< Exodus 23 >

1 “You must not spread stories that are lies. You must not help bad people by giving evidence that's malicious.
A poeyoek kah olthang khuen boeh. Kuthlahnah kah laipai la om ham halang neh na kut hlaengtang boeh.
2 Don't follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give evidence in a lawsuit, don't corrupt justice by siding with the majority.
Boethae dongah tah hlangping hnukah khaw om boeh. Kaengyai taengah hlangping neh kaengyai ham tuituknah dongah doo boeh.
3 Don't show favoritism to poor people in their legal cases either.
Tattloel long khaw a tuituknah dongah n'hiin boel saeh.
4 If you come across your enemy's ox or donkey that has wandered off, take it back it to him.
Na thunkha kah vaito khaw, a laak khaw a kho a hmaang te na hmuh atah amah taengla mael rhoe mael puei.
5 If you see the donkey of someone who hates you that has fallen under its load, don't just leave it there. You must stop and help.
A taengah na tlo-oeng la na tlo-oeng mai cakhaw, na lunguet kah laak te a hnorhih dangah a kol te na hmuh atah anih taengah na tlo-oeng te khaw toeng laeh.
6 You must not prevent the poor from getting justice in their lawsuits.
Na taengkah khodaeng te a tuituknah dongah a laitloeknah phaelh pah boeh.
7 Don't have anything to do with making false accusations. Don't kill the innocent or those who do right, for I won't let the guilty go unpunished.
A honghi olka lamloh lakhla lamtah halang he ka tang sak pawt dongah ommongsitoe neh aka dueng khaw ngawn boeh.
8 Don't accept bribes, for a bribe blinds those who can see, and undermines the evidence of the honest.
Kapbaih khaw lo boeh, kapbaih loh miktueng khaw a dael sak tih a dueng ol khaw a paimaelh.
9 Don't abuse foreigners living among you, since you know very well what it's like to be foreigners, for you were once foreigners in Egypt.
Yinlai khaw nen boeh, Egypt kho ah yinlai la na om van dongah yinlai kah hinglu te namah dongah ming puei.
10 Six years you are to sow your land and harvest crops,
Na khohmuen te kum rhuk tawn lamtah a vueithaih khaw coi.
11 but in the seventh year you are to let it rest and leave it uncultivated, so that poor people may eat what grows naturally from the field and the wild animals can finish what's left. Follow the same procedure for your vineyards and olive groves.
Tedae a kum rhih te hmil lamtah haai sak. Te daengah ni na pilnam khodaeng loh a caak vetih a noi te khohmuen mulhing loh a caak eh. Na misurdum ham na olive ham khaw te te saii.
12 You have six days to do your work, but on the seventh day you must stop working, so that your ox and your donkey can rest, and your slaves' families can catch their breath, as well as the foreigners living among you.
Hnin rhuk khuiah na bibi te saii lamtah a rhih hnin ah duem dae. Na vaito neh na laak khaw duem vetih na salnu kah a ca neh yinlai khaw a thasai ni.
13 Make sure to pay attention to everything I've told you. Don't think to call on the names of other gods—you must not even mention them.
Nangmih taengah a cungkuem la ka thui te ngaithuen uh. Pathen tloe rhoek kah a ming khaw phoei uh boeh. Na ka dongah ya uh boel saeh.
14 Three times every year you are to celebrate a feast dedicated to me.
Kum khat ah kai ham khotue voei thum lam uh.
15 You are to observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread as I instructed you. You are to eat bread without yeast for seven days at the appropriate time in the month of Abib, because that was the month you left Egypt. No one can come before me without bringing an offering.
Nang kan uen bangla vaidamding khotue te tuem uh lamtah hnin rhih khuiah vaidamding ca uh. Egypt lamloh na hlah uh vaengkah Abib hla te khoning la om vetih ka mikhmuh ah kuttling la ha phoe boel saeh.
16 You are also to observe the Festival of Harvest when you present the firstfruits of the produce from what you've sown in the fields. Lastly you are to observe the Festival of Gathering-In the Harvest at the end of the year, when you gather in the harvest of the rest of your crops from the field.
Khohmuen na tawn te na bibi dongkah thaihcuek, cangah khotue neh kum boeih kah khohmuen lamloh na bibi na khoem vaengah cangyom khotue om ni.
17 Every Israelite male is to come before the Lord God at these three times every year.
Na khuikah tongpaca boeih tah kum khat ah voei thum Boeipa Yahovah mikhmuh ah phoe saeh.
18 You must not offer the blood of my sacrifices together with anything that contains yeast, and the fat from the offerings presented at my festival must not be left until morning.
Kai kah hmueih thii te tolrhu neh nawn boeh. Ka khotue kah maehtha khaw mincang duela rhaeh boel saeh.
19 Bring the best firstfruits of your crops to the house of the Lord your God. Don't cook a young goat in its mother's milk.
Na khohmuen kah thaihcuek tanglue te na BOEIPA Pathen kah im la khuen. Ma-ae ca te a manu suktui neh thong boeh.
20 Look, I'm sending an angel ahead of you to protect you on the way and to take you to the place I've prepared for you.
Longpuei ah nang aka ngaithuen ham neh ka hmoel hmuen hil nang aka khuen ham na mikhmuh ah puencawn kan tueih coeng ne.
21 Make sure you pay attention to him and do what he says. Don't oppose him, because he won't forgive rebellion, for he carries my authority.
A mikhmuh ah ngaithuen lamtah a ol te hnatun. Anih te veet boeh, kai ming he a khui ah om coeng tih nangmih kah boekoeknah te duen mahpawh.
22 However, if you listen to him carefully, and do everything that I tell you, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and I will fight those who fight against you.
A ol te na hnatun rhoela na hnatun tih ka thui te boeih na ngai atah na thunkha te ka thunkha nah vetih nang aka daengdaeh te ka dum van ni.
23 For my angel will go ahead of you and take you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out.
Ka puencawn he nang hmai ah pongpa vetih nang te Amori neh Khitti taengla, Perizzi neh Kanaan taengla, Khivee neh Jebusi taengla n'thak vetih amih te ka thup ni.
24 You must not bow down to their gods or worship them or follow their pagan practices. No, you must demolish their idols and smash their sacred pillars into pieces.
Amih kah pathen taengah bakop boel lamtah amih taengah thothueng boeh. Amih kah khoboe bangla saii boeh. Te rhoek te koengloeng rhoe koengloeng lamtah a kaam te phaek la phaek pah.
25 You are to worship the Lord your God, and he will bless your food and water. I will make sure none of you fall sick.
BOEIPA na Pathen taengah tho na thueng daengah ni na buh neh na tui khaw a yoethen vetih na khui lamkah tlohtat te kang khoe eh.
26 No woman will have a miscarriage or be without children. I will make sure you live long lives.
Na khohmuen ah thangyah neh caya khaw om pawt vetih na khohnin kah a tarhing te ka cup sak ni.
27 I will send terror about me ahead of you which will throw every nation you meet into panic. I will make all your enemies turn and run away.
Kai taengkah mueirhih te na hmai ah ka tueih vetih a taengla na thoeng thil pilnam boeih te ka khawkkhek ni. Na thunkha boeih te nang taengah a rhawn ka duen sak ni.
28 I will send hornets ahead of you to drive out before you the Hivites and Canaanites and Hittites.
Nang mikhmuh ah khoingal te ka tueih vetih Khivee, Kanaan neh Khitti te na mikhmuh lamloh ka haek ni.
29 I will not drive them out in just one year, because the land would become desolate and you would have to deal with increased numbers of wild animals.
Kum khat nen tah na mikhmuh lamloh anih te ka haek mahpawh. Khohmuen te khopong la om vetih na taengah kohong mulhing pung aih ve.
30 Bit by bit I will drive them out ahead of you, until there are enough of you to take possession of the land.
Na pungtai hil na mikhmuh lamloh bet bet ka haek daengah ni khohmuen te na pang eh.
31 I will fix your borders from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will hand the inhabitants of the land over to you, and you will drive them out.
Na khorhi te carhaek tuipuei lamloh Philisti tuipuei duela, khosoek lamloh tuiva duela kan suem bitni. Khohmuen kah khosa rhoek te na kut ah kam paek vetih amih te na mikhmuh lamloh ka haek ni.
32 You must not make any agreement with them or with their gods.
Amih taeng neh amih kah pathen taengah paipi saii boeh.
33 They must not be allowed to stay in your land, otherwise they will lead you to sin against me. For if you worship their gods, they will definitely become a trap for you.”
Na khohmuen ah khosa uh boel saeh, kai taengah na tholh ve. A pathen taengah tho na thueng atah na taengah hlaeh la poeh van ni.

< Exodus 23 >