< Exodus 22 >

1 “Anyone who steals an ox or a sheep and kills or sells it, he must pay back five oxen for one ox and four sheep for one sheep.
Eger birsi bir kala yaki qoyni oghrilap, uni soysa ya sétiwetse, u bir kalining ornigha besh kala, bir qoyning ornigha töt qoy tölisun.
2 If a thief is discovered breaking into someone's house and is beaten to death, no one shall be guilty of murder.
Oghri tam teshkende tutulup qélip, tayaq yep ölüp qalsa, öltürgüchige xun jazasi kelmisun.
3 But if it happens during daylight, then someone is guilty of murder. A thief must pay everything back that's stolen. If he doesn't have anything, then he must be sold to pay for what was stolen.
Lékin shu weqe bolghan peytte kün chiqip qalghan bolsa, undaqta öltürgüchi xun jazasigha tartilsun. Oghri oghrilighinini tölep ziyanni toluqlap bérishi kérek; uningda bir néme bolmisa, qulluqqa sétilip, oghrilighan nersini tölishi kérek.
4 If what was stolen is a live animal he still has, whether it's an ox, donkey, or sheep, he must pay back double.
Oghri tutulghanda oghrilighan nerse, kala bolsun, éshek bolsun, qoy bolsun uning qolida tirik halette tépilsa, u ikki hesse qimmette tölep bersun.
5 If livestock are grazing in a field or vineyard and their owner lets them stray so that they graze in someone else's field, the owner must pay compensation from the best of their own fields or vineyards.
Eger birsi öz mal-charwilirini étizliqqa yaki üzümzarliqqa otlashqa qoyuwétip, bashqilarning bagh-étizliqida otlashqa yol qoysa, undaqta u özining eng ésil mehsulatliridin yaki üzümzarliqining eng ésil méwisidin ziyanni tölep bersun.
6 If a fire is started and it spreads to thorn bushes and then burns stacked or standing grain, or even the whole field, the person who started the fire must pay full compensation.
Eger ot kétip, tikenlikke tutiship kétip, andin önchilerni, bash tartip pishqan ziraetni köydürüp, pütkül étizliqni kül qiliwetse, undaqta ot qoyghuchi barliq ziyanni tölep bersun.
7 If someone gives his neighbor money or possessions to be kept safe and they are stolen from the neighbor's house, if the thief is caught they must pay back double.
Eger birsi qoshnisigha pul yaki mal-dunyasini amanet qilghan bolsa, bular öyidin oghrilinip ketse, shundaqla oghri kéyin tutulsa, u oghrilighinini ikki hesse qimmette tölep bersun.
8 If the thief isn't caught the owner of the house must appear before the judges to find out whether he took his neighbor's property.
Lékin oghri tépilmisa, öy igisining qoshnisining méligha qol tegküzgen ya tegküzmigenliki melum bolsun dep, hakimlarning aldigha keltürülsun.
9 If there's an argument over the ownership of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or anything that was lost that someone says, ‘This is mine,’ both parties are to bring their case before the judges. The one whom the judges find in the wrong must pay the other back double.
Herxil xiyanet, u meyli kala, éshek, qoy, kiyim-kéchek bolsun, yittürüp qoyghan nerse bolsun, ular toghruluq bir qoshnisi: «emeliyette mundaq idi» dep talashqan bolsa, her ikkisining dewasi hakimlarning aldigha keltürülsun; hakimlar qaysigha gunah békitse, shu qoshnisigha ikki hesse qimmette tölep bersun.
10 If someone asks a neighbor to look after a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any other animal, but it dies or is injured or is stolen without anybody noticing,
Eger birsi qoshnisigha éshek, kala, qoy yaki bashqa bir charpayni amanet qilsa, bu amanet méli kishi körmey ölüp ketse, yaki zeximlense, yaki heydep ekitilse,
11 then an oath must be taken before the Lord to decide if the neighbor has taken the owner's property. The owner must accept the oath and not demand compensation.
undaqta qoshnisining méligha qol tegküzgen ya tegküzmigenliki melum bolsun dep, Perwerdigarning aldida ularning otturisida bir qesem ichürülsun. Mal igisi bu qesemni qobul qilsun; qoshnisi uninggha tölem tölep bermisun.
12 However, if the animal really was stolen from the neighbor, he must compensate the owner.
Lékin mal oghrilan’ghan bolsa, u igisige tölep bersun.
13 If it was killed and torn to pieces by a wild animal, the neighbor shall present the carcass as evidence and does not need to pay compensation.
Eger uni wehshiy haywan boghup qoyghan bolsa, u malning qalduqini guwahliq üchün körsitip, uni tölep bermisimu bolidu.
14 If someone borrows a neighbor's animal and it's injured or dies while its owner is not present, they must pay compensation in full.
Eger birsi qoshnisidin bir ulaghni ötne élip, ulagh igisi yoq yerde zeximlense yaki ölüp qalsa, ötne alghuchi toluq tölep bersun.
15 If the owner was present, no compensation is to be paid. If the animal was hired, only the hire charge needs to be paid.
Lékin igisi neq meydanda bolsa, ötne alghuchi tölep bermisun; ulagh ijarige élin’ghan bolsa, alghuchi tölem tölimisun; chünki uni ijare tölep ekelgen.
16 If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the full bride-price for her to become his wife.
Eger bir adem téxi yatliq bolmighan bir qizni azdurup, uning bilen bille yatsa, undaqta u uning toyluqini bérishi kérek, andin uni xotunluqqa alsun.
17 If her father adamantly refuses to give her to him, the man still must pay the same amount as the bride-price for a virgin.
Lékin qizning atisi uni uninggha bergili unimisa, zina qilghuchi pak qizlarning toyluqigha barawer kélidighan kümüsh pulni tarazida ölchep bersun.
18 You must not allow a woman who practices witchcraft to live.
Jaduger xotunni tirik qoymighin.
19 Anyone who has sex with an animal must be executed.
Haywan bilen jinsiy munasiwet ötküzgen herbiri jezmen ölümge mehkum qilinsun.
20 Anyone who sacrifices to any other god than the Lord must be set apart and executed.
Kimdekim birdinbir Perwerdigardin bashqa herqandaq ilahgha qurbanliq sunsa, haram dep mutleq halaketke mehkum qilinsun.
21 You must not exploit or mistreat a foreigner. Remember that you yourselves were once foreigners in Egypt.
Silermu Misirda musapir bolup turghanikensiler, musapir bolghan kishini héch xarlimanglar we yaki uninggha héch zulum qilmanglar.
22 You must not take advantage of any widow or orphan.
Herqandaq tul xotun yaki yétim balini xorlimanglar.
23 If you mistreat them, and they call out to me for help, I will definitely respond to their cry.
Sen ularni herqandaq terepte xorlisang, ular manga peryad kötürse, Men ularning awazini choqum anglaymen;
24 I will become angry, and I will kill you with the sword. Your wives will become widows and your children will be fatherless.
shuning bilen ghezipim tutiship, silerni qilichlap öltürimen, silerning xotunliringlar tul qilinip, baliliringlar yétim bolup qalidu.
25 If you lend money to any of my people because they're poor, you must not behave as a moneylender to them. You must not charge them any interest.
Eger sen Méning xelqimning ichidin sanga qoshna bolghan kembeghelge qerz bergen bolsang, uninggha jazanixorlardek muamile qilmighin; uningdin ösüm almanglar.
26 If you require your neighbor's cloak as security for a loan, you must return it to him by sunset,
Eger sen qoshnangning chapinini görüge alghan bolsang, kün olturmasta uninggha yandurup ber.
27 because it's the only clothing he has for his body. What would he sleep in otherwise? If he calls out to me for help, I will listen, for I am considerate.
Chünki chapini uning birdinbir yépinchisi bolup, bedinini yapidighan kiyim shudur. U bolmisa, u némini yépinip yatidu? Bu sewebtin Manga peryad qilsa, peryadini anglaymen; chünki Men shepqetlikturmen.
28 You must not despise God or curse your people's leader.
Xudagha kupurluq qilma, we xelqingning emirlirinimu qarghap tillima.
29 You must not hold onto the required offerings of your produce, olive oil, and wine. You must give me the firstborn of your sons.
Xaminingning hosulining ashqinidin we sharab-zeytun méyi kölchikingdin tashqinidin Manga hediye sunushni hayal qilmighin. Sen oghulliringning tunjisini Manga atighin.
30 You must also give me the firstborn of your cattle, sheep, and goats. They can stay with their mothers for their first seven days, but give them to me on the eighth day.
Kala bilen qoyliringning tunji balilirinimu hem shundaq atighin; tunji bala yette kün’giche anisi bilen bille tursun; emma sekkizinchi küni uni Manga atap sun’ghin.
31 You are to be holy people to me. You must not eat any animal carcass that you find in the countryside that has been killed by wild animals. Throw it to the dogs to eat.”
Siler Manga atalghan muqeddes kishiler bolisiler; shunga dalada yirtquch haywan teripidin boghulghan haywanning göshini yémenglar, belki uni itlargha tashlap béringlar.

< Exodus 22 >