< Exodus 29 >

1 Now this is how you are to proceed to dedicate them to serve me as priests. Take a young bull and two rams with no defects.
“Alò, se sa nou va fè a yo menm pou konsakre yo pou fè sèvis kòm prèt Mwen: pran yon jèn towo avèk de belye san defo,
2 Then using the best wheat flour, make the following without yeast: bread, cakes mixed with olive oil, and wafers sprinkled with olive oil.
epi pen san ledven avèk gato san ledven. Mele yo avèk lwil, ak galèt san ledven ki kouvri avèk lwil. Ou va fè yo avèk farin fen.
3 Put them all in a basket, and bring them as an offering, along with the bull and the two rams.
Ou va mete yo nan yon panyen, e prezante yo nan panyen an ansanm avèk towo a avèk de belye yo.
4 Then bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, and wash them with water.
“Konsa, ou va mennen Aaron avèk de fis li yo vè pòtay tant reyinyon an, e lave yo avèk dlo.
5 Take the clothes and put them on Aaron: the tunic, the robe of the ephod, the ephod itself, and the breastpiece. Tie the ephod on him with its waistband.
Ou va pran vètman yo. Ou va mete sou Aaron tinik lan avèk manto efòd la, efòd avèk pyès lestomak la, e ou va mare senti li avèk bann trese byen fen ki sou efòd la.
6 Wrap the turban on his head and attach the holy crown to the turban.
Ou va mete tiban an sou tèt li, e mete kouwòn sen an sou tiban an.
7 Then use the anointing oil to anoint him by pouring it over his head.
Epi ou va pran lwil onksyon an, ou va vide li sou tèt li pou onksyone li.
8 Then have his sons come and put the tunics on them.
Ou va mennen fis li yo, e mete tinik yo sou yo.
9 Tie the sashes around Aaron and his sons and put headdresses on them. The priesthood belongs to them forever. This is how you are to ordain Aaron and his sons.
Ou va mete sentiwon pou yo, ni Aaron ni fis li yo, e ou va mare chapo yo sou tèt yo. Yo va genyen pozisyon prèt la, kòm yon lòd k ap pou tout tan san fen.
10 Take the bull to the front of the Tent of Meeting, and Aaron and his sons are to place their hands on its head.
“Konsa, ou va mennen towo a devan tant reyinyon an, e Aaron avèk fis li yo va poze men yo sou tèt towo a.
11 Then slaughter the bull in the Lord's presence at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
Ou va touye towo a devan SENYÈ a nan pòtay tant reyinyon an.
12 Take some of the bull's blood and smear it on the horns of the altar with your finger. Then pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
Ou va pran kèk nan san towo a, e ou va mete sou kòn lotèl la avèk dwèt ou; epi ou va vide tout san an nan baz lotèl la.
13 Take all the fat that covers the intestines, the best parts of the liver, and the two kidneys with their fat, and burn them on the altar.
Ou va pran tout grès ki kouvri zantray yo, avèk gwo mas grès ki sòti nan fwa a, de ren yo ak grès ki sou yo a, e ou va ofri yo anlè nan lafimen sou lotèl la.
14 But burn the bull's meat, its hide, and its excrement outside the camp—it is an offering for sin.
Men chè towo a avèk po li ak watè li, ou va brile yo avèk dife andeyò kan an. Li menm se yon ofrann peche.
15 Next have Aaron and his sons place their hands on the head of one of the rams.
“Ou va anplis pran belye sa a, e Aaron avèk fis li yo va poze men yo sou tèt belye a.
16 Slaughter the ram, take its blood, and splash it all around the altar.
Ou va touye belye a e ou va pran san li pou flite li toutotou lotèl la.
17 Cut the ram in pieces, wash the intestines and legs, and put them with the other pieces and the head.
Ou va koupe belye a an mòso, lave zantray li yo avèk janm li yo, e mete yo avèk mòso li yo avèk tèt li.
18 Then burn all of the ram on the altar. It is a burnt offering to the Lord to be accepted by him.
Ou va ofri anlè nan lafimen tout belye a sou lotèl la; li se yon ofrann brile a SENYÈ a; li se yon sant ki dous; yon sakrifis pa dife pou SENYÈ a.
19 Then have Aaron and his sons place their hands the head of the other ram.
“Alò ou va pran lòt belye a, e Aaron avèk fis li yo va poze men yo sou tèt belye a.
20 Slaughter the ram, and put some of its blood on the right earlobes of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Splash the rest of its blood all around the altar.
Ou va touye belye a, ou va pran kèk nan san li e mete li sou tèt zòrèy adwat Aaron, sou tèt zòrèy dwat a fis li yo, sou pous men dwat yo, nan gwo zòtèy pye dwat yo, e flite rès san an toutotou lotèl la.
21 Take some of the blood from the altar and some of the anointing oil and sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothes, and on his sons and their clothes. Then he and his clothes will be made holy, likewise his sons and their clothes.
Ou va pran kèk nan san ki sou lotèl la ak kèk nan lwil onksyon an, e ou va flite li sou Aaron ak sou vètman li yo, sou fis li yo ak sou vètman ki pou fis li yo avèk li. Konsa li menm va vin konsakre; li menm, avèk vètman li yo avèk fis li yo, ak vètman a fis li yo.
22 Take the fat from the ram, including the fat of its broad tail, the fat covering the intestines, the best parts of the liver, the two kidneys with their fat, as well as the right thigh (because this is a ram for ordination).
“Ou va anplis pran grès belye a, grès ki nan ke a, ak grès ki kouvri zantray li yo, gwo mas grès ki sòti nan fwa a, de ren yo avèk grès ki sou yo a ak grès ki sou kwis dwat la (akoz ke se yon belye pou òdonasyon an),
23 Also take one loaf of bread, one cake of bread made with olive oil, and one wafer from the basket of bread made without yeast that is in the Lord's presence.
Epi yon gato pen avèk yon gato nan pen ki mele avèk lwil la, ak yon galèt ki sòti nan panyen pen san ledven an ki devan SENYÈ a.
24 Give all of them to Aaron and his sons to wave before the Lord as a wave offering.
Ou va mete tout sa yo nan men Aaron ak men a fis li yo, e ou va balanse yo anlè tankou yon ofrann balanse devan SENYÈ a.
25 Then take the different breads back and burn them on the altar on top of the burnt offering to the Lord to be accepted by him.
Ou va pran yo sòti nan men pa yo, e ou va ofri yo anlè nan lafimen sou lotèl la, tankou yon bagay ki santi bon devan SENYÈ a: li se yon ofrann pa dife pou SENYÈ a.
26 Take the breast of the ram of Aaron's ordination and wave it before the Lord as a wave offering. This is the part you can keep.
“Epi ou va pran vyann pwatrin belye a ki pou òdonasyon Aaron an, e ou va balanse li anlè tankou yon ofrann balanse devan SENYÈ a. Li va pòsyon pa w.
27 Set apart for Aaron and his sons the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the offering that is lifted up, both taken from the ram of ordination.
“Ou va konsakre pwatrin ofrann balanse a, kwis ofrann ki te voye anlè a, ki te balanse e ki te ofri kòm belye òdonasyon an, sila ki te pou Aaron an, ak sila ki te pou fis li yo.
28 From now on whenever the Israelites lift up peace offerings to the Lord, these parts will belong to Aaron and his sons forever as a regular share from the Israelites.
Li va pou Aaron avèk fis li yo kòm pòsyon pa yo jis pou tout tan; li va sòti nan fis Israël yo, paske se yon ofrann voye anlè ke li ye. Li va yon ofrann voye anlè sòti nan fis Israël yo, sòti nan sakrifis ofrann lapè pa yo, menm ofrann anlè bay SENYÈ a.
29 The holy garments that Aaron has will be passed down to his descendants, so they can wear them when they're anointed and ordained.
“Vètman sen ki pou Aaron yo va pou fis li yo apre li, ke nan yo, yo kapab onksyone e òdone.
30 The descendant who succeeds him as priest and enters the Tent of Meeting to serve in the Holy Place must wear them for the seven days of his ordination.
Pandan sèt jou sila pami fis li yo ki vin prèt nan plas li, li va mete yo sou li lè l ap antre nan tant reyinyon an pou fè sèvis nan lye sen an.
31 Take the ram of ordination and boil its meat in a holy place.
“Ou va pran belye òdonasyon an e ou va bouyi chè li nan yon lye sen.
32 Aaron and his sons are to eat the ram's meat, and the bread that is in the basket, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,
“Aaron avèk fis li yo va manje chè belye a ak pen ki nan panyen ki nan pòtay tant reyinyon an.
33 They are to eat the meat and the bread that were part of the offerings that symbolized the forgiveness required for their ordination and dedication. No one else may eat them, because they are holy.
Konsa yo va manje bagay sa yo pa sa ke ekspyasyon te fèt nan òdonasyon ak konsekrasyon yo; men yon etranje pa pou manje yo, paske yo sen.
34 If any of the meat of ordination or any bread remains until the morning, burn what's left. It must not be eaten, because it's holy.
Si yon bagay nan chè òdonasyon an oswa, yon pen rete jis rive nan maten, ou va brile rès la avèk dife. Li p ap manje, akoz li sen.
35 This is the process you are to follow for Aaron and his sons, observing all the instructions I have given you. It will take seven days to ordain them.
“Konsa ou va fè pou Aaron ak fis li yo, selon tout sa ke Mwen te kòmande ou yo. Ou va òdone yo pandan sèt jou.
36 Every day you are to sacrifice a bull as a sin offering for forgiveness. When you do this the altar needs to be purified. Anoint it to make it holy.
“Chak jou ou va ofri yon towo kòm ofrann ekspyasyon pou peche. Ou va pirifye lotèl la lè ou fè ekspyasyon pou li. E ou va onksyone li pou l kab vin konsakre.
37 For seven days you shall purify the altar and consecrate it. Then the altar will become completely holy, and everything that touches the altar will become holy.
Pandan sèt jou ou va fè ekspyasyon sou lotèl la, e ou va konsakre li. Konsa lotèl la va pi sen, e nenpòt sa ki touche li va sen.
38 You are to offer two lambs that are a year old on the altar, daily and continually.
“Alò, se sa ke ou va ofri sou lotèl la: de jèn mouton avèk laj de zan, chak jou san rete.
39 In the morning offer one lamb, and offer the other one in the evening before it gets dark.
Premye jèn mouton an, ou va ofri li nan maten e lòt jèn mouton an, ou va ofri li nan aswè lè l fenk kòmanse fènwa;
40 With the first lamb also offer a tenth of an ephah of best quality flour, mixed with a quarter of a hin of olive oil, and a drink offering of a quarter of a hin of wine.
epi va genyen yon dizyèm efa (22 lit) farin fen, mele avè l yon ka in (22 lit) nan lwil ki bat, ak yon ka nan in (22 lit) diven kòm yon ofrann bwason avèk yon jèn mouton.
41 Then offer the second lamb in the evening, with the same grain and drink offerings as in the morning, a burnt offering to the Lord and accepted by him.
Lòt jèn mouton an, ou va ofri li nan aswè lè l fenk kòmanse fènwa. Ou va ofri avèk li menm ofrann sereyal, e menm ofrann bwason tankou nan maten an pou yon bagay ki santi bon, yon ofrann pa dife vè SENYÈ a.
42 These burnt offerings will be made continually for all generations at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting in the Lord's presence. I will meet you there to speak with you.
“Li va yon ofrann brile nan tout tan pou tout jenerasyon nou yo, nan pòtay tant reyinyon an devan SENYÈ a, kote Mwen va reyini avèk nou, pou pale avèk nou la a.
43 I will meet with the Israelites there, and that place will be made holy by my glory.
“Mwen va reyini la avèk fis Israël yo, e li va vin konsakre akoz glwa Mwen.
44 In this way I will dedicate the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and I will dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me as priests.
Mwen va konsakre tant reyinyon an ak lotèl la. Mwen va osi konsakre Aaron ak fis li yo pou sèvi kòm prèt pou Mwen.
45 Then I will live with the Israelites and be their God.
“Mwen va vin rete pami fis Israël yo e Mwen va Bondye pa yo.
46 They will know that I am the Lord their God, who led them out of Egypt, so that I could live with them. I am the Lord their God.
Yo va konnen ke Mwen menm se SENYÈ a, Bondye pa yo ki te fè yo sòti nan peyi Égypte la, pou M ta kapab rete pami yo: Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye pa yo a.”

< Exodus 29 >