< Exodus 33 >

1 Then the Lord told Moses, “Leave this place, you and the people you led out of Egypt, and go to the land I promised with an oath to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, telling them, ‘I will give this land to your descendants.’
BOEIPA loh Moses taengah, “He lamloh namah cet lamtah nong laeh. Egypt khohmuen lamkah na khuen pilnam te khohmuen la khuen laeh. Te te Abraham taengah, Isaak taeng neh Jakob taengah ka toemngam tih, ‘Na tiingan taengah ka paek ni,’ ka ti nah.
2 I will send an angel out in front of you, and I will drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites.
Nang mikhmuh ah puencawn kan tueih vetih Kanaan neh Amori khaw, Khitti neh Perizzi, Khivee neh Jebusi khaw ka haek bitni.
3 Enter a land flowing with milk and honey, but I will not accompany you because you are a rebellious people. Otherwise I would destroy you on the way.”
Suktui neh khoitui aka long khohmuen lam khaw na khui ah ka pongpa mahpawh. Pilnam he na rhawn mangkhak aih tih longpueng ah nang kang khap lah ve,” a ti nah.
4 When the people heard these words of criticism, they mourned and didn't put on their jewelry.
Pilnam loh ol thae he a yaak vaengah nguekcoi uh tih hlang loh a pum dongkah a cangen khaw oi uh pawh.
5 For the Lord had previously told Moses, “Tell the people of Israel, ‘You are a rebellious people. If I was with you for just a moment, I would wipe you out. Now remove your jewelry, and I'll decide what to do with you.’”
Te dongah BOEIPA loh Moses taengah, “Israel ca rhoek te thui pah. Nangmih he rhawn thah pilnam ni. Na khui ah mikhaptok ah vai ka pongpa vetih nang kan thup ve. Na cangen khaw na pum dong lamloh pit laeh. Na taengah mebang ka saii ham khaw ka ming ngawn,” a ti nah.
6 So the Israelites took off their jewelry from the time they left Mount Sinai.
Te dongah Israel ca rhoek loh a cangen te Horeb tlang ah a dul uh.
7 Moses used to set up the Tent of Meeting some way outside the camp. Anyone who wanted to ask the Lord anything could go out there to the Tent of Meeting.
Moses loh dap te a puen tih rhaehhmuen lamkah a lakhla la rhaehhmuen vongvoel ah amah la a tuk. Te te tingtunnah dap la a khue tih BOEIPA aka dawt boeih loh rhaehhmuen vongvoel kah tingtunnah dap te a paan.
8 Whenever Moses went out to the Tent, all the people would go and stand at the entrance of their tents. They would watch him until he had gone inside.
Moses te dap la a caeh vaengah pilnam pum khaw thoo uh tih hlang he amah kah dap thohka ah pai uh. Te vaengah dap khuila a kun hil Moses hnuk te a paelki uh.
9 As soon as Moses went into the Tent, the cloud column would descend and stand in the doorway as the Lord spoke with Moses.
Dap khuila Moses a kun van neh cingmai tung ha suntla. Te vaengah dap thohka ah pai tih Moses te a voek.
10 When the people saw the cloud column standing in the doorway to the Tent, everyone would stand up and bow in worship at the entrance of their tents.
Dap thohka kah aka pai cingmai tung te pilnam loh boeih a hmuh. Te dongah pilnam te boeih thoo tih hlang he amah kah dap thohka ah ni a bakop uh coeng.
11 Moses would speak to the Lord face to face as you would talk to a friend, and then returned to the camp. However, his young assistant Joshua, son of Nun, stayed in the Tent.
Te vaengah hlang loh a hui a voek bangla BOEIPA loh Moses te a hmai, hmai ah a voek. Te phoeiah rhaehhmuen la mael. Tedae anih kah tueihyoeih Nun capa cadong Joshua tah dap khui lamloh nong pawh.
12 Moses said to the Lord, “Look, you've been telling me, ‘Go and lead these people,’ but you haven't let me know who you're going to send with me. And yet you have stated, ‘I know you personally, and I'm happy with you.’
Te phoeiah Moses loh BOEIPA te, “‘Namah loh kai taengah pilnam he khuen laeh,’ na ti ne. Tedae kai taengah nan tueih ham te khaw kai nan ming sak moenih. Te vaengah namah loh, ‘Na ming neh kan ming tih ka mik dongkah mikdaithen khaw na hmuh,’ na ti.
13 Now if it's true that you're happy with me, please teach me your ways so I can get to know you, and go on pleasing you. Remember that the people of this nation are yours.”
Na mikhmuh ah mikdaithen ka hmuh van coeng atah na longpuei te kai m'ming sak laeh. Namah kan ming daengah man na mikhmuh ah mikdaithen khaw ka hmuh ve. Namtom he na pilnam la hmuh mai,” a ti nah.
14 The Lord replied, “I myself will go with you, and I will support you.”
Tedae, “Ka mikhmuh kah he a caeh uh daengah ni nang te kan duem sak eh,” a ti nah.
15 “If you don't go with us yourself, then please don't take us away from here,” Moses responded.
Te phoeiah amah te, “Na mikhmuh kah te a caeh pawt atah he lamloh kaimih nan khuen pawt mako.
16 “How will others know that you are happy with me, and with your people, if you don't accompany us? How would anyone tell us apart—me and your people—from every other people who live on the earth?”
Kai neh na pilnam loh na mikhmuh ah mikdaithen ka hmuh te me nen nim a ming eh. Kaimih taengkah na pongpa nen pawt nim kai neh na pilnam tah diklai hman kah pilnam cungkuem lamloh ka hoep uh tangloeng he,” a ti nah.
17 The Lord told Moses, “I promise do what you've asked, because I'm happy with you and I know you personally.”
Te dongah BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Ka mikhmuh ah mikdaithen na hmuh tih na ming neh kam ming dongah ol he na thui bangla ka saii bitni,” a ti nah.
18 “Now please reveal to me your glory,” Moses asked.
Te vaengah, “Na thangpomnah te kai m'hmuh sak laem,” a ti nah.
19 “I will make all the goodness of my character pass in front of you, I will call out the name ‘Yahweh,’ I will show grace to those I want to show grace, and I will show mercy to those I want to show mercy.
Te dongah BOEIPA loh, “Ka thennah boeih he na mikhmuh ah ka phoe vetih na mikhmuh ah YAHWEH ming he ka doek ni. Ka rhen tueng ni ka rhen vetih ka haidam tueng ni ka haidam eh,” a ti nah.
20 But you won't be able to see my face, because no one can see my face and live.”
Tedae, “Ka maelhmai hmuh ham na coeng moenih, hlang loh kai m'hmu mai cakhaw a hing hae moenih,” a ti nah.
21 “Come here and stand by me on this rock,” the Lord went on,
Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh, “Kamah taengkah hmuen ah he lungpang soah khaw pai mai.
22 “and as my glory goes by I'll put you in a crevice of the rock, and I'll cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
Tedae ka thangpomnah loh a pah phai vaengah lungpang rhaep ah nang kang khueh ni. Te vaengah ka khum hil nang soah ka kut kang khuk bitni.
23 Then I'll take my hand away and you'll see my back; but you won't see my face.”
Ka kut ka khoe van neh ka nam na hmuh ni. Tedae ka maelhmai tah tueng mahpawh,” a ti nah.

< Exodus 33 >