lugar de recibirla. Así has sido lo contrario (de otras).
35 So, you prostitute, listen to the message from the Lord!
Por eso, oh ramera, escucha la palabra de Yahvé.
36 This is what the Lord God says: Because you were so crazy with desire you stripped yourself naked and committed adultery with your lovers and with all your disgusting idols, and because you killed your children as sacrifices to those idols,
Así dice Yahvé, el Señor: Por cuanto ha sido malgastado tu dinero y se ha descubierto tu desnudez en tus fornicaciones con tus amantes y con todos tus ídolos abominables, y a causa de la sangre de tus hijos que tú les ofreciste,
37 I'm going to bring together all the lovers you went to bed with, whether you loved them or hated them, and I will have them gather from everywhere around and I will strip you as they watch so they will see you totally naked.
por eso, he aquí que congregaré a todos tus amantes con quienes te deleitaste; a todos los que has amado y a todos los que has aborrecido, los reuniré alrededor de ti, y les descubriré tu desnudez, para que vean toda tu vergüenza.
38 I will impose on you the punishment for women who commit adultery and those who murder; you will be punished in passionate anger.
Y te juzgaré como son juzgadas las adúlteras, y las que derraman sangre; y te haré víctima de furor y de celos.
39 Then I will hand you over to your lovers, and they will demolish your pagan shrines and destroy your high places of idol worship. They will strip you of your clothes, remove your beautiful jewelry, and leave you stark naked.
Te entregaré en sus manos, y destruirán tus santuarios, derribarán tus altares, te despojarán de tus vestidos, robarán tus magníficos adornos y te dejarán completamente desnuda.
40 They will come with a mob to attack you. They will stone you and chop you into pieces with their swords.
Reunirán contra ti una multitud, te apedrearán y te atravesarán con sus espadas.
41 They will burn down your houses and punish you while many women watch. I will stop your prostitution, and you won't ever pay your lovers again.
Pegarán fuego a tus casas y ejecutarán en ti juicios, a la vista de muchas mujeres; y así cesarás de ser fornicaria, y no darás más regalos.
42 Then I will finish being jealous and furious with you. I will calm down and won't be angry any more.
Así desahogaré en ti mi ira y no tendré más celos de ti; me calmaré y ya no me irritaré.
43 Since you didn't remember how I looked after you when you were young, but made me angry with all the things that you did, I will make sure you experience the results of what you've done, declares the Lord God. For this immorality was in addition to all the other disgusting things you did, wasn't it?
Por no haberte tú acordado de los días de tu juventud y por haberme irritado con todo esto, por eso he aquí que Yo por mi parte he echado tus obras sobre tu cabeza, dice Yahvé, el Señor; y no cometerás más estos crímenes ni todas estas tus abominaciones.
44 Everyone who likes to use proverbs will quote this one about you: ‘Like mother, like daughter.’
He aquí que todos los que saben aquel proverbio lo aplicarán a ti, diciendo: «Cual la madre, tal su hija».
45 You are the daughter of your mother who detested her husband and children. You are just like her! You are the sister of your sisters, just like them who detested their husbands and children. In fact your mother was a Hittite and your father was an Amorite.
Hija eres de tu madre, que aborreció a su marido y a sus hijos; y hermana eres de tus hermanas, que aborrecieron a sus maridos y a sus hijos. Vuestra madre es una hetea y vuestro padre un amorreo.
46 Your older sister was Samaria, who lived north of you with her daughters. Your younger sister was Sodom, who lived south of you with her daughters.
Tu hermana mayor es Samaria, ella con sus hijas, que habita a tu izquierda; y tu hermana menor, que habita a tu derecha, es Sodoma con sus hijas.
47 You didn't just follow their ways and do the same disgusting things they did, you very quickly became even worse than them.
No solamente has seguido los caminos de ellas obrando conforme a sus abominaciones —demasiado poco era esto para ti— sino que has sido más perversa que ellas en todo tu proceder.
48 As I live, declares the Lord God, your sister Sodom and her daughters didn't ever do what you and your daughters have done.
Por mi vida, dice Yahvé, el Señor, que no hizo tu hermana Sodoma, ella y sus hijas, lo que tú y tus hijas habéis hecho.
49 The sins of your sister Sodom were these: She and her daughters were proud, greedy, and lazy. They didn't help the poor and those in need.
He aquí cuál fue el crimen de tu hermana Sodoma: la soberbia, la hartura de pan, el reposo ocioso que gozaron ella y sus hijas, y el no socorrer al pobre y al menesteroso.
50 They became arrogant and did disgusting things in my presence. So I got rid of them when I saw this.
Y así se ensoberbecieron, y cometieron lo que era abominable delante de Mí; por eso las quité de en medio conforme a lo que he visto.
51 Samaria didn't sin half as badly as you did. You have done far more disgusting things than they did. In fact, all the revolting things you've done make your sisters look good!
Samaria no cometió ni la mitad de tus pecados; al contrario, tú has cometido más abominaciones que tus hermanas, y las has justificado por medio de todas las abominaciones por ti cometidas.
52 Now you're going to have to put up with your shame, since by your disgraceful sins you made them seem far better. Compared to you they look good! Now you too have to put up with your shame and disgrace because you've made your sisters look as if they were good.
Lleva tu ignominia, tú que has juzgado a tus hermanas, ya que por tus pecados te has mostrado más abominable que ellas, con lo cual son más justas que tú. Avergüénzate por tu parte, y lleva tu oprobio, por cuanto has justificado a tus hermanas.
53 Even so I'm going to bring Sodom and her daughters back from exile, and Samaria and her daughters too. I will bring you back together with them.
Mas Yo mudaré el cautiverio de ellas, el cautiverio de Sodoma y de sus hijas, el cautiverio de Samaria y de sus hijas, y también el cautiverio de tus cautivos juntamente con ellas,
54 In this way you will have to put up with your disgrace and be ashamed of all the bad things you did that made them feel better about themselves.
a fin de que lleves tu oprobio y te avergüences de todo lo que has hecho y les seas a ellas motivo de consuelo.
55 Your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will be restored to what they were before. You and your daughters will also be restored to what you were before.
Tu hermana Sodoma y sus hijas volverán a su antiguo estado; Samaria y sus hijas volverán a su antiguo estado. Así también tú y tus hijas volveréis a vuestro primer estado.
56 Didn't you mock your sister Sodom when you were feeling proud,
Tú no mencionabas ni siquiera el nombre de tu hermana Sodoma, en los días de tu soberbia,
57 before you were shown to be so wicked yourselves? Of course now you are mocked by the Edomites and the surrounding nations, as well as by the Philistines. Everyone around you looks down on you.
antes que se descubriese tu malicia, como sucede ahora que llevas la afrenta de las hijas de la Siria y de todos sus alrededores, y de las hijas de los filisteos que te insultan por todos lados.
58 You will have to experience the consequences of your immorality and your disgusting practices, declares the Lord.
Ahora tienes que llevar tu maldad y tus abominaciones, dice Yahvé, el Señor.
59 This is what the Lord God says: I'm going to punish you according to your sins, because you treated the promise you made with contempt by breaking the agreement.
Porque así dice Yahvé, el Señor: Te trataré según tus obras, pues despreciaste el juramento y quebrantaste la alianza.
60 But I won't forget the agreement I made with you when you were young, and I will make an everlasting agreement with you.
Pero me acordaré de la alianza que hice contigo en los días de tu mocedad, y estableceré contigo una alianza eterna.
61 Then you will remember the way you are meant to live and be ashamed when you meet your older and younger sisters when they return to you. I will give them to you as daughters, even though this was not part of our original agreement.
Entonces te acordarás de tus caminos, y te avergonzarás cuando recibas a tus hermanas, tanto tus hermanas mayores como tus menores, que Yo te daré por hijas, pero no en virtud de tu alianza.
62 This is how I will endorse my agreement with you, and you will know that I am the Lord,
Y estableceré contigo mi alianza, y conocerás que Yo soy Yahvé;
63 so that you will remember and be ashamed, and won't ever defend your disgraceful behavior when I forgive you for everything you've done, declares the Lord God.”
para que te acuerdes y te avergüences, y avergonzada no vuelvas más a abrir tu boca, cuando Yo te haya perdonado todo lo que has hecho”, dice Yahvé, el Señor.