< Exodus 24 >
1 The Lord told Moses, “Come up to the Lord—you and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of Israel's elders. You are to worship at a distance.
Moysi quoque dixit: Ascende ad Dominum tu, et Aaron, Nadab et Abiu, et septuaginta senes ex Israël, et adorabitis procul.
2 Only Moses may approach the Lord—the others must not come near. The people may not go up the mountain with him.”
Solusque Moyses ascendet ad Dominum, et illi non appropinquabunt: nec populus ascendet cum eo.
3 Moses went and told the people all the Lord's instructions and regulations. They all responded together: “We will do everything the Lord says!”
Venit ergo Moyses et narravit plebi omnia verba Domini, atque judicia: responditque omnis populus una voce: Omnia verba Domini, quæ locutus est, faciemus.
4 Moses wrote down everything the Lord had said. He got up early the following morning and built an altar at the bottom of the mountain, and set up twelve pillars for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Scripsit autem Moyses universos sermones Domini: et mane consurgens, ædificavit altare ad radices montis, et duodecim titulos per duodecim tribus Israël.
5 Then he sent out some young Israelite men who went and offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as peace offerings to the Lord.
Misitque juvenes de filiis Israël, et obtulerunt holocausta, immolaveruntque victimas pacificas Domino, vitulos.
6 Moses put half of the blood into bowls, and sprinkled the other half on the altar.
Tulit itaque Moyses dimidiam partem sanguinis, et misit in crateras: partem autem residuam fudit super altare.
7 Then he picked up the Book of the Agreement and read it to the people. They replied, “We will do everything the Lord says. We will obey.”
Assumensque volumen fœderis, legit audiente populo: qui dixerunt: Omnia quæ locutus est Dominus, faciemus, et erimus obedientes.
8 So Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, and said, “Look, this is the blood of the agreement that the Lord has made with you following these terms.”
Ille vero sumptum sanguinem respersit in populum, et ait: Hic est sanguis fœderis quod pepigit Dominus vobiscum super cunctis sermonibus his.
9 Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of Israel's elders climbed up the mountain,
Ascenderuntque Moyses et Aaron, Nadab et Abiu, et septuaginta de senioribus Israël:
10 and they saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a tiled pavement made of lapis lazuli, as clear blue as the sky itself.
et viderunt Deum Israël: et sub pedibus ejus quasi opus lapidis sapphirini, et quasi cælum, cum serenum est.
11 But God did not harm the leaders of Israel—they saw him, and they ate and drank a sacred meal.
Nec super eos qui procul recesserant de filiis Israël, misit manum suam, videruntque Deum, et comederunt, ac biberunt.
12 Then the Lord told Moses, “Come up the mountain to me, and stay here, so I can give you the stone tablets, with the instructions and commands I have written for them to learn.”
Dixit autem Dominus ad Moysen: Ascende ad me in montem, et esto ibi: daboque tibi tabulas lapideas, et legem, ac mandata quæ scripsi: ut doceas eos.
13 So Moses left with Joshua his attendant and climbed up the mountain of God.
Surrexerunt Moyses et Josue minister ejus: ascendensque Moyses in montem Dei,
14 He told the elders, “Stay here and wait for us to return. Aaron and Hur are with you. If anyone has a problem, they can talk with them.”
senioribus ait: Expectate hic donec revertamur ad vos. Habetis Aaron et Hur vobiscum: si quid natum fuerit quæstionis, referetis ad eos.
15 As Moses climbed up on the mountain, the cloud covered it
Cumque ascendisset Moyses, operuit nubes montem,
16 The Lord's glory came down on Mount Sinai, covering it for six days. On the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from inside the cloud.
et habitavit gloria Domini super Sinai, tegens illum nube sex diebus: septimo autem die vocavit eum de medio caliginis.
17 To the Israelites the Lord's glory looked like a burning fire on the top of the mountain.
Erat autem species gloriæ Domini quasi ignis ardens super verticem montis in conspectu filiorum Israël.
18 Moses went into the cloud as he climbed up on the mountain, and he stayed on the mountain for forty days and nights.
Ingressusque Moyses medium nebulæ, ascendit in montem: et fuit ibi quadraginta diebus, et quadraginta noctibus.