< Exodus 2 >

1 It was around this time that a man from the tribe of Levi married a woman, also a Levite.
Leviyne nasılıkene sa cühüt'ee, cune nasıleençe cusda xhunaşşe hee'e.
2 She became pregnant and had a son. She saw he was a lovely baby, and she hid him for three months.
Mana vuxhne ayxu mang'us dix uxu. Uşax micagda g'acu, məng'ee man uşax xheyible vazna dyugul ha'a.
3 But when she couldn't hide him anymore, she got a papyrus basket and covered it with tar and pitch. Then she put her baby in the basket and placed it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.
Mançile hexxada dyugul ha'as dəxəmee, məng'ee q'amışeke hav'una ç'emç'e alyapt'ı, çilqa g'ır qadğu, uşaxıd caqa gixhxhı Niline mıglek alyadıyne q'amışeeqa giyxhe.
4 His sister waited some distance away, keeping an eye on him.
Uşaxık hucooyiy ixhesva ileeka, uşaxna yuçu sik'irra şaqana ileezar.
5 Then Pharaoh's daughter arrived to bathe in the Nile. Her ladies-in-waiting were walking along the bank of the river. When she saw the basket among the reeds, she sent her maid to get it and bring it to her.
Fironna yiş əyeexərasva damaysqa geeç'e, cen guluxçerıb damayne mıglek ı'ğviykar vooxhe. Məng'ı'k'le q'amışee ç'emç'e g'ooce. Mana alyapt'as cena guluxçiy g'ıxeele.
6 When she opened it she saw the baby boy. He was crying and she felt sorry for him. “This must be one of the Hebrew boys,” she said.
Ç'emç'eyn ghal ulyot'ulmee məng'ı'k'lee maa uşax gece. Gade geşşe g'acuys, məng'ı'na rəhı'm qabı eyhen: – İn cühüt'yaaşin uşaxıd.
7 His sister asked Pharaoh's daughter, “Would you like me to go and find one of the Hebrew women to nurse him for you?”
Manke uşaxne yuçee fironne yişşeke qiyghanan: – Yiğnemee hark'ın mana gyoqa'asda cühüt'yaaşina sa zəiyfa ayrene?
8 “Yes, go and do that,” she replied. So the girl went and called the baby's mother to come.
Fironne yişşee məng'ı'k'le «Hiyek'neva» eyhe. Yuçee hark'ın uşaxna yed ayreele.
9 “Take this baby boy and nurse him for me,” she told his mother. “I will pay you myself.” So his mother took him home and nursed him.
Fironne yişşee məng'ı'k'le eyhen: – İn uşax alyat'u yizdemee gyoqe'e. Mançil-alla zı vas hək' qevles. Zəiyfee uşax alyaat'u cene xaa gyoqa'an.
10 When the boy was older she took him to Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son. She called him Moses, because she said, “I pulled him out of the water.”
Uşax xət qıxhamee, məng'ee mana qıkkekana fironne yişşesqa. Fironne yişşee mana dixvalis alyarat'a. Məng'ee uşaxın do Mısa (qığavhuna) gixhxhı eyhen: – Zı mana xhinençe qığavhu.
11 Later, when Moses had grown up, he went to visit his people, the Hebrews. He saw them doing hard labor. He also saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.
Mısa xər qıxha cune xınıbışisqa hark'ınmee, mang'uk'le, cune milletın nimee yı'q'na işiy haa'ava g'ecen. Mang'uk'le maa'ar, cuna xını cühüt misirğançeng'vee geta g'ece.
12 He looked all around to make sure no one was watching, and then he killed the Egyptian and buried his body in the sand.
Hiqiy-alla ilyakkı vuşucar g'idecumee, Mısee mana misirğançena gik'u g'umeeqa dyugulya'a.
13 The following day he went back and he saw two Hebrews fighting with each other. He said to the one at fault, “Why are you beating one of your own people?”
Qinne yiğıl mang'uk'le q'öyre sana-sang'uka aldaxhvanan cühüt'yar g'ooce. Mang'vee getang'uke qiyghanan: – Nya'a ğu yiğne milletna insan geta?
14 “Who put you in charge to judge us?” the man replied. “Are you going to kill me like you did the Egyptian?” Moses became frightened at this, and said to himself, “People know what I've done!”
Mane insanee eyhen: – Şavaane vake yişda xərnayiy şas məhkama ha'ana hı'ı? Şena misirğançena gik'uyn xhinne, deşxhee, vas zınarne gik'as ıkkan? Mısa qərq'ı'n culed-alqa eyhen: – Mıts'an, zı hı'iyn ats'axhxha ixhes.
15 When Pharaoh found out, he tried to have Moses killed, but Moses ran away from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian. One day as he was sitting by a well,
Fironuk'le Mısee hı'iyn g'ayxhımee mana gik'as ıkkiykan. Mısa fironuke hixu, Midyan eyhene ölkeeqa qarı sa kahrızne k'ane axva.
16 and the Midianite priest's seven daughters came to fetch water to fill up the troughs so their father's flock could drink.
Yiğbışde sa yiğıl Midyanaaşine kaahinna yighıyre yiş dekkıne vəq'əbışis xhyan helesva maqa abayle. Manbışe kahrızeençe xhyan alqı'ı nəybı (axurbı) gyats'a'a eyxhe.
17 Some shepherds arrived and chased them off, but Moses intervened and rescued them, and watered their flock.
Maqa qabıyne çobanaaşis içer g'eheebşes vukkiykan. Mısayk'le man g'acu, içeeşineme vuç ögeeqa huvu manbışin vəq'əbı xhinen ats'ya'anbı.
18 When they got home, their father Reuel asked them, “How did you get back so quickly today?”
İçer cone dekkısqa Reuelisqa sapk'ılmee, mang'vee qiyghanan: – Nya'a şu g'iyna zaraba sapk'ıl?
19 “An Egyptian rescued us from some shepherds who attacked us,” they replied. “Then he even fetched water for us so the flock could drink.”
Manbışe eyhen: – Misirğançene sang'vee yişdemee vuc ögiylqa huvu, şi çobanaaşine xılençe g'attivxhan hav'u. Qiyğa mang'vee yişdemee yişin vəq'əbı ats'esın xhyan kahrızeençe alqı'ı.
20 “So where is he?” Reuel asked his daughter. “You didn't just leave him there, did you? Go and invite him to eat with us!”
Mang'vee yişşaaşike qiyghanan: – Mana insan nyaane vor? Nya'a şu mana g'alerçu? Qot'le, arı şakasana kar oxhnecen.
21 Moses agreed to stay with the man, who arranged for his daughter Zipporah to marry Moses.
Manbışer Mısa cong'ə qoyt'alna. Dekke eyhen: – Mısa, şing'əəcar axve. Mısaysır ıkkiykanna manbışəəng'ə axvas. Sabara gah ılğevç'uyle qiyğa, mang'veeyir Mısays cuna yiş Tsippora xhunaşşe yixhecenva heele.
22 She had a son, and Moses named him Gershom, for he said, “I'm an exile living in a foreign country.”
Məng'ee Mısays dix uxu. Mısee eyhen: – Zı menne cigeençe qarına xhinne axva vor Mançil-alla mang'vee duxayn do Gerşom (menne cigayna) giyxhe.
23 Years later, the king of Egypt died. But the Israelites were still groaning under their hard labor. Their cries for help because of their hardship reached God.
Ooğançe geed senbı ılğeeç'uyle qiyğa Misirna paççah qek'ana. İzrailybışe nukariyvalee uts'ur ts'ıts'a'a, kumag heqqa eyxhe. Manbışe ts'ıts'a'an nukariyvaleedın uts'ur Allahık'le g'eceniy vod.
24 God heard their groans, and recalled his agreement with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Allah manbışe ts'ıts'a'ane uts'uruqa ilyakka-ilyakka İbrahimıka, I'saq'ıka, Yaaq'ubuka hav'una mugaavile yik'el qavalyaa'a.
25 God also looked sympathetically on the Israelites, and was concerned for them.
Allahık'le İzrailybı nukarar vuxhay g'acu manbışilqa rəhı'm qavayle.

< Exodus 2 >