< Exodus 39 >

1 They made woven clothing from blue, purple, and crimson thread for serving in the sanctuary. They also made holy clothing garments for Aaron, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
Tout l'or qui fut mis en œuvre pour la fabrication des choses saintes provint des prémices; il y en eut vingt-neuf talents ou sept cent vingt sicles, au poids du sicle consacré.
2 They made the ephod of finely-woven linen embroidered with gold, and with blue, purple, and crimson thread.
L'oblation d'argent faite par tous les hommes du peuple ayant passé à la visite, monta à cent talents et dix-sept cent soixante-quinze sicles;
3 They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut threads from them to weave in with the blue, purple, and scarlet thread, together with fine linen, all skillfully worked.
Une drachme par tête ou un demi-sicle, au poids du sicle consacré; les hommes de vingt ans et au-dessus qui passèrent à la visite, furent au nombre de six cent trois mille cinq cent cinquante.
4 Two shoulder pieces were attached to the front and back pieces.
Les cent talents d'argent furent employés à la fonte des cent chapiteaux du tabernacle et de la tenture intérieur; cent talents, cent chapiteaux: un talent par chapiteau.
5 The waistband of the ephod was one piece made in the same way, using gold thread, with blue, purple, and crimson thread, and with finely-woven linen, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
Avec les dix-sept cent soixante-quinze sicles d'argent, Beseléel fit les chapiteaux des colonnes, revêtit leurs chapiteaux et les orna.
6 They placed the onyx stones in ornamental gold settings, engraved with the names of the Israelite tribes in the same way a jeweler engraves a personal seal.
L'airain des prémices produisit soixante talents et quinze cents sicles.
7 They attached both stones to the shoulder pieces of the ephod as reminders for the Israelite tribes, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
Ils en firent les bases des portes du tabernacle du témoignage,
8 They also made a breastpiece for decisions in the same skilful way as the ephod, to be used in determining the Lord's will. They made it using gold thread, with blue, purple, and crimson thread, and with finely-woven linen.
Et les bases du parvis, tout alentour. Ainsi que les bases des portes au parvis, les piquets du tabernacle, les piquets du parvis tout alentour,
9 It was square when folded, measuring around nine inches in length and width.
La devanture de l'autel et tous ses accessoires, tous les ustensiles du tabernacle du témoignage.
10 They attached an arrangement of precious stones in four rows as follows. In the first row carnelian, peridot, and emerald.
Les fils d'Israël firent ces œuvres, comme le Seigneur l'avait prescrit à Moïse;
11 In the second row turquoise, lapis lazuli, and sardonyx.
Et, du reste des prémices, [de l'or]ils fabriquèrent les vases pour exercer le sacerdoce devant le Seigneur.
12 In the third row jacinth, agate, and amethyst.
Avec la reste de l'hyacinthe, de la pourpre, de l'écarlate, ils firent les vêtements d'Aaron, pour qu'il s'en revêtit en exerçant le sacerdoce dans le sanctuaire.
13 In the fourth row topaz, beryl, and jasper. They were all placed in ornamental gold settings.
Et ils portèrent les vêtements à Moïse, ainsi que le tabernacle et son ameublement, ses bases et ses chapiteaux, ses leviers, ses colonnes;
14 Each of the twelve stones were engraved like a personal seal with the name of one of the twelve Israelites tribes and represented them.
L'arche de l'alliance et ses leviers;
15 They made cords of braided chains from pure gold to attach the breastpiece.
L'autel et tous ses accessoires; l’huile de l'onction et l'encens composé;
16 They made two gold settings and two gold rings and fastened the rings to the two top corners of the breastpiece.
Le chandelier d'or pur, les lampes à brûler de l'huile, et l'huile à éclairer;
17 They attached the two gold chains to the two gold rings on the corners of the breastpiece,
La table de la proposition, et tous ses accessoires, avec les pains à y déposer,
18 and then fastened the opposite ends of the two chains to the ornamental gold settings on the shoulder pieces of the front side of the ephod.
Les vêtements du sanctuaire qui étaient pour Aaron; et les robes sacerdotales de ses fils;
19 They made two more gold rings and attached them to the two lower corners of the breastpiece, on the inside edge next to the ephod.
Les tentures du parvis, les colonnes, le voile de l'entrée du tabernacle, et celui de l'entrée du parvis, tous les vases du tabernacle et tous ses ustensiles;
20 They made two more gold rings and attached them to the bottom of the two shoulder pieces of the front side of the ephod, near where it joins its woven waistband.
Les toisons de béliers apprêtées et teintes en rouge, les couvertures bleues et les autres couvertures supérieures;
21 They tied the rings of the breastpiece to the rings of the ephod with a cord of blue thread, so that the breastpiece wouldn't come loose from the ephod, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
Les piquets enfin et tous les ustensiles nécessaires aux œuvres du tabernacle du témoignage.
22 They made the robe that goes with the ephod exclusively from woven blue cloth,
Tout ce que le Seigneur avait prescrit à Moïse, les fils d'Israël le firent; ils fabriquèrent tous les vases.
23 with an opening in the middle at the top. They stitched a woven collar around the opening to strengthen it so it wouldn't tear.
Et Moïse vit que tous les travaux étaient faits de la manière prescrite par le Seigneur à Moïse; les fils d'Israël les avaient ainsi faits, et Moïse les bénit.
24 They made pomegranates using blue, purple, and crimson thread and finely-woven linen and attached them all the way around its hem.
25 They made pure gold bells and attached them between the pomegranates all the way around its hem,
26 having the bells and the pomegranates alternate. The robe was to be used for priestly service, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
27 They made tunics with finely-spun linen made by a weaver for Aaron and his sons.
28 They also made turbans, headdresses, and headbands of fine linen, and finely-woven linen undershorts,
29 as well as sashes of finely-woven linen embroidered with blue, purple, and crimson thread, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
30 They made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold and wrote on it, engraved like a seal, “Holy to the Lord.”
31 They tied a blue cord to it to attach it to the front of the turban, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
32 So all the work for the Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, was finished. The Israelites did everything as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
33 Then they presented the Tabernacle to Moses: the tent with all its furniture, its clips, its frames, its crossbars, and its posts and stands;
34 the covering of tanned ram skins, the covering of fine leather, and the veil;
35 the Ark of the Testimony with its poles and the atonement cover;
36 the table with all its equipment and the Bread of the Presence;
37 the pure gold lampstand with its lamps placed in a row, and all its equipment, as well as the olive oil for the lamps;
38 the gold altar, the anointing oil, the aromatic incense, and the screen for the tent's entrance;
39 the bronze altar with its bronze grate, its poles, and all its utensils; the basin plus its stand;
40 the curtains of the courtyard and its posts and stands; the curtain for the courtyard entrance, its ropes and tent pegs, and all the equipment for the services of Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting;
41 and the woven garments for serving in the sanctuary, the holy clothes for Aaron the priest and for his sons to serve as priests.
42 The Israelites did all the work that the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
43 Moses inspected all the work and made sure they had done it as the Lord had ordered. Then Moses blessed them.

< Exodus 39 >