< Ezekiel 12 >

1 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
2 “Son of man, you are living among rebellious people. They have eyes to see but they don't see, and ears to hear but they don't hear, because they are rebellious people.
Menneskesøn! Du bor midt i den genstridige Slægt, som har Øjne at se med, men ikke ser, og Ører at høre med, men ikke hører, thi de er en genstridig Slægt.
3 So, son of man, go and pack your bags as if you're going into exile. As people watch, get everything ready during the day so you can leave where you are and go somewhere else. Maybe they will realize what this means, even though they are rebellious people.
Men du, Menneskesøn, udrust dig ved højlys Dag i deres Påsyn som en, der drager i Landflygtighed, og drag så i deres Påsyn fra Stedet, hvor du bor, til et andet Sted! Måske de så får Øjnene op; thi de er en genstridig Slægt.
4 Take your bags out for traveling into exile during the day while they watch. But you yourself are to leave in the evening as they watch, just like someone going into exile.
Bær ved højlys dag i deres Påsyn dine Sager udenfor, som om du skal i Landflygtighed, men selv skal du drage bort om Aftenen i deres Påsyn som en, der drager i Landflygtighed.
5 While they go on watching, knock down part of the wall of your house and take your belongings out through the hole.
Slå i deres Påsyn Hul i Væggen og drag ud derigennem;
6 When it gets dark, as they continue to watch, put your bags on your shoulder and carry them as you leave. Cover your face so that you can't see the country you're leaving behind, because I'm providing you as a sign to warn the people of Israel.”
tag Sagerne på Skulderen og drag ud i Bælgmørke med tilhyllet Ansigt uden at se Landet; thi jeg gør dig til et Tegn for Israels Hus!
7 So I did as I was told. I took my bags out to go into exile during the day, and in the evening I knocked down part of the wall of my house with my bare hands. I took my belongings out when it got dark, carrying them on my shoulder while they watched.
Og jeg gjorde, som der bødes mig: Jeg bar ved højlys Dag mine Sager udenfor, som om jeg skulde i Landflygtighed, og om Aftenen slog jeg med Hånden Hul i Væggen, og i Bælgmørke drog jeg ud; jeg tog det på Skulderen i deres Påsyn.
8 In the morning a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
Næste Morgen kom HERRENs Ord til mig således:
9 “Son of man, haven't those rebellious Israelites asked you, ‘What are you doing?’
Menneskesøn! Har Israels Hus, den genstridige Slægt, ikke spurgt dig: "Hvad gør du der?"
10 Tell them that this is what the Lord God says: ‘This prophetic sign concerns the prince who is ruling in Jerusalem and all the people of Israel who are living there.’
Sig til dem: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Således skal det være med Fyrsten, denne Byrde i Jerusalem, og hele Israels Hus derinde.
11 You are to say to them, ‘I'm a sign to you.’ Just as it was demonstrated here, so it will happen to them—they will go into exile as prisoners.
Sig: Jeg er eder et Tegn; som jeg har gjort, skal der gøres med dem: I Landflygtighed og Fangenskab skal de drage.
12 When it gets dark, their prince will also put his bags on his shoulder and leave. They will knock down the wall to take him away. He will cover his face so he can't see the country he's leaving behind.
Og Fyrsten i deres Midte skal tage sine Sager på Skulderen, og i Bælgmørke skal han drage ud, han skal slå Hul i Væggen for at drage ud derigennem, og han skal tilhylle sit Ansigt for ikke at se Landet.
13 But I will catch him in my net; I will trap him in my snare. I will take him to Babylon in the country of Babylonia. However, won't see it, and he'll die there.
Men jeg breder mit Net over ham, og han skal fanges i mit Garn; og jeg bringer ham til Bael i kaldæernes Land, som han dog ikke skal se; og der skal han dø.
14 I'm going to scatter all his attendants and all his troops in every direction, and I will chase after them with a drawn sword.
Og alle hans Omgivelser, hans Hjælpere og alle hans Hærskarer vil jeg udstrø for alle Vinde og drage Sværdet bag dem.
15 They will know that I am the Lord when I scatter them among the different nations and countries.
Da skal de kende, at jeg er HERREN, når jeg spreder dem: blandt Folkene og udstrør dem i Landene.
16 But I will let a few of them survive war, famine, and disease so that they can tell the nations where they're exiled about all their disgusting sins. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
Kun nogle få af dem levner jeg fra Sværd, Hunger og Pest, for at de kan fortælle om alle deres Vederstyggeligheder blandt de Folk, de kommer til; og de skal kende, at jeg er HERREN.
17 A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
18 “Son of man, tremble as you eat your bread; shake with worry as you drink your water.
Menneskesøn, spis Brød i Angst og drik Vand i Frygt og Bæven;
19 Then explain to the people of this country that this is what the Lord God says to those living in Jerusalem and in the country of Israel: They will be worried as eat their bread and they will be in despair as they drink their water, for their land will be stripped bare because of the violent crimes committed by everyone who lives there.
og sig til Landets Folk: Så siger den Herre HERREN om Jerusalems Indbyggere i Israels Land: Brød skal de spise med Bæven, og Vand skal de drikke med Rædsel, for at deres Land og alt deri må ligge øde til Straf for alle dets Indbyggeres Voldsfærd; ,
20 The towns will be destroyed, and the countryside turned into a wasteland. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
og Byerne, der nu er beboet, skal ligge øde, og Landet skal blive til Ørk; og I skal kende, at jeg er HERREN.
21 Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
22 “Son of man, what's this proverb you people have in the land of Israel: ‘Time goes by, and no vision comes true’?
Menneskesøn! Hvad er det for et Mundheld, I har om Israels Land: "Det trækker i Langdrag, og alle Syner slår fejl!"
23 So tell them that this is what the Lord God says: ‘I will put a stop to this proverb. No one in Israel will quote it anymore.’ Instead tell them: The time is soon coming when every vision will come true.
Sig derfor til dem: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Jeg vil bringe dette Mundheld til at forstumme, så de ikke mere bruger det i Israel. Sig tværtimod til dem: "Tiden er nær, og alle Syner træffer ind!"
24 There won't be any more false visions or fake prophecies among the Israelites,
Thi der skal ikke mere være noget Løgnesyn eller nogen falsk Spådom i Israels Hus,
25 because I, the Lord, will say whatever I choose to say, and it will happen immediately. Right now, you rebellious people, I will say something and make sure it happens, declares the Lord God.”
men jeg, HERREN taler, hvad jeg vil, og det skal ske. Det skal ikke længer trække i Langdrag; men i eders Dage, du genstridige Slægt, vil jeg tale et Ord og fuldbyrde det, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
26 An additional message from the Lord came to me, saying,
HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
27 “Son of man, notice what the people of Israel are saying, ‘The vision that he's describing won't happen for a long time. He's prophesying about a time in the distant future.’
Menneskesøn! Se, Israels Hus siger: "Synet, han skuer, gælder sene Dage, og han profeterer om fjerne Tider!"
28 So tell them that this is what the Lord God says: Everything I've said is about to happen. There won't be any more delay, declares the Lord God.”
Sig derfor til dem: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Intet af mine Ord skal lade vente på sig mere; hvad jeg taler, skal ske, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.

< Ezekiel 12 >