< Exodus 38 >

1 Bezalel made the altar burnt offering from acacia wood. It was square and measured five cubits long by five cubits wide by three cubits high.
Bakha i-alithari lomnikelo wokutshiswa ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya laba zingalo ezintathu ukudepha, ubude balo laba zingalo ezinhlanu, ububanzi laba zingalo ezinhlanu, lilingana inxa zonke.
2 He made horns for each of its corners, all one piece with the altar, and covered the whole altar with bronze.
Benza uphondo kumagumbi womane e-alithare, kwathi impondo le-alithari kwaba yinto yinye, basebelihuqa ngethusi.
3 He made all its utensils: buckets for removing ashes, shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks, and firepans. He made all its utensils of bronze.
Benza zonke izinto ezisetshenziswa kulo ngethusi, imbiza zalo, amafotsholo, imiganu yokuchela, amafologwe enyama kanye lezindengezi zokubasela umlilo.
4 He made a bronze mesh grate for the altar and placed it under the ledge of the altar, so that the mesh came halfway down the altar.
Benza iminxibo ye-alithare, bayenza ngethusi yaba ngaphansi kwesengamo se-alithare okuyingxenye yokuya phezulu.
5 He cast four bronze rings for the four corners of the grate as holders for the poles.
Benza amasongo ethusi okubambisa imijabo yemagumbini womane yeminxibo yethusi.
6 He made poles of acacia wood for the altar and covered them with bronze.
Imijabo bayenza ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya bazihuqa ngethusi.
7 He put the poles through the rings on either side of the altar so it could be carried. He made the altar hollow, using boards.
Basebehloma imijabo leyo emasongweni yaba semaceleni kwe-alithari ukuze lithwalwe ngayo. Balenza ngamapulanka lafana lomkolo.
8 He made the bronze basin with its stand with bronze from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
Benza umkolo wethusi lensika yawo yethusi yenziwa ngezibuko zethusi ezazingezabesifazane ababesebenza esangweni lethente lokuhlangana.
9 Then he made a courtyard. For the south side of the courtyard he made curtains of finely-spun linen, a hundred cubits long on one side,
Ngemva kwalokho balungisa iguma lethabanikeli. Ubude becele lezansi babuzingalo ezilikhulu njalo lilamakhetheni elembu elelukwe kuhle,
10 with twenty posts and twenty bronze stands, with silver hooks and bands on the posts.
lilensika ezingamatshumi amabili lezisekelo zethusi ezingamatshumi amabili, njalo lilezingwegwe zesiliva kanye lamabhanti ensikeni.
11 Similarly he made curtains placed on the north side in an identical arrangement.
Icele lenyakatho lalo lalizingalo ezilikhulu ubude njalo lilensika ezingamatshumi amabili, lezisekelo zethusi ezingamatshumi amabili, kanye lengwegwe zesiliva lamabhanti ensikeni.
12 He made curtains for the west side of the courtyard fifty cubits wide, with ten posts and ten stands.
Icele lentshonalanga yeguma lalizingalo ezingamatshumi amahlanu ububanzi, lilamakhetheni, lilensika ezilitshumi, ingwegwe zesiliva kanye lamabhanti ensikeni.
13 The east side of the courtyard that faces the sunrise was fifty cubits wide.
Eceleni lempumalanga kusiya okuphuma khona ilanga, lakhona iguma lalibanzi okwezingalo ezingamatshumi amahlanu.
14 He made the curtains on one side fifteen cubits long, with three posts and three stands,
Amakhetheni azingalo ezilitshumi lanhlanu ubude ayenganxanye kwesango, kulezinsika ezintathu kanye lezisekelo ezintathu,
15 and the curtains on the other side just the same.
ngakwelinye icele lakho kwakulamakhetheni azingalo ezilitshumi lanhlanu ubude, kulezinsika ezintathu kanye lezisekelo ezintathu.
16 All the curtains around the courtyard were of finely-woven linen.
Wonke amakhetheni ayehonqolozele iguma lethabanikeli ayenziwe ngelembu eliphethwe kuhle.
17 The stands for the posts were bronze, the hooks and bands were silver, and the tops of the posts were covered with silver. All the posts around the courtyard had silver bands.
Izisekelo zensika zazingezethusi. Ingwegwe kanye lamabhanti ensikeni kwakuyisiliva, njalo izihloko zazo zihuqwe ngesiliva, ngokunjalo zonke izinsika zeguma zazilamabhanti esiliva, njalo izihloko zazo zihuqwe ngesiliva, ngakho zonke izinsika zeguma zazilamabhanti esiliva.
18 The curtain for the entrance to the courtyard was embroidered with blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely-spun linen. It was twenty cubits long by five cubits high, the same height as the courtyard curtains.
Ikhetheni lesango leguma lalenziwe ngelembu eliphethwe kuhle ngentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende kanye lebomvu, kwaba ngumsebenzi wombalazi ngokuthunga. Ikhetheni lakhona lalizingalo ezingamatshumi amabili ubude, kanti njengekhetheni leguma ukudepha kwalo kwakuzingalo ezinhlanu,
19 It was held up by four posts and four stands. The posts had silver hooks, tops, and bands.
lilensika ezine lezisekelo zethusi ezine. Ingwegwe zalo kanye lamabhanti kuyisiliva, njalo izihloko zalo zihuqwe ngesiliva.
20 All the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and for the surrounding courtyard were made of bronze.
Izikhonkwane zonke zethente lethabanikeli kanye lezizingelezele iguma zazenziwe ngethusi.
21 The following is what was used for the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of the Testimony, recorded at Moses' direction by the Levites under the supervision of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.
Lokhu yikho ngobunengi bakho, okwasetshenziswa ukwakha ithabanikeli, ithabanikeli lobufakazi, yikho okwalotshwa ngabaLevi ngokulawula kukaMosi ngaphansi kwesiqondiso sika-Ithamari indodana ka-Aroni, umphristi.
22 Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, made everything that the Lord had ordered Moses to make.
(UBhezaleli indodana ka-Uri, indodana kaHuri, owesizwe sakoJuda, wenza konke uMosi ayekulaywe nguThixo,
23 He was assisted by Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, an engraver, designer, and embroiderer using blue, purple, and crimson thread and finely-woven linen.
wayelo-Oholiyabhi indodana ka-Ahisamakhi owesizwe sikaDani owayeyingcitshi yomsebenzi njalo engumdwebi, njalo engumbalazi ngokuthunga ngentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu, kanye lelembu elicolekileyo.)
24 The total amount of gold from the offering that was used for the work on the sanctuary was 29 talents and 730 shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
Isilinganiso segolide lonke lomnikelo wokuzunguzwa elasetshenziswa emsebenzini wonke wendawo engcwele lalingamathalenta ayisisindo esingamatshumi amabili lasificamunwemunye kanye lamashekeli angamakhulu ayisikhombisa lamatshumi amathathu kusiya ngamashekeli endawo engcwele.
25 The total amount of silver from those who had been counted in the census was 100 talents and 1,775 shekels (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
Isiliva esavela kulabo abahlala khona ababebaliwe ngesikhathi sokubalwa kwabantu sasilesisindo esingamathalenta alikhulu lamashekeli ayinkulungwane lamakhulu ayisikhombisa alamatshumi ayisikhombisa lanhlanu, kusiya ngamashekeli endawo engcwele,
26 This represents a beka per person, or half a shekel, (using the sanctuary shekel standard) from everyone twenty years of age or older who had been censused, a total of 603,550 men.
ibhekha linye ngomuntu, okuyikuthi, ingxenye yeshekeli ngesilinganiso seshekeli endaweni engcwele, kubo bonke labo ababechaphele kwabasebebaliwe, abaleminyaka engamatshumi amabili okuzalwa loba ukwedlula lapho, kwaba ngamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamakhulu ayisithupha lantathu lamakhulu amahlanu lamatshumi amahlanu esehlangene wonke.
27 The hundred talents of silver were used to cast the sanctuary stands and the curtain stands, 100 bases from the 100 talents, or one talent per base.
Isiliva esiyisisindo samathalenta alikhulu sasetshenziswa ekwenzeni izisekelo zendawo engcwele kanye lekhetheni, izisekelo ezilikhulu zenziwa ngesiliva esingamathalenta alikhulu, isilinganiso sethalenta linye ukwenza isisekelo esisodwa.
28 Bezalel used the 1,775 shekels of silver to make the hooks for the posts, cover their tops, and make bands for them.
Basebenzisa isiliva esilesisindo esingamashekeli ayinkulungwane elamakhulu ayisikhombisa lamatshumi ayisikhombisa lanhlanu ukwenza ingwegwe zensika, ukuhuqa izihloko zensika, kanye lokwenza amabhanti ensika.
29 The total amount of bronze from the offering was 70 talents and 2,400 shekels.
Isilinganiso sethusi lonke lomnikelo wokuzunguzwa sasingamathalenta angamatshumi ayisikhombisa lamashekeli azinkulungwane ezimbili ezilamakhulu amane.
30 Bezalel used it to make the stands for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the bronze altar and its bronze grate, all the utensils for the altar,
Balisebenzisa ukwenza izisekelo zesango lethente lokuhlangana, i-alithari lethusi, iminxibo yalo yethusi kanye lazozonke izitsha zalo,
31 the stands for the courtyard and its entrance, and all the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and the courtyard.
izisekelo ezihonqolozele iguma lalezo ezisesangweni kanye lezikhonkwane zethabanikeli lazozonke ezihonqolozele iguma.

< Exodus 38 >